Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 232 When you go out to play, you still have to think about work

There were a lot of people skating on the river, so naturally some people came up with their idea.

At some point, a cart selling kebabs appeared on the river embankment, and a group of village women with foreign accents set up sheds and curtains.

People who were tired from playing on the ice gathered in groups and asked for a shed. There was a small charcoal stove in the middle of the shed for heating skewers and hot tea. Everyone sat around eating and chatting.

"Gu...just kill me!"

Belle Burke glared at Frederick fiercely, because this guy had agreed before ordering that he would not be paid for food today.

"Sit down first," Frederick said to her, "and ask you something."

Belle Burke closed the curtain of the shed facing the river and sat down. She pouted and asked, "What's the matter?"

Frederick waved his hand and the curtains were opened again, and Maria and the others could be seen skating carefully.

He asked Belle Burke: "How much money can you make here?"

Belle Burke pouted and replied: "Not much, just hard-earned money. Now that the construction site has stopped, I can only come out to find someone to stutter."

"We also went to the textile factory, but a group of people rushed out of the factory cafeteria and chased us away and beat us."

"The smelting plant is better. Let us go there at night. We can also do some business when they change shifts at night."

"We now set up a stall here during the day and go to the steel factory at night. We have to pay taxes twice. How much do you think we can earn?"

After she finished speaking, she left.

Frederick could hear that she was a little resentful.

Presumably, Belle Burke entered the catering industry with the idea of ​​making a lot of money, and tried to use it as a springboard to enter the construction industry, but the reality was very skinny.

The reason is simple. The threshold in the catering industry is not high, and what she can do can be done by others.

She was able to get a cooking cart, but other people had modified flatbed carts to make do, and the cost was lower, so the competition was fierce.

Not long after, Belle Burke came over with a stream of hot tea and placed it in the middle of the charcoal stove shelf. After a while, she brought a large plate of grilled sausages, mutton skewers, fat beef, pork belly slices and tofu skin.

Unlike other barbecue restaurants, here she has chili powder obtained from internal channels, which is just right in winter.

"Ask me one more thing." Frederick called Belle Burke down again.

After sitting down, Belle Burke pouted and asked, "Has your conscience found that you are willing to pay?"

Frederick asked her: "Does a stall like yours have a lot of tax pressure?"

"It must be big." Belle Burke said, "Similar to the roadside stalls in the city, we collect taxes based on head count. The more people here, the more we charge."

After hearing this, Frederick nodded and asked her to go about her business.

Recently, there have been many small stalls and hawkers in the municipalities directly under the central government of Weisen State. There are both foreigners and local migrant workers in the city. How to manage them has become a problem.

Now the Executive Yuan is taxing these people in an attempt to reduce the scale, but it has no effect and instead intensifies the contradictions.

Weissenburg City is better, because trenches are dug everywhere and water pipes are buried, leaving vendors no room to set up stalls, so the problem is not big.

Frederick was not the only one who came to skate. Many officials in the city also came to play with their families, so the Minister of Administration Frick was called over.

"Eat whatever you want." Frederick said to him with a smile, "Eat as much as you can, because I want you to work overtime."

Frick immediately said nervously: "My lord, please feel free to give me whatever you have to do."

He is now one person below ten thousand people in the administrative system of Wesson State, but he also understands that he can sit in this position not because of his outstanding ability, but because he has followed the footsteps of the Wesson family from the day he joined the company.

And now there are new regulations. From now on, the top positions in Weisen State will be replaced every five years. Whether they can stay depends on the assessment. A person can be re-elected once at most.

Therefore, he works more and more conscientiously, and strives to be re-elected for one term. Next time, his grandson will be an adult and can help arrange a good job. Otherwise, who will take care of you if you leave.

Frederick knew the little thoughts of these people, but it didn't matter. Now, except for his special approval, all current employees in Weisen State must pass the entrance examination. From now on, the selection of officials will be prioritized within this system, and no matter who they are, they must first Let’s talk about passing the exam.

He poured a cup of tea for Frick, first picked up a piece of roasted fat beef and ate it while saying: "Nowadays, in many cities there are people trying to make a living by setting up stalls like this, and a lot of troubles have arisen, which have been reported in the newspapers. There have been accidents where the patient almost died on the carriage that was transporting patients because the road was blocked, so these things need to be dealt with."

Flick said immediately: "I will arrange to deal with this matter immediately after the New Year."

Frederick added: "It's not easy for people to make a living from all the way, so I have an idea to set up a stall in a suitable area for them without affecting traffic. I won't set up stalls outside the area. "

"At the same time, we don't charge taxes anymore, and we don't have much money. We just charge a sanitation fee based on the stall."

Frick thought for a moment and said with a bit of embarrassment: "This matter is not easy to handle. I heard a staff member say that a fight broke out between a vegetable seller at his house and a vegetable seller on the roadside, and he was injured. many people."

"Because the vendors in the wet market have to pay stall rent, it is a little more expensive than those on the roadside. People can't buy from the wet market anymore."

Frederick frowned after hearing this. He didn't expect this to happen here.

The wet market is also one of the new policies of his First Five-Year Plan.

In the past, the place where vegetables were sold was basically an open space with dust and flies flying around. The vegetables and meat were all the same color as mud, which was very unhygienic. Later, a neat and clean vegetable market was built.

"Let's do this," he said, "the stall area stipulates the types of items sold, and mainly fills gaps. It cannot compete with formal shops."

"At the same time, we must step up our efforts in vocational training and recruitment, and divert people to factories. This is our foundation."

Frick said that he would make arrangements when he gets to work next year.

At this time, a fast horse ran in the distance, and Helmut personally sent a piece of intelligence from the military.

Frederick looked at it, frowned slightly, and then said: "Ignore them, just prepare the border defense in case of emergency."

After Helmut left, he said to Frick: "We have a battle between the Principality of Franconia in the north and the League of Regans in the east. There are hundreds of people. It's so cold that we don't know what to do."

Frick looked to see that there was no one else around, and asked Frederick in a low voice: "Sir, are we going to deal with them in the future..."

Frederick shook his head and said, "There's no rush. We currently don't have enough troops to defend these two places, and we don't have enough officials to govern them. The expansion of the administrative system in recent years is to prepare for the future."

Frick understood and asked no more questions.

When he saw Maria and the others coming back from their fun, he slipped away in a wise manner.


Maria sat opposite Frederick, but turned her head and ignored him.

Susan and Lilu were the same, talking to themselves and ignoring Frederick.

Frederick handed over the kebabs with a smile, and they ate, but they refused to talk to anyone who didn't want to play with him.

"Drink some hot tea." Frederick poured tea for them with a smile.

We had originally agreed to go out skating together, but when he saw Belle Burke and the others, he remembered work and did not go out skating.

That's good. He found a good excuse to cover up the fact that he couldn't skate and save a little face.

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