Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 225: Inviting people to join the gang

In September 1028, the Wessen army on the expedition arrived near the city of Nuremberg by land, and then boarded a ship and sailed up the river back to the city of Wesenberg. The port outside the city was filled with people welcoming their relatives.

Frederick stood on the side of the ship with others and kept waving to the crowd on the shore.

Suddenly, his face turned dark.

Nowadays, Wesson's clothing has begun to be suit-oriented. After absorbing traditional clothing styles, decorated suits suitable for young people have appeared, but the colors and patterns are simpler and brighter.

However, among the crowd today, there is a group of people wearing ancient silk and colorful clothes.

The clothes are all made of fine silk from the Kingdom of Sardinia. The embroidery is complex and exquisite. I am afraid that others will not know how many pieces I have worn. The sleeves, collar and front are all exposed layer by layer, and the color of each piece is unique. no the same.

The clothes are just that, each of their necks are covered with various gold chains, and their fingers are covered with gold rings.

Frederick thought to himself, it's over. Why are Manuel, Omet and the others so crazy today? The reputation of Weisenberg University is gone.

He soon understood what was going on. These guys were here to greet Monnartz and Fritz, two old colleagues.

Monnarz and Fritz met Frederick after they were discovered by former students of the Royal University in Hanma City. Frederick entertained them with delicious food and drinks and invited them to return to Wesson.

But when they got off the boat, they were a little dizzy by the group of guys who maliciously showed off their wealth.

Monnartz asked All Might: "How much money did you... cheat from Duke Wesson? Can you sleep at night?"

All Might replied with a smile: "This is not the place to talk. Let's go to my house. I've prepared a home-cooked meal."

Monnarz was an old friend with him, so he was polite and said, "Then I'll bother you for a few days."

"Let's go." All Might said proudly, "The car is over there."

Monnartz and Fritz were confused when they saw the car. Fritz asked All Might, "Is this a new magic puppet you made?"

All Might said humbly: "This was invented by the principal and made by that boy Schmidt. I was just helping out."

At this time, Frederick, who was not far away, also looked confused and meowed. These guys used a 20-horsepower tractor to pull a carriage. This was his special car.

Ah Fu was already waiting aside and opened the car door for the master.

Frederick walked into the carriage. The interior space was about the same as that of a van, but more spacious than that of a carriage.

"Welcome home!"

Maria was in the carriage, looking at Frederick with a smile.

Frederick sat next to her, held her over and rubbed his face. Maria's face suddenly turned into a red apple.

"I hate it!" Maria was just a child, "Sister Psyche will laugh."

Psyche sat down opposite them and said calmly: "You can pretend I don't exist."

At this time Afu also came in and began to report to Frederick the recent situation in the territory.

On the other side, at All Might's house, Monnarz looked at the sumptuous dinner in front of him and couldn't help but said: "This... is too sumptuous!"

Fritz also said: "We really feel bad about spending so much money."

There was a roasted whole cow lying on the dining table. There was an apple biting into the cow's mouth, with cherries for its eyes. There were a circle of fresh vegetables around it, several of which they had never seen before, and they must not be cheap.

Manuel smiled and said to them: "Don't underestimate Ogilvy. He is the richest among us who came here from Constantbul. The second richest is BASF. You can't think of it." .”

Monalz smiled and said: "Sage, please stop joking. You are talking about the BASF who stepped on the slime and fell down. How could he be richer than you?"

Fritz also nodded in agreement. Manuel was a powerful necromancer and was now the vice-president of the university. How could his annual salary be lower than that of a daredevil?

All Might said to the two of them: "Don't underestimate the vice-chancellor. There's no telling who will be second between him and BASF."

Now I can't deal with those two people.

"Okay, okay," Diesel said, "Everyone, please take your seats. I'm the poorest now."

Julius also said: "Yes, I haven't eaten meat for several days. I will starve to death if we don't start the feast."

After everyone sat down, Omet's wife began to share the food for everyone, and Omet said: "Don't listen to Diesel and Julius's nonsense. They enjoy the personal protection of Lord Richard Nar's direct disciples. We all There is no such treatment.”

Monnartz said in surprise: "How did you fool Duke Wesson?"

Fritz also said: "All Might can use the golem puppet to deceive Duke Wesson. What about the others? Teach me."

Everyone present laughed, leaving the two of them baffled.

All Might has a very good relationship with Monnartz. Monnartz is an alchemist who studies steel, and he has collaborated with him a lot in the past.

"We all earn money based on our own skills." Omet said while eating. "I am the Minister of Industry in the territory. I cooperate with the principal to produce elemental metals, machine tools, and calculators. The annual dividends are very high."

"BASF now produces slime glue, and the dividends are almost catching up with me."

"Vice-Principal Manuel is now selling milk, concentrated soup, canned food, etc. The business is not as good as usual."

"Matthias and Monoflo are the Minister of Agriculture and the Deputy Minister of Agriculture. One of them sells magic-enhanced seeds, and the other breeds livestock and sells seedlings and feed. They also make a lot of money."

"Friedrich is now making life-saving medicine, but the investment is huge, so the final profit does not seem to be high."

"Diesel and Julius are working for the army, so I won't say more."

Omet told everyone here how to get rich, which made both Monnartz and Fritz forget to eat.

Manuel continued: "We don't talk so much between us. The principal hopes that you can turn your knowledge into gold coins at Weissenburg University and here in Weissenburg, just like us."

Monnarz thought for a while and said: "I am researching steel that will not rust. The investment is not small. I don't know when it will be successful."

Ogilvy raised his glass to him and said, "I am the Minister of Industry, and I am in charge of steel smelting. I can guarantee that your experimental funds are guaranteed, and if you have results, you can get the same dividends as us."

Manuel also raised his glass and said: "If you are willing to be a professor at Weisenberg University, you can get a house like Ogilvy's. If you are the dean of a college, your annual salary is 300 florins. We can Your family members will come to pick you up."

Monnarz thought for about ten minutes, and finally raised his glass to join everyone in a toast.

Scholars like them are not immortals who can't eat the smoke and fire of the world. Many of them study in order to live a better life.

But when they returned from a trip to the east, the school was gone and they had no place to live, so it was different for whomever they worked for.

What's more, there are many acquaintances here, and Omet is an official here. Diesel and Julius must have the power to do things easily for the army.

After everyone put down their glasses, Fritz laughed at himself: "Oh... I chose the wrong direction, otherwise I would have made a lot of money."

"Unlike now, I don't think Duke Wesson would let me make artificial urine to drown the enemy."

His research direction was a bit biased, and as a result, the intermediate and final products he produced smelled like urine when dissolved in water, so he was nicknamed the "Urine Alchemist".

At this time, Matthias said to him seriously: "Fritz, we talked with the principal about your research results, and I sent someone to Constantbul to find your family to get some of the white crystals you left behind. Come back and do experiments according to the principal's guess."

"I haven't reported the experimental results yet, but they have already met the principal's expectations. According to the principal's habits, I will definitely cooperate with you to build the factory."

"Really?" Fritz asked doubtfully, "What's the use of that thing?"

Matthias replied: "Fertilizer, it's a good fertilizer."

Fritz shook his head and said with a smile: "I heard on the ship that you can strengthen the seeds to increase production, so why do you need that little fertilizer?"

"Why not?" Matthias became serious. "People have to eat, and plants also have to eat. Neither humans nor plants can eat magic elements."

"I used your samples for experiments. Wheat production can be increased by more than 20%, golden bean production can be increased by about 10%, and some vegetables can be increased by almost 30%."

Fritz exclaimed in surprise: "So many!"

His mind was a little messed up. He had never thought of using his achievements in planting before. Instead, he tried to use them as poison.

At this time, Ogilvy said to him: "I can arrange a set of alchemy equipment for you, and you can make some more. Once it is ready, it will be tested by Mathias immediately. If it succeeds, we can prepare to build a factory."

Fritz himself was unsure, so he said, "Well, I'll try and see if you can lend me some money as start-up funds. But it's getting cold now, so we have to wait until next year to plant plants."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone laughed.

Manuel said to him: "You come to our school first. The school has an emergency fund from which we can allocate some for you to do experiments."

Mathias continued: "Don't worry about the planting experiment. You can grow vegetables here in winter. I will arrange several vegetable greenhouses for you tomorrow. You can go and take a look with me."

Fritz understood what Manuel meant, but he didn't understand what Mathias was talking about.

"Okay." He finally said, "I'll take a position in the school and get paid first."

Then everyone raised their glasses together.

The conversation that followed was much more relaxed. At this time, someone asked them: "I heard that you were in great poverty when you arrived at Hanma City. What was going on?"

Fritz said depressingly: "Alas, Prince Casimir of the Piast Kingdom lost miserably last year. This year he went to rob the Ant people in the east, and we escaped in a hurry."

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