Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 239 Send a gift

Good news, the emperor is awake.

Bad news, everyone left the person the emperor wanted to see hanging out at the dock.

At this moment, Duke Wesson became a prop for the princes and princesses to increase the emperor's favorability. Whoever grabs it belongs to whomever.

It quickly became quiet in front of the palace, but there were many people on duty who were looking for information. They could tell their master as soon as there was any disturbance.

Frederick was silent for a moment and asked, "Can you not take the main entrance?"

He was a little worried that once he appeared in front of the palace, he would be involved in a meaningless dispute.

Thearesia said worriedly: "This seems to be illegal."

As Duke Wesson, it was too much to leave someone hanging at the dock for so long. If he didn't enter the palace through the main entrance, it would make outsiders think that the royal family did not understand the rules.

Fortunately, there was another person in the carriage who was not interested in fighting for the throne. Archduke Hicks could understand Frederick's mood, because he himself would definitely arouse a lot of interpretation when he appeared in front of the palace.

"I have a suggestion," Hicks said. "Duke Wesson is visiting me as a visiting friend. I will take you to show your face to His Majesty."

Frederick felt something was wrong and asked, "Is this appropriate?"

"It's indeed a bit inappropriate." Hicks looked serious, "For my sake, I have to accept at least a thousand gold coins."

Frederick blinked, what happened, the palace turned into a zoo?

Hicks smiled and said: "Don't complain about the money. If someone with my approval can be appreciated by His Majesty, it will be easy to earn back a thousand gold coins."

Frederick was speechless. This was a sign of national destruction.

He took out something from the inner left pocket of his suit, handed it to Hicks and said with a smile: "I don't have any money, so I'll use this to replenish my balance."

A wealthy family like Hicks is no stranger to pocket watches produced in Wesson. He currently has a pocket watch from the Supreme Duke series that he bought for 500 francs. This series of pocket watches cannot be bought with money; There is a corresponding title, and the pocket watch also comes with a certificate stamped by Frederick.

It's just that the outer shell of the pocket watch is made of reddish fire gold as the main body, and the hair-thin pattern is made of light silver, with seventy-two gems of various colors.

The pocket watch that Frederick took out was unremarkable. It was made of steel. Although it was good steel when used as armor, it would be very cheap when used as a pocket watch to symbolize status. Even wealthy businessmen would not use it. Buy it, let alone the nobles.

"Huh?" Hicks suddenly discovered something strange about this pocket watch. Its front shell should be a piece of scale armor, embedded in a ring.

He was no stranger to this kind of armor. The hussars of the Piast Kingdom in the north were equipped with this kind of scale armor.

Frederick smiled and said to him: "You will know after you open it and take a look."

Hicks curiously took the pocket watch and opened it. Although he had seen many rare treasures in his life, he still opened his mouth in surprise. He put the pocket watch into his pocket as fast as lightning.

This pocket watch is a little different from other pocket watches. The numbers are engraved behind the glass. It is a little inconvenient to read the time, but it is not a big problem.

The key is that the surface is also a piece of armor, with a name - Casimir stamped on it.

Hicks said with emotion: "I played against Casimir, and I have to say that he did a good job. I didn't expect that he was really beaten by you and his armor was thrown away."

Frederick said with a smile: "He threw his armor by the river in order to cross the river, and I used it to make this pocket watch."

Hicks was a little bit sad, while Theresa looked at Frederick with bright eyes, and the flames in her eyes were hotter than the flames in a blast furnace.

The carriage made a long circle and came to a side entrance of the palace, where you could smell the fragrance of flowers wafting from the garden behind the high wall.

When Frederick was about to get out of the car, he saw Theresa didn't move and asked, "Are you going?"

"No." Thearesia shook her head calmly, not looking like she was involved in gaining favor.

Frederick followed Hicks to the Royal Garden, and only then did he realize how high the status of this boss was. He was now in charge of all the armies in the inner city.

But he was not covering the sky with one hand, because in the small building where the emperor lived, three magic gods and a sword master from the Osmaga Empire were playing mahjong on the first floor.

Hicks first took Frederick to get acquainted with the four Dingguo Shenzhu, but they asked the inventor of mahjong when he would be free to sit down and play two rounds.

On the surface, Frederick was perfunctory, but in his heart he firmly refused.

What a surprise, these guys can rely on the weight of the cards to remember the cards when they are shuffling and building cards. What a ghost.

Frederick followed Hicks to the door of the emperor's bedroom on the second floor. There were iron cans standing every two meters along the way. The door panels next to the bedroom and the room opposite had been removed. They were not easy to mess with at first sight. The magician and warrior are playing cards with the maids and aunts.

The person guarding the door of the bedroom was a stooped old man, holding a crutch inlaid with more than a dozen magic crystals. Frederick looked at him and felt that even the nails he cut were being looked at. Out.

The old man said expressionlessly: "Take him to change clothes."

Frederick was surprised. It seemed that he had discovered the daggers, hidden blades, shoe blades, steel cables and other things hidden on his body.

He could only follow a maid to the dressing room at the end of the corridor and change all his clothes inside and out.

It just took a long time to change clothes. Hicks and the old man both looked at Frederick who came out with a half-smile, and he also responded with a "you understand" expression.

Frederick was not an ascetic, and he was not rude when he came and went. When he got older, someone teased him as before, but in the end he "cooed" for a long time without getting anything done.

It was very hot in the emperor's bedroom. The heater imported from Weissensee on the wall was turned on to the maximum. Several water basins were placed in the corner to increase the humidity. The windows were closed tightly and the curtains were all drawn. Fortunately, they also imported ventilation fans. .

But even so, Ferdinand, the most powerful man in the Osmaga Empire, still wore thick clothes and sat leaning against the bed, pointing to the chair beside the bed with a smile.

After greeting each other, Ferdinand said to the servants and guards in the bedroom: "Go out, all of you, and let no one come in until I give my permission."

Without any hesitation, those people all turned and left.

There was only one person sitting in the corner, who seemed to be a bishop. On the table in front of him were paper, pen and ink, and a clock, recording what the emperor just said and what happened next.

Frederick always kept a distance from these clerks, and the historical record system of Wesson State was also established. When he went to work, he would be followed by two or three of them.

The two exchanged polite greetings, and Frederick sat down and observed the emperor carefully.

Ferdinand is in his early seventies this year. It can be seen that his body frame is very large, but his muscles have atrophied, his hair has almost fallen out, his teeth are sparse, and his eyes look quite tired. He is with the Archduke of Mainz who still runs at the construction site every day. Together they can't tell who is more than ten years older than the other.

But his eyes were still bright, and he didn't look like he was becoming dementia.

Ferdinand suddenly asked Frederick: "Which one do you support as emperor?"

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