Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 233 Planning the sea

The cold war between the little girls and Frederick only lasted until half of the kebabs were eaten. Everyone's face was red and they were sweating a lot.

Frederick quickly asked Tarot to wait for the maid to bring dry towels and put them on their backs to absorb sweat, so as not to catch cold when the wind blew when the clothes got wet.

Maria and Susan both had personal maids arranged by their families to take care of them since childhood. Naturally, Lilu did not have one, so Frederick asked Tarot to take care of her during this time.

Maria had never seen the sea and asked Lilu curiously: "Are there really fish as big as a house in the sea?"

"It really does!" Lilu said while eating baked tofu skin. "Those who can catch whales in our area are the best warriors. They use many javelins to pierce the whales at sea, and the ropes behind the javelins are tied with big hollow ropes. Barrel, just follow until the whale is killed.”

"If the wind direction is good, they use boats to drag the whale back to the shore. The skin is used to make clothes that are waterproof and strong. The sailors like it very much. The oil under the skin is very thick, the meat is also delicious, and the bones can be used. Make the roof.”

After she spoke, she put down the half-eaten tofu skin. As she spoke, she stretched out her hands to describe the size of the whale and how it sprayed water. Maria and Susan were stunned for a moment.

Frederick finally said: "I have ordered a whale bone specimen to be placed in the zoo in a few years."

Maria said with some yearning: "I also want to see what the sea is like."

At this time, Frederick asked her: "I will go to sister Katie's hometown next year, which is on the island. Will you go?"

Maria was happy at first, and then said a little depressedly: "I don't know if my father and mother will let me go."

Frederick smiled deliberately and said: "If they don't agree, I will take you there secretly."

At this time Susan said: "Sister Maria can hide in the barrel."

Frederick touched Susan's head with his clean hands and praised her: "She's really smart."

While joking, a certain Frederick saw a familiar young man passing by, thought for a moment and shouted: "Is that Caspar over there?"

The first time Frederick met Caspar was in the refugee camp next to Maria's house. At that time, a big thief's identity was exposed. Compared with that time, Caspar has grown up now. Looks a bit strong.

Caspar turned his head and looked around for the source of the sound, and finally determined that it was the Duke calling him in the shed surrounded by maids and sisters, and hurried over to greet him.

Frederick smiled and asked him: "Long time no see, how is your grandma?"

Caspar immediately replied: "Thank you for your concern. Grandma has always been in good health and is busy in the restaurant every day."

Frederick nodded and said: "The old lady's restaurant is very famous now. What are you doing now? Your friend's name is... Zobel, what is he doing now?"

Kaspar replied a little embarrassedly: "Zoper and I graduated from the Carpenters' Union School this year. I signed up for the Seamen's School last month. I got admitted because I know carpentry. Zobel is too seasick. Just go to the shipyard.”

Frederick saw that he was still holding a hardwood stick for skating in his hand, and said: "Be prepared to endure hardships when you go to be a sailor. Eat a good meal before going to school. Tell Zobel for me, you are building a ship." Pay attention to safety when working in the factory. Okay, let’s go play without delay.”

Caspar handed Frederick his luggage and ran away. He seemed very nervous just now.

Maria asked Frederick strangely: "Why does he have to eat something delicious before going to school?"

Lilu said with some fear: "Because Frederick is so bad, there are many machines in the school that make it difficult for people to eat."

Maria still had a question mark, and Frederick smiled and said, "We'll find out tomorrow when we go and take a look."

Frederick then asked Lilu: "Are you still used to being at sea?"

"It's very good." Lilu said, "I was a little dizzy at first, but now I'm fine."

Frederick touched her head and said: "Work harder and learn more from Baron Adikon. In a few years, maybe I can give you a fleet that can sail even when there is no wind."

Lilu's face suddenly turned red.

Next, they talked about things on the sea by the charcoal stove. Lilu told almost all the rumors about the sea that she had heard and seen.

Maria and Susan were shocked when they heard about the sea and foreign lands, especially the profits from maritime trade, which made Maria, who had just begun to understand the meaning of money, widen her eyes.

Just now, Frederick told Lilu that he could form a steamship fleet in a few years. In fact, he was just bragging and trying to impress the little girl.

The benchmark for the complete body of his ideal steamship is the Great Britain, the first steamship to cross the Atlantic, which made its maiden voyage on July 26, 1845. It is about 100 meters long, has a full load displacement of about 3,600 tons, and is powered by a 500-horsepower steam engine. It is made of steel. Hull, try to build it before Psyche incense herself.

Now his first target is the Archimedes steamship, which made its maiden voyage on May 2, 1839. It is about 40 meters long, has a full load displacement of 237 tons, two 30-horsepower steam engines, and mast sails.

But there are many problems to be solved at present, and the most troublesome one is the propeller. Frederick believes that the key to designing a propeller is how to correctly handle the relationship between various propeller elements such as diameter, pitch ratio, disc ratio, blade profile shape, number of blades, and rotational speed. Knowing nothing, we can only arrange for Weissenburg University to use stupid methods to continuously test and improve it to see which one produces the greatest thrust when rotating at the same number of revolutions.

Frederick had already thought about it, if the propeller couldn't keep up, then it would be a paddle steamer.

As for ironclad ships and the like, he doesn't think about it that much at the moment. He will wait until the weight of the steam forging hammer gradually increases to the point where it can process hull steel plates.

These all take time, but Frederick was influenced by the thought of "it is better for people to wait for equipment than for equipment to wait for people". This year, he began to build a group of sailor schools based on Weissenburg University.

The administrative staff of this school are supported by Weissenburg University, and the teaching staff are recommended by Baron Adican and hired by the Dawn Chamber of Commerce. They are all experienced sailors, and they are enough to teach newcomers to avoid detours.

So something happened that people found very incredible. The world's first professional sailor school actually appeared in Wesson, which is more than 400 meters above sea level and is surrounded by mountains.

However, Frederick also understood that those who have never seen the real sea are not considered real sailors. Now a branch is being built in Hanma City, under the responsibility of the Dawn Chamber of Commerce, and the branch will provide practical teaching on sea voyages.

In the future, the main campus will be moved to the seaside, when Frederick's territory has an outlet to the sea.

According to Frederick's plan, he would dominate the North Sea in ten years, have a huge say in the inland sea in fifteen years, and strive to open up the eastern route and find the new continent in the west in twenty years.

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