Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 230 Rejection of Application

"Wow, you are much taller!"

"This one is longer!"

"It's bigger than I've seen before!"

On a snowy day, Frederick took everyone to the greenhouse to measure the fruits and vegetables with new fertilizers.

For Maria, every time she goes to the vegetable greenhouse, it's like going to an amusement park and she has a lot of fun.

Susan, who came from the south of the Inland Sea, couldn't stand the winter here and was preparing to hibernate at home. Maria still caught her and played with her.

This winter, Adikon's crew was conducting weapons training and selecting new crew members in Wesson. Lilu was also there, and was also caught by Maria to play with.

Now, like others, they are measuring the data of fruits and vegetables in several greenhouses.

Mathias arranged several greenhouses, using wooden boards to separate the soil where the growing vegetables and fruits were grown. One side was fertilized and the other was not fertilized for comparison.

The effect of the new fertilizer is obvious. In just one month, the gap between the two sides has emerged.

Especially for green leafy vegetables such as local bear leeks and imported chicken feathers, the leaves after fertilization obviously grow better than those without fertilization.

Even Fritz, who made these fertilizers, was surprised by the obvious comparison.

"I didn't expect it." Fritz was dumbfounded. "After studying alchemy for so many years, I actually found gold in the fields."

Dragaces was invited to visit. He also knew these professors and sighed: "I am ashamed to say that I have laughed at you before. I didn't expect that the person who should be laughed at the most is myself."

Bank president Giovanni was also invited. Now that Frederick had delegated power, the president had the power to veto large loans. He immediately understood that his boss was going to let the bank lend money to build a factory.

Out of work responsibilities, he said aside: "If the economic and usage costs of using this fertilizer can increase the user's income in the end, the bank can provide a loan sufficient to build a factory after review."

In Giovanni's view, increasing production after fertilization is a good thing, but if the cost of fertilizing is lower than the profit from increased production, then whoever buys it is a fool.

Fritz already knew that he could make a lot of money here, but those in charge of the money should not be fooled. He had already written a plan with the help of other entrepreneurs.

He told Giovanni: "I have done cost accounting and depreciation of equipment accounts for a large part of the cost of producing this fertilizer."

"If we can get enough investment at once and use larger equipment, the production efficiency and factory efficiency will be much better than using small equipment."

He then explained to Giovanni that producing fertilizer was like cooking something in a pot. The bigger the pot, the more things could be produced at one time.

For example, the diameters of three spherical autoclaves are 1 meter, 2 meters and 3 meters respectively. Their material usage ratio is 1:4:9, but their internal capacity ratio is 1:8:27.

So the initial investment may seem like a lot, but the more you invest, the more money you actually save.

Giovanni sounded very reasonable.

Frederick kept smiling on the side, but he was meowing in his heart. Fritz and Ogilvy did not realize that small batch production in the laboratory was one thing, and final industrial production was another.

Neither the spherical kettle nor the autoclave is a problem, but when combined with the "direct 3 meters", it becomes a big problem. There are many problems to be solved in the design, manufacturing and related accessories. If we really want to build it, it can be said that in this era A miracle for industry.

Therefore, Frederick had completely rejected their plan in his mind. The manufacturing of high-pressure vessels was not only a matter of taking too big a step and breaking the eggs, but also causing a "big mushroom smoke".

The statistics of the fruits and vegetables in the greenhouse were completed before lunch. The expected yield increase benefit exceeded the cost of fertilization many times, proving the investment value.

Early the next morning, Fritz, led by Ogilvy, went to the Wesson Bank headquarters to submit a loan application. The bank's loan department said that the matter would be handled on a special basis and sent a dedicated person to hand the application all the way up. Finally, at It was delivered to Frederick's desk before leaving get off work that day.

All Might kept inquiring about the progress, and arrived at Frederick's office at the right time. He watched the loan application being finally signed while discussing other issues. If he had any questions, he answered them on the spot.

Frederick received the application form from Vanessa, opened it, read it calmly and carefully, and finally wrote in his own column on the first page of the form, "The step is too big and it will tear the egg."

Although there is no "nonsense" or "nonsense" here, everyone can see what he means.

Vanessa took the application and took it to the bank person to take back.

Ogilvy didn't see Frederick's comments. He only knew that the application had been signed by the leader. He thought it must be successful, so he left on the pretext of getting ready to get off work.

When Vanessa came back, All Might had left, and there was only Frederick in the office. He leaned back in the chair and looked a little tired.

"Sir," Vanessa poured him a cup of hot milk tea, "Why do you write such comments?"

In all her years of working, this was the first time she had seen such an outlandish comment.

Frederick did not answer, but asked her: "Have you dated Schmidt recently?"

Vanessa blushed slightly and put the tea cup on the table before answering: "Tonight he and I will take Liebherr to the street to buy things. Liebherr wants to give a gift to Katharina."

There were many people named Katharina. Frederick was not sure for a while. After asking, he realized that she was the youngest daughter of the "God of Burning" Becher. She now teaches at Weisenberg University and is researching steam engines and Thermal airship heating system.

"It's her." Frederick took a sip of hot milk tea, "I remember that a grandson of the Grand Duke of Mainz was pursuing her."

"So what." Vanessa said, "Catherina doesn't like that young man, she likes people like scholars."

After hearing this, Frederick just nodded. Under normal circumstances, it was not easy for him to interfere in this matter.

He didn't care about gossip and said to Vanessa: "You can talk to the two of them tonight about the criticism just now."

The next day, Fritz came to Omet's office as soon as he got the refunded loan, and saw him and his students sitting there sadly, seemingly discussing something difficult.

"Are you kidding me?" Fritz threw the loan application in front of All Might angrily, "You want me to embarrass myself in front of Duke Wesson?"

All Might's brows were furrowed as he glanced at the loan application.

Naturally, there was no internal bank form on the application, so I couldn't see what Frederick wrote.

"It's my fault." All Might sighed, "I didn't communicate well with the principal."

Schmidt said on the side: "I thought about it all night. The principal asked the secretary to pass the approval to us. He must be worried that we cannot produce such large high-voltage equipment. If these equipments malfunction, big problems will occur. "

"What should we do?" Fritz asked with a dark face.

"Try to change the application." All Might said to him, "Maybe we set the goal too high. Maybe it can be lower."

Schmidt also said: "I think the problem lies here. When we were studying steam engines and tractors, the principal emphasized one thing. Production needs to be done step by step, and we must gradually accumulate experience from small to large."

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