Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 228 Seeking help

On the last day of October, the morning came later and later. Frederick got up early under the influence of his biological clock, and then fell asleep again.

During this period of time, he inspected everywhere and was very satisfied with the results. Every place was running well. Although there were still many problems, they were within control. He didn't have to worry so much and only needed to control the overall situation.

Now he can sleep peacefully and wait for the opening ceremony of the Carolina Canal on November 11, Harvest Festival.

He didn't know how long he had slept, but he felt someone crawling onto the bed and pinching his nose, as if to wake him up.

Frederick closed his eyes, picked up the prankster and rubbed his face.

Maria screamed and reached out to tickle him.

"Get up!" Maria cried, "Mother is here."

"Ah?!" Frederick was startled, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

He rubbed Maria's face twice more, then got up to get dressed and wash up.

In the living room, Sofia said to Frederick with a smile: "I'm sorry to disturb your rest."

Maria ran to sit down next to her mother and whispered: "He was snoring just now."

Frederick immediately said: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, I was lazy today."

After he finished speaking, he looked at a strange young man in the living room. This man was in his early twenties. He had the same black hair as Sophia and her daughter, and his eyes were as deep as the moonless night sky. He was wearing a purple robe with a waist tie. Gold belt.

Sofia introduced him: "This is Prince Dragaces, my distant nephew. He has something to ask you for help. I am only helping to introduce you. Whether I can help or not is up to you."

Then the Prince of Dragaces said to Frederick in a very authentic Constantbulian accent: "It is a great honor to meet you, Duke Wesson. Your achievements are like the morning star in the sky. Respect it.”

Frederick also greeted him politely in the same authentic Pulan language, and after a conversation, he understood who the other party was.

It has been four or five years since the Constantbulo Incident. Manuel, Omet and others escaped at that time. In the end, a warlord named Phocas became the emperor of the Dongpulan Empire. This man even extorted money. Frederick.

Many people in the previous royal family died in the turmoil. Dragaces, as the son of the late emperor, escaped death because he was out of town at the time.

Now he found Frederick through distant relatives, with a simple purpose: to restore the country.

Dragaces spoke in a deep voice about the various atrocities committed since Phocas usurped the throne. Kidnapping and extortion were still common operations. Taxes had been levied. Two hundred years later, he found an opportunity to kill all the original nobles of the Dongpulan Empire, and the fiefdoms were given to his own. cronies.

He finally said: "I want to defeat the false emperor, regain my homeland, and save the people. I hope Duke Wesson can help me."

Frederick just listened with an expressionless face, thinking quietly, without rushing to express his position.

Although this person was recommended by his future mother-in-law, his goals were too ambitious. Seeing that he needed to be introduced showed that he was weak and could easily be regarded as a liar.

Frederick judged that he came here just to ask for a donation. No one knew whether the money was used for the restoration of the country.

Dragaces did not look down on Frederick because of his age. Although some people said that there was someone behind him, there must be something special about being able to bounce around in the front desk for so long.

In the past few years, he had approached many nobles on the northern shore of the Inland Sea to ask for help, but in the end all he got was perfunctory promises and a few gold coins.

Now that he had saved a little money, his biggest hope was that Frederick could sell him some weapons.

Frederick thought to himself that for the sake of his future mother-in-law, he could just give him a little money and send him away. There were so many losers in political struggles in the world, and how many people were waiting for revenge. If they all came to him, it would be troublesome. This money might as well be used to support painters who are in dire straits.

Seeing that Frederick didn't mean to give a clear answer, Dragaces thought that he thought he had no money, so he said: "The royal family has a restoration treasure hidden in the underground library of the Royal Library in Constantbul. I didn’t know the existence of this treasure, but I went to see it with my father ten years ago. It requires the sealing magic lock to be unlocked in a specific time and in a specific order before it can be opened."

"I hereby implore Duke Wesson to lend a helping hand. I will repay you once I regain Constantbulo."

Frederick tried to calm down his expression, but his heart suddenly "thumped".

Psyche "picked up" a lot of gold and silver from the library's underground stacks, and now they have been made into gold and silver coins. Could they be someone else's treasure for the restoration of the country?

Frederick thought again that they had emptied the underground stacks of other libraries, and it seemed that it was not impossible for Dragaces to ask them to return the books.

After receiving so many benefits from others, it seemed that I couldn't help him anymore. Frederick thought of an excuse and said sincerely: "It is my unshirkable responsibility to support His Highness the Prince's just cause. For privately, Phocas once Blackmailed me, we have a common goal in this matter."

Dragaces was very happy after hearing this. Hearing what he said, there must be something interesting, and he would probably get a sum of money, and then he could make a request to buy weapons.

However, what Frederick said next frightened him.

"Wesson's army is about to expand." Frederick said, "Our task within a few years is to expand and reorganize the army, and we will no longer go to war abroad."

"I can form an army of about 2,000 people for His Highness the Prince. The equipment and training of this army are the same as those of the Wesson Army. You will prepare the people yourself. I will be responsible for the equipment, logistics and instructors. I will donate the military salary to you. You distribute it, and you are also responsible for all command and personnel."

"According to the plan, Wesson's army will go to the area east of the Elbe River as a mercenary next year to do business of hunting monsters. If His Highness the Prince is willing, he can go with him."

Dragaces quickly calmed down from the shock. The military assistance that Frederick mentioned went beyond ordinary moral support. Since he was not familiar with him, there might be something hidden behind it.

He asked Frederick solemnly: "So, what's the price?"

Frederick replied: "I take the Venetian's place."

Dragaces thought seriously after hearing this.

The Venetians and the royal family refused to deal with it for commercial reasons, so they planned for many years to trigger a rebellion. They finally obtained a huge duty-free port area and took a big bite out of Constantbulo's main income.

Dragaces thought that he had nothing now, and there was no way to obtain resources without giving something, so he said cautiously: "I will give you a fiefdom."

After hearing this, Frederick smiled. A duty-free zone and a fiefdom were two different things, but he still agreed. After all, the matter was unclear and it was too early to talk about the details.

Sooner or later he would reach into the inland sea, and if he succeeded in supporting Dragaces' restoration, he would gain an important stronghold in Constantbul where he would speak much louder.

Dragaces stood up and saluted Frederick and said: "Thank you for your generosity. Now there are many people in Constantbul who are dissatisfied with the false emperor. I will send people back to recruit people."

There are still some people around him who remain loyal to the royal family, but the number is less than half a hundred. If he wants to form an army, he can only go back and look for the opposition.

Frederick smiled and said: "There is no need to rush this matter. Let's stay and participate in the opening ceremony of the Carolina Canal. You can also go to Weisenberg University, where there are many teachers and students from Constantbul." Maybe you can find help.”

Dragaces smiled a little embarrassedly. He did have those people in mind, but he was afraid that Frederick would be angry, so he only planned to secretly poach people. Unexpectedly, Frederick allowed him to recruit people.

Frederick is naturally not worried. Many people in Weissenburg University are interested in money. Currently, only Weissenburg can use their abilities, and they will probably donate money.

It doesn't matter if someone comes to mess with Dragaces. After all, there is a relationship like the university, which can deepen the friendship and cooperation between the two parties.

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