Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 234 Sailor School

The spring of 1029 came a little earlier than in previous years. Kaspar got up early, arranged the pillows, folded the quilt into tofu blocks, put on long-sleeved sportswear with his classmates, and went to the playground to start participating. Daily laps.

Discipline is very important on a sea ship. Recently, the Dawn Chamber of Commerce has made statistics on the casualties of seafarers in the database. The proportion of people who violate safety rules and then die is second only to encountering pirates, and actually exceeds nature.

Frederick and Adikon took it together and decided to train the trainees according to the Navy's standards to minimize unnecessary casualties.

In order to train these students who were farmers and handicraftsmen not long ago into disciplined sailors, there are many places in the school to strengthen discipline, and even require everyone to follow the same footsteps when running circles.

During breakfast, Caspar found that Duke Wesson was actually queuing up behind him.

Just as he was about to give up his seat, Frederick smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, it's okay for me to wait in line."

Caspar immediately replied: "Principal, I found that my tableware seems to be unclean. I'm going to wash it!"

His voice was not loud, but the people in front of him consciously went to wash the dishes, and Frederick moved to the first position in line.

Today's breakfast is tomato chicken noodles, two hard-boiled eggs, and a cup of herbal tea that is so strong that it almost crystallizes.

The taste of this tea is not very good, but on the ship, people usually drink tea brewed from various strange plants to prevent diseases. Getting sick on the sea is like jumping into the sea with a stone in your arms.

Frederick called Caspar over to sit with him, and while eating, he asked: "What classes do you have today?"

Kaspar immediately replied: "Learn signals and anti-seasickness training in the morning, combat training in the afternoon, and physical training in the evening."

Frederick nodded, and this time asked the student next to Caspar: "What other classes do you have?"

The student, who was older, replied nervously: "Let me tell you, Mr. Principal, we still have swimming, knotting, rope-skimming, sailing, boat repair, maintenance, boating, safety regulations, oh, and we also have to listen to the instructor's stories."

Frederick saw that he looked quite strong and seemed to have received military training, so he asked: "What is your name?"

"Alfred." The student replied, "Can I not say my last name?"

Frederick just nodded, and then said to them: "I will follow your class today."

The surrounding students didn't react at all, but the instructors' faces became bitter.

Frederick had finished all his official duties and was about to leave for the Kingdom of Sardinia in a while. However, Philip heard the news and took Maria back. He came here to relax in depression.

Now Frederick's side is empty, Maria has gone back, Lilu went to sea with Adikon, Susan began to learn medical skills from her grandfather, Altasha returned to Cod Island to dig for fire crystals, and his personal maid Tarot I have been preparing for marriage recently. A girl in her early twenties is considered late to get married at this age, so she will not go to the Kingdom of Sardinia with him.

Signal flags and lights are commonly used means of communication at sea. Today, Beihai still uses the signaling system of the Guild Hall Alliance, and no one has thought of replacing it with a new one.

Frederick took two flags, and together with the students, under the leadership of the instructor, they shouted slogans and did signal flag drills. From 0 to 9 and then to all the letters, they shouted out the corresponding flags.

The first half of the class was devoted to practicing in sequence. After a short break, the second half of the class began. The instructor invited Frederick to come to the stage. When he called out a number or letter, the students expressed it in semaphore.

Frederick shouted 1234 one after another, and no one made a mistake. As a result, when he shouted 6 after 4, a small number of people showed the semaphore of 5. The instructor was so angry that he kicked each one of them and asked them to clean the restroom.

After the class ended, the expressions of Caspar and other students began to become serious, and many of them ran to the toilet first.

Next is anti-seasickness training. The training content was invented by Frederick.

Frederick didn't know much about anti-seasickness, but he still knew a bit about anti-vertigo training for pilots, so he built a lot of training facilities, which according to the old sailors were quite useful.

The instructors here don't dare to let the principal use the equipment, because if something happens to him, he will be in trouble.

Frederick did not embarrass them and watched from the sidelines.

Caspar got on the fixed roller and stood on the big iron wheel with his arms and legs spread apart, and then the others began to turn the iron wheel.

The student named Alfred got on the large-circle rotating roller. After standing firmly and holding on, he began to swing back and forth, and finally started to spin in circles.

Some students sat on the four-poster swing, which was like a pirate ship in an amusement park, only much smaller and driven by human power.

These trainings are just an appetizer. The real difficulty lies in the two training equipments that were recently completed.

The heaving anti-seasickness simulator simulates the up and down action of a ship in the sea. The user sits in a narrow cabin, and after closing the door, the cabin begins to reciprocate up and down.

The veteran sailors found this thing very exciting, and many instructors even used it to compete to see who could support it for the longest time.

There is also a simulated cabin. There is a slightly smaller cabin floating on a mountain in the water in a circular pool. It is controlled by several wooden poles around it. After the students sit in, others control the wooden poles to make the cabin rotate and rock up, down, left and right.

After such a set of training, only a few students seemed to be fine, most were a little dizzy, and a small number of them sat on the ground and regained their consciousness.

In the afternoon, the students' combat training was carried out on the waves.

The dummy was placed on a wooden board suspended at the four corners like a swing. The students stood on the swaying wooden board and used unedged scimitars to chop the dummy. They had to master the basic skills first.

Frederick tried it and did pretty well. Years of training had kept him in good shape and his movements were not deformed due to shaking.

During dinner, he found Forio, who was in charge of teaching. This middle-aged man was extremely strong and never left the bottle of wine in his hand. He had been floating on the sea for decades.

Frederick asked him: "What will the level of these students be like after graduation?"

After taking a sip of wine, Forio replied: "They are all good young men. After a few trips to the sea, you will be a qualified sailor. It is much better than directly recruiting people who know nothing."

Frederick smiled and said: "That's all because of your good teaching."

After taking two sips of wine, Forio asked: "Sir, have you heard of the legend of the King of the Sea?"

Frederick thought for a while and said: "I have read in books. It is said that he was once the most powerful man on the sea. He visited every inch of the coast of the earth, visited the most beautiful women in every port, and finally sailed the ship. Toward the deep sea.”

Furio nodded and said: "Yes, there is also a legend about him. I wonder if you have heard of it."

"The last time he sailed he was heading west, and he was never heard from again."

"More than ten years later, someone found his ship near Cod Island. Everyone on board was dead. His body was found in the captain's cabin. He was writing a letter before he died."

"There is no addressee on the letter. There is only half a sentence that says, 'You are right, I found out.'"

"The great-grandfather of one of my neighbors was one of the sailors who discovered the ship. He also entered the captain's cabin and saw the letter, which he later wrote in his diary."

Frederick pinched his chin and said, "So, there is something terrible on the west side of the ocean."

Forio said while drinking, "It's just that the ship's logbook is missing. No one knows whether the west side is hell or heaven."

"At that time, some people also went to sea to look for it to the west, but no one could come back. Everyone said that the west was hell, and the crew members had their teeth pulled out alive by the devil and starved to death. Soon after, no one mentioned it anymore."

Frederick nodded, thinking that he might know what was going on.

If there really is a New World here, then the Taohuashi side to the east may have already arrived first, probably using the sailing route.

Frederick didn't want to give up the honor of discovering the New World to others. He would wait until later.

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