Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 231 Building a nest to attract the phoenix

Winter is coming, and the rivers and lakes in Wesson are frozen.

There was some excitement on the ice this year. Some of the crew brought by Baron Adikon came from the dark land of the north. During their break, they tied two wooden sticks to the soles of their feet and skated on the ice. This method soon became popular in Wesson. Castle became popular.

"Let's go skating together..."

On a rare occasion, Maria took Frederick to play in the study.

Frederick hugged her over and rubbed her face, then shook his head slightly and said, "You go and play, I have something else to do."

Maria pouted and left. After a while, a person walked into the study. If you didn't pay attention, you would have thought it was a small white bear.

Susan, who was evolving towards hibernation, walked in, looked at Frederick with her big golden watery eyes, and said timidly: "Will you go skating with us?"

Frederick smiled and stretched out his hand to pinch her little nose, and then said: "You guys go and play, I want to write something. Be careful not to freeze. I don't know the weather here or in the south."

Susan returned without success, and Lilu came next. Without saying a word, she took Frederick's arm and started to walk out.

Of course she couldn't pull him away, but Frederick pulled her over and rubbed his face. She was so embarrassed that she punched Frederick twice and ran away.

The study finally became quiet, and Frederick continued to write furiously.

After a while, Psyche came in. Frederick was startled and asked, "Are you playing with them too?"

Psyche said seriously: "I was bribed by them with sesame candy. What are you busy with? It's rare that it's not snowing today and the weather is nice."

Frederick replied: "I have discovered a serious problem and I am going to solve it now."

"Talk about it." Psyche seemed to have forgotten what she was here for. She poured two cups of hot milk tea and took it over before sitting down at the table.

Frederick stopped writing and asked: "Have you heard that they want to build a spherical autoclave with a diameter of 3 meters?"

Psyche nodded and waited for the next step.

Frederick picked up his cup of milk tea, took a sip, and said in a deep voice: "This incident reminded me that the rapid development in the past two years has made people too optimistic. I used to just walk, but recently I started running, and the speed It’s much faster than walking, so some people think that as long as they work harder, they can run faster than the sound on two legs.”

"I asked the bank to compile a list of industrial loans that did not require my signature this year. There are many similar problems."

"The final analysis of such a phenomenon is that we have too few talents and cannot keep up with development."

"Although Ogilvy and others have made achievements in one aspect, they are not omniscient and omnipotent, and their ability is insufficient when dealing with projects that require multi-disciplinary support."

"Just like this time, he and others did not do calculations on the design of the high-pressure vessel and just piled materials on, and ended up not piling enough."

Psyche listened to him quietly and then asked: "So, you want to recruit more talents?"

Instead of answering the question, Frederick asked her: "What do you think science is?"

After hearing this, Psyche rolled her eyes at him and said angrily: "After all, I have received nine years of compulsory education, so I am not a fish out of the blue."

Frederick asked her with a smile: "Did you get the three best students?"

Psyche replied proudly: "I got a wall."

"I kind of understand what you mean." She returned to the original topic, "In many worlds like your hometown, there are indeed many people who put the cart before the horse and believe that nuclear weapons and electronic computers are equal to science. However, those are just symbols of the achievements of scientific development. product of sex, not science itself.”

"Science is an orderly knowledge system based on testable explanations and predictions about the form and organization of objective things. It is a knowledge system with truth."

"There are people who sometimes have trouble turning their heads after traveling to the magical world. They don't realize that since magic can be taught and developed, it means that it is a kind of knowledge that has been systematized and formulated. This is also one of the characteristics of science itself. .”

"Currently, experiments are considered here to be a process of careful observation, description and classification. Most of the experiments involve adding more water to the surface or adding more water to the surface and then obtaining new results. There is a lack of induction and summary, let alone the use of mathematical tools."

"What, you want to be bacon?"

Frederick nodded after taking a sip of hot milk tea. It was really convenient to have someone who understood his thoughts to talk to.

Francis Bacon believed that experience should be regarded as the only real source of knowledge, and then use thinking to organize experience.

Now someone had taken the first step, and Frederick wanted to finish the rest.

"What do you want to do?" Psyche asked him with interest, "Publish another book?"

Frederick shook his head and said seriously: "I want to build an Academy of Sciences, an Academy of Sciences that has nothing to do with politics or beliefs, and only focuses on scientific research."

Psyche smiled and said: "What a big ambition. Among other things, the first leader of this Academy of Sciences must be highly respected and have results that convince everyone. He must also be fair and righteous and be able to coordinate those proud scholars. In this way You... uh... idiot! Are you plotting against me?!"

The more she talked, the more she felt that among the people Frederick knew, she was the only one who best met the above conditions.

An innocent smile appeared on Frederick's face, obviously he had Psyche's idea.

Psyche was silent for a moment, and finally sighed and said: "Oh, forget it, I have to leave early, please leave some shadow before leaving."

Frederick was stunned for a moment, then calmed down and asked, "When will we leave?"

Psyche replied: "More than two hundred years later, there has been some turmoil in the world recently, and the window to leave here has been advanced."

"Oh." Frederick nodded, "Then I can't see you off, just give me a stick of incense before leaving."

Then he returned to the topic of the Academy of Sciences: "The role of this Academy of Sciences is to bring together talents. Both professional scholars and people who like to do research can join. The Academy of Sciences organizes various activities regularly or irregularly."

"The Academy of Sciences has established a board of directors for management, and its personnel are elected. At the same time, it has established an achievement reward system and a peer expert review system."

"There are still some details that I haven't thought about at the moment. I will add them later."

Psyche said angrily: "Let me supplement it, right?"

"But that's okay. At least your attempts to set up various awards have failed. People ignore you and use the platform of the Academy of Sciences to carry out this work."

"I'll just pay out the bonus. In a few days, I'll collect all the things I left and deposit them in the bank. The interest for one year will be enough to use as a bonus."

Frederick smiled and said: "Then let's name it after you, call it the 'Psyche Award'?"

Psyche thought for a while and said with a wicked smile: "Let's call it the 'Golden Durian Award'. In addition to the bonus, the winner also has a silver-plated durian."

Frederick's expression was distorted when he heard it, but she paid for the bonus, so let her do it.

But if you think about it carefully, a durian made of silver as a prize is still a magical fruit from the far east. It is quite a gimmick in terms of substance and name.

"Let's do this for now." Psyche stood up, "This can't be done in one day. You go skating with your girls first."

Frederick was stunned, scratched his head and said, "Why are you mentioning this again?"

"That's for sure." Psyche rolled up her sleeves and said, "I received their reward, and I will arrest you even if I take action."

Frederick was speechless.

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