Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 242 Helping the Painters

Ganquan Palace is located outside the city of Wien. It was originally an orchard. Many years ago, the emperor at that time rested here during summer hunting and found the spring water here to be sweet, so he built a small palace here.

Although this palace is small in size, it is very luxurious and comfortable. There are also many rare birds and animals in the garden.

Frederick came here to rest after attending the state banquet, and some of his entourage and foreign ministry personnel who arrived earlier also came to stay here.

Hot water was prepared in the bathtub. Frederick soaked in it, closed his eyes, felt the temperature of the hot water, and his body suddenly relaxed.

He only got off the boat at noon, and then he talked with Ferdinand for a long time with full concentration. He did not relax for a moment during the state banquet, which made him physically and mentally exhausted.

People's bodies and minds will become sleepy as soon as they relax, and Frederick felt that sleep began to take over his body.

Not long after, gentle footsteps sounded in the bathroom.

Soon there was the sound of water, and someone walked out of the bath and sat directly in Frederick's arms.

Theresia felt that the soft seat suddenly turned into a hard seat, and her face instantly turned red, but she still rested her head on Frederick's chest.

Frederick said softly: "I am engaged."

Theresia said quietly: "I know."

Frederick added: "No matter what happens, I will not promise anything or do anything because of these things. I will put on clothes and pretend that nothing happened."

"I know." Theresa said, "I heard you say it in the locker room just now."

The maid who served Frederick in his bath was an admirer of Frederick. She had just tried to take advantage of her position to do something inappropriate. After succeeding, she was still unconscious on the massage bed.

"I don't ask you for anything," Theresa said softly, "I can't give you anything either. My destiny is not in my own hands. I just want to not let myself have any regrets when I am in the city of Venn." .”

Frederick was silent, not because of her words, but because he remembered what Ferdinand said. Princes and princesses who grew up in struggle did not have a fuel-efficient lamp. He was not sure whether this person was telling the truth or acting.

He said to Theresia: "You should leave first and think about it carefully. If you insist, come to my bedroom and wait for me."

Theresia hesitated for a moment, then left with a soft "hmm".

The night passed, and the book did not go into details.

Early the next morning, carriages were lined up in front of Ganquan Palace, and countless people came to send Frederick invitations to various banquets and salons.

But they were told that Duke Wesson left at dawn, saying he was going for a walk in the city and didn't know when he would be back.

The spring morning was still a bit cold, and the dew on the flowers and grass on the window sills of the buildings on the street had not yet disappeared. People who got up early were walking hurriedly on the street, and only a small half of the shops were open.

Frederick was walking on the streets outside the city of Wien and saw that many people had hung up their paintings on the roadside, hoping that someone would buy them to fill their stomachs today.

Yesterday, he found out from the maids of Ganquan Palace that there were many poor painters in the city who had no talent.

The paintings hanging on the roadside range from large to small, including large landscape paintings, medium-sized portraits of religious figures, and palm-sized landscape postcards.

The authors wore decent coats and tucked in their pudding-filled undershirts to prevent them from leaking out. They cheered up and stood beside their works. Many of them even hung up signs offering to read and write letters on their behalf.

Frederick walked along and looked at the paintings carefully. After half an hour, he came to the conclusion that there was a reason for some people to rush to the street.

For example, the title of the painting he is looking at is "The Sacrifice of Saint Henry", which is a very popular religious theme in recent years.

However, this author drew...

Frederick felt that if he attacked the city of Wien in the name of this man who had blasphemed his father, Ferdinand would also have to send reinforcements to him.

It's just that the Church of Light is quite open-minded on this point. Some people are just stupid, not bad. You can't be too harsh on a person because of his stupidity.

Frederick took out two gold coins and stuffed them into the author's hand, and said earnestly: "You can try changing the subject matter. Animal subjects are more suitable for you."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left, leaving only his back and the birth of "Beast (literally) Pie".

Frederick walked to another street and stopped next to a stall selling postcards.

These postcards are simple cartoons of flowers, plants and animals, which look very bright. They are painted with cheap dyes instead of expensive paints.

More importantly, the expression of the pattern is beyond this era for who knows how many years.

"What's your WeChat ID?" Frederick asked the author of the postcard in Chinese.

The author is a thin girl, wearing a skirt with several patches. There is no surprise or joy in her eyes. She reacts like an ordinary person when a foreigner talks to her in a foreign language.

She asked Frederick cautiously: "Sir, do you speak the local dialect?"

Frederick naturally knew it. The language of the Osmaga Empire was almost the same as that of the Rhine League, but the accent was slightly different.

He asked in the local dialect: "How do you draw these postcards?"

These postcards are all pixel paintings, and the patterns are composed of grids. This is the first time this era.

The girl said a little nervously: "I...can't hold a pen, so I can only print with wooden strips."

As she spoke, she stretched out her hands. Only her thumb and little finger were left on her left hand, and her middle finger and index finger were only left on her right hand. There were still some burn marks on her hand.

Frederick said to her seriously: "Would you like to go to Weissenburg City? Your paintings are very suitable for use in cross-stitch, sweaters, etc. You can also try printmaking and sell your designs to factories. If you are willing to go, I can write you a letter of recommendation and help fund your travel expenses."

The girl opened her mouth in surprise. She had never thought about such a thing like gold bricks falling from the sky.

After hesitating for a while, she said: "This... I still need to discuss it with my family."

Frederick nodded and said: "Well, if you want to go, just go to Ganquan Palace to find me. I am Frederick von Wesson. Say my name and they will let you in."

This girl is a local, so she naturally knows where Ganquan Palace is, and her eyes widened for a moment.

The colleagues nearby looked at the girl with envy, another lucky person to be supported by a big boss.

My brain is quite flexible and I can't help but wonder, should I follow suit and change my career?


There was a sound of falling not far away, and a young man fainted.

You don’t need to think about it to know that no one bought the work, and I was so hungry that I rushed to the street.

Frederick grabbed a passerby, gave him a few coins, and went to the other end of the street to buy a bowl of oatmeal.

The street writer sat on the ground and finished the porridge in a few big gulps. He slowly stood up and stood up unsteadily.

He bowed to passers-by returning from buying porridge and said, "Thank you."

The passerby pointed at Frederick and said with a smile: "You don't need to thank me. He paid for it. I was just running errands and now I have to return the bowl."

Frederick was studying the works of this street author and didn't know what to say for a while.

This man's paintings are mainly large buildings, with a few landscape paintings. The paintings are very accurate, but the pictures are dark, like photos, and lack some imagination.

The problem is that ordinary people nowadays like bright landscape paintings, and no one likes his darker paintings.

Paintings of large buildings are only needed by nobles. For example, they would hang portraits of their own castles in the imperial capital's residences, and hang portraits of the palace, the House of Nobility, the Ministry of War and other places where they worked. They would go to the city of Wien to The art school looks for better painters.

So this guy’s paintings can’t be sold, so they have no choice but to sell them on the street.

Frederick turned to him and said: "If you can paint the picture brighter, I can introduce you to a good job."

What he was thinking of was the renderings from the design institute. This man's drawings were valuable for their accuracy, and he could just draw the renderings for Party A's father to see, which could also be considered as a contribution to the civil engineering undertaking.

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