Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 240 It turns out that the reputation is so high

Frederick had thought that Ferdinand would ask him about the emperor's succession, and thought it would be a sideways suggestion, but he did not expect that he would ask directly from the beginning.

Regarding this issue, he said seriously: "The principles of Weisen's foreign relations are mutual respect for territorial sovereignty, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each other's internal affairs, equality, mutual benefit and peaceful coexistence."

Ferdinand had heard too much political rhetoric in his life, and found that Frederick's statement was watertight. He said with some laughter and tears: "Don't say these words, I want to hear your truth."

Frederick smiled and replied to him: "What you just said is the truth. If you are specifically speaking about the successor of Emperor Osmaga, my answer is that I will always support His Majesty Emperor Osmaga's leadership of your country. Who is it?" Who does the emperor support?"

Ferdinand could see that he no longer wanted to be associated with this matter. He shook his head and said: "You are just like those old foxes. Alas, young people should behave like young people. They should take risks when it is time to take risks. And Us old guys will be bored too."

Frederick kept a smile on his face and said: "I came here alone this time so that Your Majesty does not have to worry about the adverse effects of my passing army on your country. By the way, I will talk about the supplies along the way. Isn't this an adventure? .”

"If Your Majesty tells me about the delicious food and beautiful scenery in Wayne City, I will be very interested."

Ferdinand frowned slightly and asked him in disbelief: "Is this why you came here? I heard that you are supporting someone?"

Frederick was stunned and immediately asked: "Who said I support him? Among all your heirs, I only met Theresia once seven years ago. At that time, I invited her to eat dried fruit and she was very happy. Don’t eat.”

Ferdinand pinched his chin and began to think, and after a moment he said: "There is a kid who said that he gave you a pair of women in exchange for your willingness to give him an army. I have seen those twin sisters, they are indeed the same. Waiting beauty, if I were ten years younger I wouldn’t have had your turn.”

This time it was Frederick's turn to frown, and after thinking for a long time he said: "In the past few years, I have received many gifts from businessmen from your country, but I have never received any gifts from living people, not even dead ones."

"I think this prince is either lying to you, or his servants stole those two people."

"Let's do this. I'll ask my family to compile a list of gifts related to your country and send it over. Let's check it out."

He was unsure about this matter, and he couldn't be sure whether it was true or whether the other party was blackmailing him.

"Then hurry up!" Ferdinand seemed to be very interested in this matter. "I heard that you supported several people. I thought you were diversifying your investments. No matter who takes the throne, you will benefit!"

Frederick blinked and asked in disbelief: "Weren't you blackmailing me just now? Did anyone really say that I was supporting them? Is my support so important?"

Seeing his reaction, Ferdinand was a little surprised and said in surprise: "Don't you know how famous you are now?"

Frederick shook his head.

Ferdinand saw that he didn't seem to be lying to him, and there was nothing to lie about, so he said: "It seems that you don't know. We have been fighting with the Piast Kingdom for many years, and we know that they are a He is a tough opponent and has suffered a lot of losses at the hands of Casimir.”

"You personally led 800 men and defeated Casimir's 100,000-strong army. When the news first came, we all thought you had formed an alliance and were acting to make us relax our vigilance."

“So after discussing with Hicks, we decided that Hicks should not move in Bohemia to prevent you from sneak attacks. We also quietly deployed tens of thousands of troops to wait for you to kick Hicks’s ass. "

"It wasn't until Casimir later took people to the east to grab a round of money to catch his breath that we were sure that you actually defeated Casimir."

"There is also Valdemar of the Danma Kingdom. He is famous in the north. I didn't expect that you would kill him."

"Now in the north, children don't dare to cry when I say you are coming."

"Who among us doesn't admire and admire a hero like you? I have also seriously thought about how to get you to work for me."

"I don't know how many people here admire you, and how many ladies and ladies want to tell stories with you.

"Theresia knew that she regretted meeting you before. When she knew that I was interested in recruiting you, she quietly asked me if she could marry you. I have considered it, but last I heard that you have already made an appointment with the Principality of Mainz. The princess was engaged, and Theresa was very angry about it.”

Frederick was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect that his reputation was so high that he might be copied by ladies and ladies.

"So that's it." Frederick explained many things. "No wonder Marshal Hicks was motionless on the Bohemian side instead of taking the opportunity to beat the shit out of the Piast Kingdom. I thought it was It is caused by internal reasons in your country.”

"I assure you that I have no interest in the succession of your country's throne. I can also guarantee that the army will not stop when passing through the city of Wein. I only hope to be able to supply supplies in the cities along the way."

Ferdinand was silent for a moment, then reached out and pulled the rope on the head of the bed, which was a specific signal.

The door came and Hicks walked in.

Ferdinand said to him: "I agree in principle with the supply of Duke Wesson's army. The army cannot stay 50 kilometers upstream and downstream of the city of Wien. You can discuss the supply points. That's it."

Hicks said nothing and took the order and left.

Before Frederick could thank him, Ferdinand said: "Actually, I was wondering which one you support."

"Ah?" Frederick was stunned, "Why?"

Ferdinand said calmly: "Let's not talk about this issue for now."

"For thousands of years, many wars have been started because of heirs. In order to support your heirs, war is often the most effective method. You are the only one who doesn't care about this issue at all."

"I ask you, now that you are here, you will inevitably enter the whirlpool, what would you do if they wanted to ask you to cooperate."

Frederick said without thinking: "If we are talking about business, then everyone has to talk about it. When it comes to politics, I will clearly say what I just said."

Ferdinand asked him with a smile: "What if they use their feelings to win you over? My daughters, granddaughters and granddaughters are all very beautiful. They can do anything for the throne."

Frederick also smiled and replied: "Emotions are feelings, and interests are interests. We don't talk about interests when we take off our clothes, and we don't talk about feelings when we put on clothes. Just come."

Ferdinand held out his hand and gave him a thumbs up.

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