Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 243 Please eat potatoes

All kinds of news in the city of Wien spread quickly. Frederick did not hide his identity and what he did spread quickly.

After many down-and-out painters received his support, not only did more people sell paintings on the street, but they also opened their stalls much earlier.

When Ferdinand heard about it, he asked his royal painter to put on old clothes and set up a stall early in the morning to see how Frederick would react.

However, at this time Frederick ran off in search of delicious food.

"It tastes very good!" Frederick was tasting the apple strudel in a small teahouse. "You can try adding some raisins to the apple filling and sprinkle the finest powdered sugar on the surface for decoration."

"It's a pity that it's not the apple harvest season. I always feel like something is missing when using jam. I'll try it when the season comes."

His words soon reached Ferdinand's ears through the emperor's secret service.

Ferdinand asked the intelligence chief in confusion: "Did Wesson really say that?"

The intelligence chief replied: "That's true. Others present also heard it."

"Then Duke Wesson went to the restaurant opposite and ordered a beef stew. He said..."

Ferdinand frowned slightly and asked in a deep voice, "What did he say?"

The intelligence chief replied cautiously: "Duke Wesson said that the beef stew in that store is better than the one in the palace, because... the chefs in the palace dare not improve the method for fear of trouble, and all the recipes have remained unchanged for hundreds of years, which is very boring. "

Ferdinand nodded silently and asked, "You should know what to do next, right?"

The intelligence chief immediately replied: "Yes, I will shut up Duke Wesson and the people in that store."

"[Ven City expletive]!" Ferdinand wanted to hit someone, "I want you to buy one! Let's see if it's really more delicious than the one in the palace!"

"Also, whatever he ate, you can buy it for me to taste as he promised."

The intelligence chief said with some embarrassment: "Duke Wesson... today... also eats Elizabeth potatoes, and he even makes them in a shop for others to eat."

Ferdinand raised his eyebrows and said, "Let's go and take a look."

Frederick introduced potatoes for many years, and some people took them out to plant them. As a result, some people got into trouble because they didn't know that the sprouts could not be eaten, so there were a lot of rumors.

The most widely circulated rumor is that these underground fruits are for Duke Wesson's devil army to eat, and ordinary people will die if they eat them.

In the Osmaga Empire, only farmers in the mountainous areas grow some in the mountains, and people in the city don't touch it at all.

There is a restaurant in Wayne City. The proprietress married from Weissensee last year. She stocked up a cellar of Elizabeth potatoes according to her hometown's recipe. As a result, less than 10% of them have been sold so far, and the rest are about to sprout. .

Frederick promoted potatoes as part of increasing Wesson's soft power, and he naturally would not remain indifferent after seeing this situation.

"Don't worry." Frederick said to the fellow villager, "I'll help you advertise!"

Today, Theresa and several other eldest ladies came out with Frederick to collect delicacies. They were surprised to see Frederick enter the kitchen and cook things decently.

According to Frederick's idea, they should start with promoting potatoes.

When Ferdinand came to the store, Frederick had just prepared the first potato dish as a snack.

After saluting, Ferdinand looked at his youngest daughter and the other eldest ladies with a smile, making their faces turn red.

"It's good to be young," Ferdinand sighed.

The small shop was almost full of guards inside and outside the shop. Frederick squeezed between them, personally brought up the "Book Page Elizabeth Sweet Potatoes", and said to the emperor with a depressed look: "Your Majesty, you want You didn’t come early to tell me, I’ll give you my share.”

Ferdinand smiled and said, "Then you eat what they have."

While the two were talking, a guard behind the emperor picked up the potato in front of Ferdinand, tested it for poison, and ate a small piece.

The guard paused and ate another small piece.

Ferdinand said to him: "If you take this opportunity to eat secretly, I will ask your father to beat you!"

The guard replied seriously: "Your Majesty, this is my duty."

Frederick smiled and said: "From the perspective of the beneficiary, I will not murder His Majesty. This is not good for me. I am also worried that someone will frame the blame on me."

In the past two years, someone in Wesson has published several detective novels, which have been very popular. There are several cases in which the range of criminals is determined based on who can benefit from the murder of the victim.

When he said this, even if the emperor burped right now, he would be able to clear most of the suspicion in public opinion.

Frederick continued: "This snack is very simple. Remove the buds and green poisonous parts of the Elizabeth potato, and cut the top into pieces with the bottom still attached. Steam it first and then let it cool. Fry it with fragrant garlic, Onions and other spices are spread on the Elizabeth potatoes and in the middle of each piece, and finally roasted in the oven until the skin is crispy."

His purpose is to promote Elizabethan potatoes, so naturally he won't keep the recipe a secret. The more people who make it and the more people who eat it, the more people will think he is awesome and can get such a good thing.

Ferdinand took a bite of the Elizabethan potato and found it quite good. It was soft and suitable for an old man like himself who didn't have many teeth.

At this time, Frederick made potato cheese cakes, which was to mashed boiled peeled potatoes, then mix them with shredded cheese, spices, parsley, onions, salt, etc. to form cakes, and finally coat them in flour. , eggs and bread crumbs are fried until the surface is golden brown, and eaten with red tomato sauce.

Finally, the main course came. Frederick sauteed onions in oil in a pot, added a little ham and local spices, and then added potato cubes and meat cubes to stew together.

To take care of the emperor, who had bad teeth, Frederick added some meatballs.

During this period, Frederick secretly said to the landlady: "You can go home and buy some oyster sauce and put a little in it when making stew. Don't tell anyone else. This is my family's secret recipe."

The landlady nodded immediately.

When the lid of the pressure cooker was opened, the aroma of Elizabethan potato stew made Ferdinand shout from the front: "Hurry up and serve it!"

The other guards in the store could only swallow their saliva and looked at the guy who was testing the poison with envy. They had been loyal for generations and wished they could take on this dangerous job for him today.

This time Frederick made a big pot and finally we could sit down and eat together.

"It tastes pretty good." Ferdinand said while eating, "I didn't expect you to be a good cook."

Frederick just smiled. His cooking skills were forced by Psyche. If he wanted to learn magic outside the syllabus, he could only make delicious food for her. He even made bubble milk tea. In the end, even Richard Gnar also learned this trick.

Ferdinand asked him again: "Isn't this meal cheap?"

Frederick replied: "There are expensive ways to make Elizabeth potatoes, and there are also cheap ways to make them. Those with money naturally want to make them in different ways. Most of the soldiers in the army make a big pot of potato stew, beef, pork, Replace it with chicken. Common people also make a lot of stews at home, and sometimes they make mashed potatoes as the staple food. At the relief station, it's simple, just put it in water and cook it."

The guard who tried the poison just now was all eyes widened when he heard it. When he was a teenager, his family arranged to join the army. Although he was a junior officer, the food was not much better than that of the big-headed soldiers. He stewed everything in one pot, which is not like Wesson. On the Duke's side, even the big soldiers can eat such delicious things.

Ferdinand noticed another point and asked Frederick with some confusion: "What is a relief station?"

Frederick replied calmly: "In the past few years, many people have come to us to look for work. Many of them don't have much money, and they will have no food for a while if they can't find work. So I opened a relief station. No matter who it is, You can stutter and starve to death wherever you go.”

Ferdinand shook his head and said: "Those lazy people stopped working and went to the soup kitchen, not to make you poor."

Frederick smiled and said: "Don't be afraid. The only food you can eat there is boiled Elizabeth potatoes and boiled water. It can be eaten for two or three days. If you keep eating only this for a long time, you won't be able to bear it."

"They also help arrange work there. If you do jobs like sweeping the streets and collecting garbage, you can get a little more cheese."

"If you are a craftsman, go to the guild and get a certificate, and you can eat well for a month before you can find a job."

After hearing this, Ferdinand said: "Even this is very expensive. There is no quota for how much you eat in a day. It is too convenient for the people below to do anything."

He has been the emperor for so many years and is too familiar with the people below. Things that can be done with 100 gold coins actually require at least 500 gold coins to do it reluctantly.

"It's not a big problem." Frederick said with a smile, "Elizabeth potatoes are very cheap here. If you sell them for less, you won't get much money. If you sell them for too much, you will be discovered. There are monks from the church watching over them."

"To tell you the truth, the money is worth it. The security in the city has improved a lot. There used to be bread thieves, but now they are gone."

"Hiss..." Ferdinand looked at Frederick in disbelief, "So there are no poor people in your place?"

"How is that possible?" Frederick shook his head. "At most, no one will starve to death, and no one will freeze to death in winter."

"Many families do not have access to meat every day. In the village, a family can only eat one chicken every five or six days. The chicken is still cooked in the pot every day. In the past few days, those who worked in the fields could only eat a little. The meat was eaten with soup, the children barely had an egg every day, and the whole family ate bones on the last day.”

"We can barely afford to wear thin cotton clothes for everyone, but if there are many children in the family, we can only give the younger children clothes that the older children can't wear."

"That's not enough?!" Ferdinand almost jumped up, "Not everyone in the city of Venn has a sip of chicken soup to drink every day, eats eggs every day, and wears cotton-padded clothes!"

Frederick said in embarrassment: "It's not enough. My goal is to allow every family to eat a chicken every day, and every family has a bicycle."

Ferdinand was so angry that he didn't want to speak.

The content of the conversation between the two of them spread quickly through the guards in the store and the ladies who followed Frederick out.

Many people have a new understanding of the wealth of Weisen State, and some have other thoughts.

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