Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 246 You are joining the one who defeated you

The spring breeze has picked up again, there are a few more clouds in the sky, and the swallows are flying lower and lower.

In the pavilion, Eugene thanked Mary and drank some tea to moisten his throat. He calmed down and changed the topic: "I am very interested in the military geography theory proposed by Staff Officer Helmut, but I have some different opinions. I think he definitely did not publish all his teachings, and he may have deliberately published wrong content in some places. So I want to discuss it with him."

Frederick nodded slightly. What Helmut published in the military section of Wesson Daily was indeed just a summary. Some parts were inconsistent. A knowledgeable person could tell that. From a point of view, Eugene is qualified.

He asked Eugene: "So, you came to join our army because you were disappointed with the friendly forces in that war?"

"Yes." Eugene sighed, "There is something that has not been made public."

"The bastard Commander-in-Chief at that time was the fastest runner. As soon as he returned home, he went to His Majesty Louis and said that I had colluded with the enemy, just because he heard about my divorce and concluded that I would not survive the war."

"At that time, my mother was giving piano lessons to His Majesty the Crown Prince in the palace. When she heard about this, she immediately broke off a piano leg and rushed over and beat him to a bloody head in front of His Majesty, while beating him and scolding him... uh …It might not sound very nice.”

When Mary heard this, she covered her mouth with a folding fan and said to Frederick with a smile: "I heard that Eugene's mother asked while playing, did you see that William was dying and was going to the Rhine League to inherit the throne?"

At first, William put the blame on Frederick's father, but Frederick beat his lackey to death, expanded his territory, and was promoted to a noble title. This became a joke.

Eugene picked up the teacup and drank tea to cover it up, while Mary herself laughed so much that she leaned on Frederick's shoulder.

When Mary stopped laughing, Eugene continued: "At that time, my mother assured your majesty that I had not colluded with the enemy, otherwise she would be hanged in front of the palace. Finally, Armand, the mages and other returning officers testified for me. That’s why I didn’t suffer injustice.”

"It's just that the status of that bastard family is not lower than mine. The last substantial punishment was that my superiors in the army were still my superiors, and the others who escaped were still officers. I thought it was boring at the time, so I quit the army and thought about it. Then I decided to come to you."

Frederick was silent for a long time after hearing this, which made Eugene a little worried that he would reject him.

"I welcome you, but whether to join the Wesson Army will be decided after you listen to what I say below." Frederick said suddenly.

Frederick's expression became serious and he said solemnly: "I participated in that war. Of course, I was with the Kingdom of Lisenberg."


Not only Eugene, but also Mary looked at Frederick in surprise.

There was no trace of Weissen State from beginning to end in this war. The two places were far away, but Frederick said that he participated, which is confusing.

Eugene thought seriously for a while, suddenly realized, and murmured: "That's it, no wonder we will lose, you know every move in our port, as long as you tell the people of Lisenberg, they will be invincible .”

Frederick nodded slightly, and then asked him: "Are you still willing to join us?"

Eugene said hesitantly: "I am willing, but are you willing to believe me? Aren't you afraid that I will leak your information?"

Frederick said disdainfully: "What do I have to be afraid of? What if I open it up for others to see? If you want to learn from me, you must first not embezzle military rations."

Mary stood aside and covered her mouth with a feather fan, laughing and joking: "The Gallic army is invincible if the pot is full of onions."

Eugene reluctantly agreed with the joke and smiled bitterly. He took the tea and drank it in one gulp. He adjusted his mood and said seriously to Frederick: "I am still willing to join your army because my thoughts coincide with yours." , I want everyone to know that such an army is a truly powerful army!"

Frederick stretched out his right hand to him and said solemnly: "You are welcome to join. I believe this is a place where your ideas can be sublimated and become reality."

"My army will pass by here in a few days. You will first serve as a trainee staff officer, act with the staff, and have the right to make suggestions during the war. Can you persuade the staff officer, deputy commander, Prince de la Garces and me to adopt you? The advice depends on your ability.”

Eugene shook hands with Frederick excitedly. He did not expect that he would be able to enter the center as soon as he joined. This was a very high starting point.

It was just Frederick who smiled and poured cold water on him: "But you are not an officer yet, you are just an ordinary soldier. In the Wesson Army, you are a 'soldier instead of an officer'. However, the salary and treatment are the same as those of an officer. After the war, you have to go to military school." .”

Eugene was stunned for a moment, and then said: "It doesn't matter, this is what it should be."

Only then did Frederick say to him: "The staff ship will only pass through Wien on the fourth day. You can board the ship at that time and report to Staff Officer Helmut, and he will arrange the specific work."

"By the way, last year the Lisenberg army's plan to attack you was mainly planned by him. The original plan was to surround you in the port and capture all the prisoners. We could get half of the ransom. However, because you delayed the time, the last step was not completed. goal achieved."

Eugene opened his mouth in surprise, feeling a little panicked, wondering if he would be beaten by then.

After the employment was settled, Frederick asked his servants to grill kebabs nearby, and everyone chatted while eating. He talked to Eugene about the customs and customs of his family, and asked about Armand and Françoise's current situation.

After eating the barbecue, Eugene saw it starting to rain, so he found an excuse to run away.

He rented a hotel in Wayne City. Staying for a few more days wouldn't be a problem, but it would be a big problem if some rumors spread here.

The spring rain soon fell, and Mary asked the servants to clean the pavilion and then they all left.

"There's something I can't understand." She sat on Frederick's lap and asked, "Why do you want to help the Kingdom of Lisenberg and offend the Kingdom of Gaul so seriously, and why do you want to say it?"

Frederick just held her gently, without touching her hands, and said a little tiredly: "The year before last, King William's health was getting worse and worse, and he could no longer move. His last decree was to seek help from the Kingdom of Gaul. A princess married Rodolfo. The Kingdom of Gaul immediately agreed. The girl is a niece of their king. The wedding date is next year. "

Mary heard what he meant and how tired he was.

"Thank you for your hard work." Mary kissed Frederick's forehead gently.

Frederick smiled and asked her: "Do you understand what I mean?"

Mary reached out and pinched his face, and said with the same smile: "Don't underestimate me."

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