Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 227 Gu, then lend me some money

Chapter 227 Gu~ Then lend me some money

On the carriage leaving the water plant, Maria asked Frederick: "Why do you have to deliver water to the city from so far away?"

Frederick thought to himself, I can't tell you that I have seen a set of data in my previous life. In 1958, one of the three villages with more than 1,000 people in Tianjin had a simple water plant. The villages with water plants had the highest incidence of enteritis, typhoid fever, and dysentery. The prevalence rate is 11.3%, and the other two villages are 16.66% and 19.2% respectively.

So he thought for a while and explained to Maria in plain language what microorganisms in nature are all about.

This gave him an idea, whether the organization could publish a set of popular knowledge books such as "One Hundred Thousand Whys", and use easy-to-understand language and pictures to popularize relevant knowledge to children like Maria.

The next day, Frederick did not take Maria out for inspection because the place he was going to go that day was not theoretically safe.

"Gu~ kill me!"

Although the girl complained, she still skillfully carried a steel rail on her shoulders and walked towards the roadbed paved with stones.

At this time, Belle Burke's long hair was cut to shoulder length. She was wearing a burlap jumper like other prisoners of war, with thick cushions sewn on her shoulders. She could not tell that she was a girl from the Earl's family.

Frederick's appearance caused a commotion at the railway construction site. Last year's war had spread here. These prisoners of war looked at the man in front of them with fear, fearing that he would catch them and stew them.

Only Belle Burke pouted, pretending not to notice, and continued to move the rails from the carriage to the sleepers and put them in place.

Frederick sneered, pointed to her foreman in this section and said, "That woman successfully caught my attention and asked her to wait for me in my carriage."

After saying that, he asked someone to give him a ruler and personally measured whether the dimensions of the road bed, sleepers and rails were up to standard.

Here is the railway from Weissenburg to the city of Hausen in the northwest via the Oak City on the canal. In the future, it will be further extended to the city of Reichardt, which is the former city of Ansbach.

This railway is 1.5 meters wide in one step. It is planned to use a 50-horsepower locomotive, which can pull 5 to 6 carriages at a time and transport 120 to 150 tons of cargo at a speed of more than 30 kilometers per hour.

According to the plan, every town in Weissensee will be connected to railways, forming a railway network to promote transportation development in various regions.

The construction of the railway will proceed with the expansion of Frederick's territory. Wherever the golden double-headed eagle flag is planted, the railway will be built.

Now there are signs of troubled times on the east bank of the Elbe River, and the Osmaga Empire seems to be unstable internally. Otherwise, they would not have remained on the defensive in Bohemia after Casimir's defeat. Otherwise, they would have been able to attack Bohemia by that time. The large basin of Himia reached the territory of the Piast Kingdom. Frederick felt that after the First Five-Year Plan, initial expansion could be carried out. After developing several five-year plans to consolidate the territory, it would not be a problem to reach the North Sea coast.

Frederick randomly selected a few places for measurement and found that they were basically qualified. He announced with satisfaction that everyone would add chicken legs to the meal tonight.

He glanced at a few corpses hanging on wooden poles not far away and said to the foreman: "Take them and bury them, they are an eyesore."

When he returned to the carriage, Tony drove everyone around him away.

Belle Burke was waiting in the car, and Frederick asked her curiously: "I heard that you had a fight a while ago?"

"Yes." Belle Burke nodded, "There was a woman who came here with her daughter to find her husband. Her husband had died long ago, so she worked in the kitchen with the fellow villagers. There were some trash who wanted to fuck her daughter, and I happened to be nearby. , when you hear the sound, go over and kill them."

Belle Burke has been through serious knight training since she was a child. After working for two years, her physical strength and vitality have improved. Three or five ordinary mercenaries really can't deal with her.

Frederick took out a towel from a box nearby and wet it with water to wipe her face. At the same time, he said: "I am a person who has made great achievements. You have performed a major meritorious service. You can go home now."

After wiping the sweat from her face and neck, Belle Burke shook her head and said, "I have no shame in going back. Even if I could go back in the past, I can't go back now."

Frederick asked strangely: "Why can't I go back?"

Belle Burke glared at him fiercely and said: "Last year when I went shopping for groceries, I met Baron Adikon. He told everything about you and my family's business. Now everyone thinks I am your lover." , if I go back like this, I will be regarded as being disliked by you, do I still have the face to see others?"

Frederick asked her with a black line, "Then what are you going to do next?"

Belle Burke looked Frederick up and down, nodded and said: "You are quite good-looking now that you have grown up a little. I don't mind being your lover. An annuity of three to five hundred florins is enough. Only this kind of person deserves it." Your identity.”

Frederick felt a vein on his forehead when he heard this, but he quickly calmed down and said coldly: "I don't care for idlers."

Unexpectedly, Belle Burke shook her head, laughed softly and said, "You may not know that Madam's social circle is a very important circle. You can get a lot of useful information. I am worth the price."

"Not interested." Frederick shook his head, "You might as well continue building the railway here, at least you won't starve to death."

Belle Burke pouted and said, "Then you lend me some money and do me a few favors. I can support myself and pay back the money soon."

Frederick was noncommittal and just let her talk.

"First of all," said Belle Burke, "make it clear that I am your mistress."

Frederick glared at her with black hair and said, "You're going to blackmail me over this matter to no end, right?"

Belle Burke did not answer, and continued to say seriously: "I have seen the cooking vehicles used by your army. I want to buy one. I will buy five first, and then I will buy the rest when I have money."

"Now those prisoners of war who are building the railway have their wives as cooks. I will recruit them to work for me."

"Nowadays, when building railways, we often change places. Every time we change, we have to dismantle the kitchen and rebuild it, which is very troublesome. It is convenient to have a cooking car like that. You can follow the construction site."

"At that time, I could pay for three meals at a construction site. If I paid more, I could purchase it directly from the village. The price would be much cheaper, and I would earn more."

"I found out that there are many prisoners of war who are willing to stay and work in the future. By then I have already recruited many of their wives. It will be easy to recruit them again."

"At that time, you must hire someone to do the work. Skilled people like them must be much better than novices. As your mistress, I naturally don't have to worry about someone taking the job away."

After hearing this, Frederick was silent for a long time, and his eyes towards Belle Burke became sharp.

"You look very smart." Frederick asked her again, "Why do you always think you want to be my mistress?"

Belle Burke shrugged and said calmly: "When I was first captured, if I hadn't told you that I was of high status, you would definitely ask me to be your mistress in the future, and you could get a lot of money by handing me over to you cleanly. Bonus, I would have been thrown into the mountain by those people."

"Do you really think this is paradise? It was only because I saw it that day that I saved one person. Do you know how many others I didn't see?"

"A widow died last month. It was the guards who did it. Anyway, no one came forward and the matter was settled."

Frederick frowned tightly when he heard this.

Belle Burke continued: "Just wait, wait until there is trouble, and your territory will be full of bandits."

The corners of Frederick's mouth twitched, and then he sighed deeply.

Belle Burke seemed to want to vent something, and then said: "Do you think I really like you, so I want to be your mistress? I just don't want to be fucked to death. Seeing that you are quite handsome is not a loss. I."

After hearing this, Frederick became thoughtful, and after a moment he said to her: "I will ask the Minister of Police, Dominic, to come to you tomorrow. You are familiar with the things you just mentioned, and you can talk to those people. You can help Dominic." Once this matter is taken care of, I’ll give you a sum of money to do what you want to do.”

Belle Burke didn't have any happy expression, she just said lightly: "Thank you. By the way, spray me some of your perfume."

It is traditional for aristocrats to spray perfume, which can also prevent mosquitoes.

Frederick naturally followed the Romans, but he didn't have the habit of making a human-shaped sachet whenever and wherever possible, so he didn't take it with him.

He thought Belle Burke wanted to prevent mosquitoes, so he said, "I didn't bring it with me. I'll have it delivered later."

Belle Burke pouted and said, "I don't have the smell of your perfume on me and it will be exposed as soon as it comes out, so you can rub it for me."

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