Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 244 In-depth cooperation

"What?" Frederick exclaimed in surprise, "Some of you proposed to attack Wesson?"

The corner of his mouth twitched. The person who brought this news was Theresia's half-sister Princess Mary.

Mary is in her early twenties. She is the youngest daughter of Ferdinand and the third queen. She is also a squadron leader of the Fire Dragon Knights of the Osmaga Empire. She has a close relationship with the military. This should be true.

She gloated over there: "Haha, who told you to tell your father the day before yesterday that your territory is so rich? Of course some people will take risks for the sake of money."

Frederick smiled, and what he was doing was not affected in the slightest. He just said: "It doesn't matter, just come on."

Mary stretched out her hand to brush away the gray hair from her cheeks, looked at him deeply, and asked, "How can you thank me for bringing you such important news?"

Frederick curled his lips slightly, glanced at the sunset outside the bathroom window, gently stroked her long hair with one hand, and slowly slid the other hand over the scar on the left side of her neck, and replied seriously: "You don't have to tonight. Asleep."

Sunset and sunrise, the book will not go into details.

At lunch the next day, the two well-dressed people began to talk about business cooperation.

Mary said bluntly: "I want to purchase a batch of weapons and military supplies. I want the military weapons you are using. I will pay with water magic crystals and ice magic crystals."

Frederick had a good impression of this princess who never minced words or minced words and did what she said.

Mary was not a little princess with no power like Theresia, but a count who owned a large territory and had led troops in battles. In addition to the scars on her neck, she also had more than ten arrow wounds and multiple sword wounds on the front of her body, which were serious. Two spear wounds.

Such a princess wanted to purchase weapons in large quantities, and Frederick couldn't help but think about the Xuanwu Gate.

"Who are you purchasing on behalf of?" Frederick asked her, "The Osmaga Empire? The Fire Dragon Knights? An interest group? Or yourself?"

"Myself." Mary replied while eating potatoes and beef stew. "My fiefdom is in the south. Not far from the sea to the west is Venice. Those guys who smell like gold always want to kill me so that they can occupy the entire bend of the sea. , most of the injuries on my body were inflicted by them."

Frederick nodded slightly and said: "It must be the area on the Istria Peninsula. I passed by it once a few years ago."

Mary said: "Yes, the mother and the queen over there are all relatives, and they all listen to me."

Frederick sighed: "I heard your story there. You must have exchanged it for scars. At that time, I thought it would be great if I could see you."

Mary smiled and said: "Haha, you have seen everything now. But at that time I was recovering from my injuries, so you couldn't see me either."

Frederick thought for a moment and asked, "Does the emperor know about this transaction?"

Mary said very openly: "Just say it. You don't have to worry about anything. You have also seen the scar on my stomach. I will not be able to have children in my life, so the competition for the throne has long been out of my business. I am now The important thing is to participate and make the show more lively for my father, otherwise I could have taken advantage of you yesterday."

"Now all I want to do is kill those people in Venice. If not, I'll disgust them to death."

Frederick was stunned. Yesterday he only knew that she had an abdominal injury, but he didn't expect it to be so serious.

"Don't look at me like that, or I'll kick your balls out!" Mary was a little angry when she noticed a hint of comfort in his eyes, "Do you think I'm a peacock in the garden, as soft and weak as Theresia and others? I stared at them all and ran away with their pants up. I didn’t even dare to fight. No matter if it was a man or power, I just waited for others to give me charity.”

"I guess Theresa told you that she was frightened by the death of her fourth aunt and wanted to escape from the city of Wayne. The death of her fourth aunt is a tragedy, but it is not difficult to find out who did it. Fourth Aunt He was a nice person, and my mother even asked me to go to the monastery and tell me that she could help Theresia. In fact, my father had already investigated clearly at that time, and the murderer had his legs broken by his father himself and is under house arrest until now. She just wanted to train Theresia. As long as she is willing to investigate, it can be found out in less than five days."

"As it turns out, she is unwilling to check, and she is unwilling to run. If she dares to run with you this time, we brothers and sisters will look down on her. What about her? She only dares to stay here as long as you want. As long as I have sex with you, I won’t even dare to have an illegitimate child with you and tie you up.”

"Don't think of me as someone like her. I'm a fire dragon flying in the sky. I can do whatever I want, and I won't do it even if I don't want to."

"I respect you as a hero. If you play the trick of coaxing a little girl with me, I will look down on you for the rest of my life and just pretend that you drank too much and slept with a dog yesterday."

Frederick raised his glass in salute to her and drank it in one gulp.

He thought for a while and said thoughtfully: "In addition to arms trade, we can also have more in-depth cooperation."

Mary raised her eyebrows and said with a smile, "Darker than last night?"

Frederick ignored her antics and continued: "Now that the goods from the sea bend want to reach us, if you take the land route, you must first get on and off the ship in Venice, and then pass through the White Mountains where the roads are dangerous, there are many monsters, and the climate is changeable. This section of the road requires horse-drawn carriages. It takes almost half a month to walk, and it takes a long time to travel by water.”

"If you build a port in your territory, and then build a railway from the east around the White Mountains, connecting Wayne City, Mingxing City, and finally our Oak City, it will be there in a few days."

After hearing this, Mary stopped her lunch and began to think.

She had heard about the railway that Frederick mentioned. It could pull a lot of goods at one time and was cost-effective in transporting people and goods.

If such a railway could be built to allow overland cargo transportation to bypass Venice, it would be tantamount to snatching a small bowl of fat from their bowl.

Mary said to Frederick: "I can't make the decision on this matter. I need to discuss it with my father and several royal brothers and sisters who have territories there."

Frederick also said: "I also need to discuss this with Archduke Byrne. His relationship with your country is not good."

Mary nodded. They had many wars with the Principality of Byrne, but in the face of sufficient interests, everyone could do business while fighting.

Then Frederick returned to the original topic: "I can sell you the main weapons used during the Battle of the Elbe and help you train the army. This army can only be used by you to defend your territory. My condition is to purchase it. Fire dragon eggs.”

Fire dragons mostly live in the White Mountains, and there are also some in the small mountain ranges in the east and southeast. The Osmaga Empire occupies many habitats, including Mary's territory.

It's just that the hatched fire dragon is a strategic material like the winged unicorn, and I'm afraid the Osmaga Empire will not sell it.

So Frederick did the next best thing and turned to purchasing fire dragon eggs and trying to hatch them himself.

"Hehe..." The expression on Mary's face instantly became funny when she heard this, "Why, your body can't bear it anymore?"

From this we can hear the edible effects of dragon eggs.

Frederick sneered and said: "I wonder who's waist still can't straighten up."

Mary smiled slightly and said, "I can sell you the fire dragon eggs. No one can hatch them anyway."

Frederick said to her calmly: "Tell me your terms."

"Hehe..." Mary licked her lips.

Before she could say anything else, Frederick stood up, picked her up and left the restaurant.

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