Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 237 Expedition Preparations

The vetch field outside the Springfield Arsenal was filled with small purple flowers. Bees shuttled between the flowers, bullets whizzing over their heads.

Frederick took a telescope and carefully observed the dusty earth wall 300 meters away, and was quite satisfied with Pea Gatling's performance.

The principle of Pea Gatling is not complicated. Six sets of barrels - gun chamber - jet tank are combined together. The tailstock is concave below and convex when viewed from the side, plus the bulges on the jet tank and the grooves of the shell. , the jet tank is pushed forward by the tailstock when it rotates, the warhead is inserted into the barrel of the gun and fired, and then moves back to make room for new warheads to enter.

Its rate of fire theoretically depends on how fast it can turn. People in the arsenal often joke that it needs to be driven by a steam engine.

The pea Gatling currently being tested at the factory has a caliber of 10 mm. It has a common warhead and a pea gun. It is shaken manually and fed by a long magazine. Because of its heavy weight, it is mounted on a wheel frame or carriage.

Except for Richard Nall, he asked Bruce to modify a Pea Gatling for himself, added a strap and handle, and changed the position of the rocker so that it could be hung on the shoulder and held with one hand and shaken with the other. It is fired with a rod and carries a pile of heavy magazines on its back, which looks very cool.

In addition to the Pea Gatling, Wesson's army has now installed a new type of pea gun. The new gun adds a continuous fire function to the original single-shot shooting. It uses a 20-round magazine, which greatly improves the firepower of individual soldiers. .

In terms of artillery, due to the limited level of alchemy, the quality of nitrocellulose was very unstable, and the initial velocity of the projectiles fired from the jet tank was not high. Frederick finally chose gunpowder as the propellant for the artillery.

The caliber of the artillery is 75mm. It uses brown gunpowder made of incompletely carbonized charcoal. The integral artillery shell is rear-loaded, and a spring retractor is used to reset the barrel. The maximum range reaches 3 kilometers. The entire gun weighs about 1.3 Ton.

Because the bullets fired by the artillery shells made of copper alloy are shiny and golden, people call them "golden stick guns".

It's just that the manufacture of this kind of artillery and ammunition is more troublesome. Frederick only ordered the production of 12 guns, and the rest of the guns were jet mortars.

On the other hand, the jet mortars that made great achievements outside the bastion of Hanma City were lightly modified and used to support the infantry. At the same time, some were sold to Baron Adikon to install on his ship, which exploded to the point that the pirates were stunned when they saw his ship. disappear as far as you can.

Compared with the upgrade of weapons, the most important change of the Weisen Army was the reform and expansion of its organization.

The original organization of 12 people per squad remains unchanged. An infantry platoon has 3 peashooter squads and 1 cherry artillery squad, and an infantry company has 3 infantry platoons and 1 peashooter squad equipped with 3 peashooters. Fire support platoon, an infantry battalion has 3 infantry companies and 1 fire support company equipped with 6 Pea Gatlings and 9 jet mortars, and a regiment has 3 infantry battalions and 1 double mortar. A rapid support company equipped with Pea Gatling carriages. One brigade has two regiments.

In addition to 2 infantry brigades under a division, there are 1 division-affiliated cavalry regiment, 1 division-affiliated magician battalion and 1 division-affiliated fire support brigade. The fire support brigade is equipped with 12 golden rod cannons and 54 rocket launchers. The division's combat, staff, communications, logistics, medical, intelligence and other units at all levels add up to about 18,000 people, 5,000 horses and 30 tractors.

With Frederick's current financial resources, he could only afford the main force of one division, so that the current city defense troops and other garrison troops could only use revolver rifles that were originally supposed to be sold to allies.

But it's worth it.

The war between the two neighbors, the Principality of Franconia and the Union of Regans, continued until last year. At the end of last year, a forest fire caused by a battle between them spread to Wesson.

After finally putting out the fire, Frederick led the entire army to the battlefield to talk to their talkers about compensation. In the end, the war horses of the Archduke of Franken and the luxurious carriage of the Archduke of Regens were pulled out to pay compensation to the Wesson state.

The two countries have no money to continue fighting, so they can only cease fire along the actual line of control.

Frederick inspected the Springfield Arsenal, asked Bruce to focus on ammunition production, and then left, coming to the headquarters in the military camp.

Today there are two colors of military uniforms in the military camp, in addition to the gray of the Wesson Army, there is also the black of the Restoration Army formed by Prince Dragaces.

Dragaces finally recruited 2,000 people in the past few years, and with the funding of Frederick, he formed a pure infantry regiment. They used old-fashioned pea guns replaced by the Wesson Army, and their combat effectiveness was acceptable.

Now everything is ready to recover Constantbule.

The map room of the command headquarters was replaced with a sand table of the area around Constantbul. Franz Jr., the military minister of the Wesson Army, and Helmut, the staff officer, brought the staff officers, army chiefs, and Dragaces' people together. Discussing battle plans.

For this war, Franz Jr. and others have gone to the local area in various capacities to conduct field investigations in recent years, and gained an intuitive understanding of the terrain and the layout and characteristics of the enemy.

Now everyone has reached agreement on the strategy and is adding some details.

The biggest problem at present is transportation. The entire waterway from Weissensee to Constantbul is about 3,000 kilometers. Frederick will take away the main force this time, plus Dragaces’s small team, more than 20,000 horses and horses. The transportation of supplies requires a large fleet.

"Is there any news from Hayredin?" Frederick asked.

To organize such a large fleet on the inland sea, the only person Frederick knew was Hayredin.

Helmut immediately replied: "We have received a telegram from the city of Wien. Hayreddin's fleet is passing through the city of Wien in the Osmaga Empire and will arrive at the designated location soon."

"There is a call from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They have reached an agreement with the Osmaga Empire. Our fleet is prohibited from docking when passing through the city of Venn. If the commander wants to enter the city, he can only bring fifty people with him."

Frederick nodded. The city of Wien was the imperial capital of the Osmaga Empire. There had been such wars as Fake Dao and Guo in this world, and people were afraid that they would suddenly do something like this.

To be honest, Frederick was once moved.

"Where are the supplies?" Frederick asked again, "Do they agree to our supply along the way?"

More than 2,000 kilometers of this journey are sailing on the Danube River. Beyond the Danube Principality, it is the territory of the Osmaga Empire. If supplies cannot be supplied along the way, it will be troublesome.

Helmut replied: "They only agreed to use small boats to go to the shore to purchase."

Frederick frowned and thought for a long time. This kind of small-scale supply was a drop in the bucket for the huge fleet. Finally, he said: "They are still worried. Let's talk to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I will go to Venn City for vacation in two days." , wait for the fleet to pass before leaving, I will be alone."

Everyone around the sand table looked at each other, thinking they were being held hostage.

Dragaces asked worriedly: "Is it too dangerous?"

Frederick shook his head with a smile and replied: "No, I have no enmity with the Osmaga Empire. I did them a favor by defeating the Piast Kingdom. They have no reason to be against me." .”

Dragaces added: "It's just that the competition for heirs within the Osmaga Empire is very fierce now, and I'm afraid you will be involved."

Frederick replied: "Don't worry, I will be eating, drinking and having fun there, and I won't make any comments."

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