Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 226 Inspection of Waterworks

"Good morning, Lord Digger."

Maria greeted Frederick and covered her mouth and laughed.

Frederick went over and pinched her nose gently, making her open her teeth and claws to hit someone. This time it was Frederick's turn to laugh.

Maria asked him while eating breakfast: "Where are we going today?"

Frederick picked up the Weissenburg chicken roll in front of him and studied it for a moment. While eating, he said, "I'm going to the construction site of the water plant later. Do you want to go?"

Maria naturally nodded in agreement.

I don’t know what Philip thought, or he heard some rumors or rumors, and sent Maria over for the winter.

Frederick has a lot to do lately.

This year is the first year of Wesson's first five-year plan. The construction plan formulated last year has begun to unfold. As a result, he has been away from home for most of this year. Now that he is back, he has to inspect the work in various places.

It’s just that few people in this era have the experience of presiding over large-scale construction, and problems of all sizes continued.

For example, Weissenburg City is now half paralyzed.

Frederick wanted to build a water supply system in Weissenburg, so he naturally had to lay pipes.

It’s just that all parties lacked experience in organizing large-scale construction. They rushed forward in a huff, and the road was dug. However, the capacity of the water pipes and the magicians working as welders were limited, so many trenches could only wait there empty.

Not even a carriage can go on this road. There is a story circulating in the city. A man drank when he went to the city to buy things. After drinking too much, he told others that the road conditions were like this, even if the big robbers who roamed the Rhine River came. You have to find a proper job because you can't run away.

People didn't know who should bear the blame, so they pushed it upward, so Duke Wesson became the "Duke of Digging."

Frederick was more tolerant of the matter and regarded it as payment of tuition, allowing various departments to further coordinate and come up with a practical construction plan as soon as possible to ensure that the project was completed well and quickly.

After breakfast, Frederick took Maria, a group of relevant people and reporters from the "Weisenberg Daily News" to the mountains south of Weisenburg City.

This ten-kilometer-wide mountainous area has been designated as a water source nature reserve. There are only two places in it, the Wesson Family Cemetery and Heijia Fort. In the future, only the water plant and the water plant between the north of the mountain and Weisenberg City will be added. Peach blossom stone style garden.

The water plant was built next to a reservoir near the cemetery. The reservoir was formed by the collapse of a river valley by teachers and students of Weissenburg University.

At present, the water plant is still a construction site. The main facilities have been built, but only ancillary facilities such as office buildings and dormitories and landscaping are missing.

The water plant was designed by Frederick, who was not very confident in the water purification methods of this era, so it was a bit complicated.

The entire water plant is built according to the mountainous terrain, and all water flows by itself without the need for water pumps.

Lake water enters the water plant through three covered canals. There are several gratings from coarse to fine in the canals to remove debris. Finally, there is even a wavy screen that can be used to sift flour, all of which adopt a Y-shaped filter design. Easy to clean.

Water flows from the pool into the collection pool, and there is necromancy magic at the bottom of the pool for sterilization and disinfection. Such disinfection equipment is available in many links.

There is a traditional waterwheel beside the water channel flowing out from the water collection tank. It drives a screw rod and can automatically throw alum as a flocculant into the water channel.

The water with alum added flows into the folded plate flocculation tank. There are partitions on the left and right sides of the tank to allow the water to turn left and right. At the beginning, the distance between the partitions is small and the water flow rate is high, so that the alum and water are fully mixed. Later, The distance between the partitions gradually increases and the water flow slows down, allowing the dissolved alum to gradually form large alum flowers in the water to absorb impurities in the water.

After the water flows out of the flocculation tank, it flows evenly and slowly into the advection sedimentation tank through a distribution tank, which is like a long swimming pool.

The flow rate of water here is very slow, showing a stable laminar flow. In the vertical direction, the water in the upper and lower layers will not flow with each other. After the alum flowers settle down, they will not be brought up by the current.

The other section of the sedimentation tank is composed of several overflow troughs, which take away the clear water from the uppermost layer.

Then the water flows into the filter tank. The top of the tank is fine sand, and the bottom is coarse sand and stones, which can filter out the remaining small impurities in the water.

The filtered water can enter the clear pool with the disinfection magic circle, and finally enter the water supply network everywhere through the water pipes.

Some of the water will flow into a pool, which contains some fish that are sensitive to changes in water quality. If the fish has problems, the water supply will be stopped immediately.

When Frederick came here, he asked the person in charge: "What if the fish dies of old age?"

The person in charge was stunned for a moment, obviously not thinking about this problem, and finally said: "It is better to stop the water first, and then restore it after figuring it out."

Frederick nodded with satisfaction and said over his shoulder: "Yes, work hard. In the future, there will be water plants not only here."

The person in charge heard the meaning behind it and immediately said excitedly: "Thank you principal for your cultivation!"

Frederick walked to the edge of the water plant, where two water supply main pipes with a diameter of 1 meter were buried.

These water pipes are all made of cast iron and coated with a thick layer of slime glue to prevent them from rusting.

Maria covered her nose with her free hand. Someone was boiling asphalt nearby. The smell was not pleasant.

There are asphalt mines here. Now asphalt is only used for medicine and ship anti-corrosion. These pipelines need to be treated with "three oils and two cloths" anti-corrosion treatment with asphalt and linen cloth when buried.

Frederick said to Omet, who accompanied the inspection: "I didn't expect you to catch up. I thought centrifugal casting would take a long time."

Ogilvy replied proudly: "It's not enough. The mold is too short to limit the size of the pipe. It would be nice if we could make longer pipes at one time."

"Small tubes are very popular now, and orders have been scheduled for next year. The factory will expand its scale next year."

"I'm a little worried about whether someone will buy the pipes and use them to make our weapons."

Frederick smiled, shook his head and said, "It's okay, they made theirs and we made ours."

"How's the water meter production going?"

To get tap water, of course, you need to read the water meter, and this matter has been arranged for a long time.

Ogilvy said with some embarrassment: "The rotary water meter is theoretically successful, but the accuracy is still a little bit low. They now have directions for improvement and should be able to make it next year."

Frederick just nodded. It seemed that the problem was not a big deal, but as long as he didn't go into a dead end, it would be fine.

They were at a high place and could see the city of Weissenburg and several water towers being built in the city.

Frederick thought for a while and said: "As for the water plant, let's gain experience here first. Don't rush to build it elsewhere, but you can choose the address first."

"The city of Nuremberg was built last, and disobedient children had no water to drink."

He said this without avoiding the others and was clearly angry.

According to the First Five-Year Plan, the already lagging glass manufacturing industry in Nuremberg will be concentrated, and after industrial upgrading, it will form a scale advantage to occupy the entire market.

As a result, the bosses made good promises at the beginning and were willing to use their own glass workshops to invest in new large-scale glass factories.

Of course Frederick would not tolerate them, so he would do it himself, and the same was true for the wool textile industry.

"By the way," Frederick thought of another thing, "Have Monnartz and Fritz made arrangements?"

Ogilvy replied immediately: "Monnarz arranged for him to be in the smelting plant and approved a set of special equipment for him. The raw materials can be used at will. Fritz's experimental equipment is almost ready, and the experiment can start in a few days."

Frederick nodded and said: "If they have results, they will publicize them in newspapers. I will go and have a look at that time, hoping to attract more scholars."

The rapid development of Weisen State was indispensable for the efforts of many scholars, but Frederick still couldn't tolerate too many and tried every means to get more people to come.

All Might knew what he was thinking, so he said: "This summer, those flame magicians held a seminar at the university to officially declare the end of phlogiston theory."

"We can't help those high-level talents, but we also took the opportunity to recruit a group of middle-aged scholars with profound knowledge, which has enriched the university's strength."

Frederick smiled and said: "You did a good job."

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