Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 235 It’s not easy

Under the spring moonlight, the riverside is quite lively, with the chirping of frogs and the chirping of insects intertwining into a peaceful symphony.

The waterside is full of small golden flowers that attract insects to pollinate themselves. From a distance, it looks like the stars have come to the ground.

Frederick walked along the river embankment towards Weissenburg Castle, trying to relax his mind in the cool evening breeze.

It is not easy to travel far away. There are many things that need to be arranged in advance. The two neighbors to the north and east have wars from time to time. Before going to the Kingdom of Sardinia, I have to go to Mingxing City in the Principality of Bairn to participate in this year's upstream. A meeting between the heads of regional cooperation organizations is quite taxing.

The brain was relaxed, but the burden on the skull was heavy. Mingxia put her chin on Frederick's head and let him walk on his head, which seemed to be quite fun.

All of Frederick's pockets were filled with dried fruits he bought when passing by Weissenburg University. He took food for himself in his right hand and food for Dawn in his left hand.

Starting from the next day, a legend spread in Weisenberg City that a "six-legged beast" would appear by the river at night, and there were various accounts of its actions ranging from catching disobedient children to eating them to fishermen flying into the air force.

In the distance, the shift bell rang at Frederick's first smelter. When Frederick approached, several people rode bicycles to the workers' community almost a kilometer away. There was also a bag in the basket on the front of the bicycle. Grilled skewers or fried noodles.

The bicycle was preempted by Psyche, and all of her income was invested in the fund of the Wesson Scientific Society, without needing a single copper for herself.

With bicycles, there are naturally tricycles.

A line was drawn on the roadside outside the gate of the smelting plant. Inside the line was a row of tricycles carrying kitchen utensils. Some of the women with foreign accents sold kebabs, fried noodles, braised pork, steamed buns, and steamed dumplings. some type of.

Workers who got off work and had a family would buy some food to take home. Those who were not in a hurry to go back would find a folding table under the street lamp behind the stall and sit on the mazza to eat before going back.

Frederick watched from a distance for a while, let Mingxiao go back alone, and went to have some midnight snack.

Mingxia didn't like the smell of oil smoke and the smell coming from the smelting plant, so she flew back when she saw him going that way.

At the late-night snack stall, a person who is alone will order fried noodles or steamed buns, plus a braised egg or braised chicken drumstick, and then go back when he is full with cold beer. We come in small groups. We start with a set meal of skewers, and the cold beer is a must. We get a plate of braised offal, then a steamer, and finally a fruit plate. While chatting, we use the skewers of the skewers as forks to eat. .

Only Frederick sat down alone and ordered a piece of grilled fish, a hand of roasted fat lamb, a platter of braised pork offal, a piece of raw carrot sticks and a large glass of cold beer.

The late-night snack stalls were quite busy today. There were not many people eating late-night snacks by themselves. Everyone was basically discussing the same topic.

The Second Smelting Plant on the other side of the river will be expanded and a new blast furnace will be built. This blast furnace is 5 meters high and can smelt 5 tons of pig iron in a day and night, which is almost 10 times higher than the current output of the First Smelting Plant.

The new blast furnace needs a group of workers to serve as technical backbones. The basic salary is 30% higher than here. Many people who think they have good skills are tempted.

But people who have already bought a house in a nearby worker community are hesitant because it is too far from home.

Some of these people think that the blast furnace here in the No. 1 factory is about to reach the end of its service life, and the new furnace must be this big. It will not make sense not to increase wages by then, so just wait.

Others say that a new textile factory and a garment factory will be built near the second factory, with a new worker community in the middle. It will be very convenient to find a wife by then.

I just heard that a steel rolling mill will be built near the second factory, which will be separated from the original blacksmith. There are also many men there, and the competition will be fierce by then.

At the same time, there is new gossip. The land recently designated next to the workers' community is to build a kindergarten, a primary school and a hospital, as well as a commercial street. In the future, there is no need to go to the city.

Frederick just listened quietly while waiting for the food to be served. These messages were all released by the authorities and were basically reliable.

Except for the fact that some people thought that the Duke would allocate wives according to seniority, Frederick would never have imagined that a dating corner would be spread like this.

The grilled fish was served, and then there was a rumble in the distance. It was the small steam locomotive that was transporting raw materials to the factory from the smelting pier on the riverside, pulling iron ore.

This is the world's first steam train, which can pull 20 tons of cargo at a time. It overturned once at the end of last year because it turned too fast.

Fortunately, the front of the car was rudimentary with only a sunshade, and the driver escaped in time by jumping out of the car.

Nowadays, the speed of the train has slowed down, but it is still a good deal to pull one more carriage.

If it is during the day, you can see many people watching the excitement outside the cordon, and there are placards such as "Passengers are not allowed to pass on the railway, and if they are killed in vain, they will have to pay for repairing the train."

Frederick silently ate the grilled fish with a disposable slime glue fork, listening to the sound of the train in the distance, smelling the smell of burning coke wafting from the smelter, and thinking that he felt very accomplished.

Nowadays, Weissen has entered a period of rapid development. With the liberation of the agricultural population, the number of foreign people fleeing the war on the east bank of the Elbe River has increased. The sufficient labor force, led by skilled workers, has made the construction of the territory faster than expected.

The entrepreneurial loans provided by Wesson Bank have allowed small factories such as the Clover Hinge Factory, which have only a few machines, a small area and specialize in one direction, to spring up like mushrooms after rain. They not only provide a large amount of tax revenue, but also stimulate Development of heavy machinery factory.

Under the influence of Psyche's face, high-value special research sponsorship, and desire for academic exchanges, many scholars at the top of various research fields are willing to join the Wesson Science Society and participate in the society's activities through letters, telegrams, etc. .

Diplomatically, after receiving a personal letter from Duke Wesson, the neighbors to the north and east have unanimously designated the area within ten kilometers of the border with Wesson as a demilitarized zone. No matter how hard the two sides fight to the death, they will not send a single soldier. Go in with one pawn to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

With the development of the printing and publishing industries, Wesson's achievements were spread throughout the world through newspapers, magazines, novels and comics, letting countless people know for the first time that there is such a magical place in the world.

Nowadays, the domestic and foreign affairs situation is very good, and Frederick feels that it is not easy to achieve such results.

He thought to himself, if he hadn't been lucky enough to leave Manuel and others behind, and Richard Nall was in charge of the territory because of his friendship with his father, and the mysterious figure Psyche helped from time to time, as well as everyone in the territory, relying on I think I can't do it all in such a short time.

After Frederick had eaten and drank enough, he paid off the money for the late night snack and walked leisurely towards Weissenburg Castle.

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