Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 236 Year 1033

Flowers bloomed and fell, flowers fell and flowers bloomed, and Frederick finally reached the age of getting his ID card.

In the auditorium of the Weisen State Executive Yuan, the participants participating in the mobilization meeting for the second five-year plan of Wesson State were dressed in white shirts and dark trousers, both male and female. They had a pen in the pocket on the left chest and a pen on the table in front of them. There are dark leather-covered notebooks and stainless steel thermos cups of different sizes with various awards and commendations printed on them. There is a uniform black briefcase in the grid below.

After the meeting, Duke Wesson held a banquet to entertain all attendees.

There are enough hard dishes on the table, including elbow, sausage, ham, and roast duck whose skin is like a layer of crystal, which is very popular when dipped in the sour and sweet plum sauce.

In front of the delicious food, the representatives of the city of Nuremberg frowned, and the delicacies in their mouths were like wax.

Frederick never glanced at them from beginning to end. Since the people in Nuremberg were disobedient, they would naturally not be able to reap the development dividends.

Since the city of Nuremberg resisted the upgrading of the glass manufacturing industry during the First Five-Year Plan, Frederick has stopped supporting construction there. The bank loan limit is lower than elsewhere, and even the railway has only been built not far away. The city of Zirndorf is not even half a step into the city of Nuremberg.

Now Nuremberg's status as a transportation hub has been replaced by the nearby city of Zirndorf and the city of Oak on the canal. The famous glass manufacturing industry has been wiped out, and the wool textile printing and dyeing industry has finally settled in Ratibor in the south. District, the decline of the entire city has become apparent.

Nuremberg has always been a free city pursuing independence, and the dignitaries in the city have their own goals.

But Frederick would not indulge them. They would make a fortune together if they obeyed. If they disobeyed, they would have no food. It was as simple as that. There was no need to do anything like conspiracy to seize control of the city.

However, he still left an opportunity. As long as the city of Nuremberg gives up its autonomy and accepts the mayor appointed by the Wesson state government, the clothing manufacturing industry can still be placed there.

Frederick did not remember how he returned to the castle. He only remembered that representatives from various places took turns toasting to him before the fragment.

He turned his head and looked out the window at the still dark sky, and decided to sleep a little longer.

After an unknown amount of time, someone crept onto his bed, reached out and pinched his nose.

Frederick immediately hugged the woman and touched her. He found that it was Mary and kissed her.

After an unknown amount of time, Maria pushed him away.

Frederick held her in his arms again, gently stroked her long black hair, and said proudly: "Humph! Look how naughty you are."

Now Maria's appearance has grown, her long hair is as black as charcoal, so smooth that the comb can slide down to the ends of her hair by itself when placed on the top of her head, her lips are as red as cherries, and her skin is as white as water tofu, covering thousands of kilometers. There was no girl more beautiful than her in the country, so some people called her the "Princess of Water Tofu".

It's just that Maria is still a little young, and their marriage will have to wait a few more years, just in time for the completion of Germain's Cathedral.

Don't think about some things, but you can still kiss them with your lips.

Maria's face was as red as an apple, her face was pressed against Frederick's chest, her eyes were slightly closed, and she listened quietly to the sound of her heartbeat, and soon she snored softly.

Frederick held her and fell asleep again.

Not long after, someone appeared again, this time pinching their noses.

Frederick and Maria opened their eyes and saw a pair of golden eyes.

The naughty Susan was punished by the two of them - tickling.

Susan naturally wanted to fight back, and soon they joined forces to suppress Frederick.

By the time they arrived at the restaurant, Katie had already finished feeding her son breakfast.

A few years ago, when Frederick went to his senior sister's house to play, he happened to encounter his senior sister's wife who ordered her to get married this year and sent a group of personal guards wearing black gloves to supervise the matter.

At that time, the masters and apprentices, Frederick and Richard Nall, stood aside and did not dare to breathe.

Recently, Koehler went to inspect paper mills in other places, and Katie and her son came to live in the castle.

"You guys!" Katie looked at Frederick and the others with a half-smile, "Hurry up and have breakfast."

Katie asked Frederick: "When will you go to war?"

Frederick just said: "Let's wait until the weather gets warmer. The river has just thawed now."

Katie asked no more questions.

After breakfast, everyone went about their own business.

Now Maria has begun to learn soul magic with Psyche and lives here.

Susan is still learning medical skills from her grandfather, and now she is gaining experience with her grandfather in the hospital in Weissenburg.

Frederick processed some official documents compiled by Vanessa in the study, and then went to inspect the construction site of Germain Cathedral.

Many people around Frederick are now married. Vanessa and Schmidt got married last year and are about to start taking maternity leave.

Now that Frederick already had a complete secretarial system, the temporary lack of a chief secretary was not a big problem.

Nowadays, the best construction workers in Wesson are concentrated at the construction site of Germaine Cathedral and the adjacent Edelweiss Library. The main bodies of the two buildings are growing at a rate of 3 meters every 10 days, and they will be topped out soon. .

The Grand Duke of Mainz is 87 years old this year, and all matters concerning the territory are left to his eldest son. He has been stationed at the construction site for the past two years, watching these two wonders belonging to the German people gradually take shape.

His mind has not become dull due to age. He has learned a lot actively or passively at the construction site. He can argue with Frederick for ten minutes on construction issues.

Frederick was also paying attention here, checking on the progress every two or three days, and was sometimes called to solve technical problems.

In his dedicated office, there is a construction log specially prepared for him, as well as special construction plans for each project.

What Frederick was most concerned about now was the more than 160-meter-high spire of Germain Cathedral.

This minaret adopts a core tube structure. The data of the core tube directly corresponds to a landmark high-rise building he participated in the construction of in his previous life. It is a square with an outer diameter of 24 meters. The shear wall is 1.4 meters thick, and there are diameters every 2 meters below. The 0.8-meter piles reach down to solid rock several meters below.

This put forward very high requirements for construction. Frederick lived here directly from the beginning and solved many problems during this period, such as adding sugar to the concrete to extend the setting time and increase fluidity.

Liebherr also lives on the construction site today. In addition to continuing to study excavators based on steam tractors, he is also looking at his newly invented steam elevators here. These machines will transport concrete and lightning rods to The top of the minaret.

Frederick saw the Archduke of Mainz on the top floor of the German Cathedral, who was now a guest supervisor, holding a ruler to measure the spacing of the steel bars.

As soon as the Grand Duke of Mainz saw Frederick, he lowered his voice and asked him: "When will you leave?"

Frederick replied in a low voice: "Next month, in early April, people from Dragaces have already sneaked into Constantbulo."

The Grand Duke of Mainz whispered: "Be smart and run if the momentum goes wrong. There is no need to fight there."

Frederick nodded, stopped continuing this topic, and talked about the problems at the construction site: "If they encounter any difficulties here and they can't make up their mind, then stop and wait for me to come back. They can't take risks."

The Grand Duke of Mainz nodded and said, "Okay, my speech here is still useful."

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