Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 247 Let’s go and have a look

At dinner time, the palace restaurant was filled with fragrant aromas, and the candles on the candlesticks gave off a strong light, making the fat on the dishes shine.

Ferdinand glanced at the children on both sides of the dining table, counted them twice, and said with a smile: "It's been a long time since they were all here like this."

The princes and princesses closest to the emperor laughed and turned to look at Mary and Theresia at the end.

Mary drank the soup nonchalantly, while Thearesia blushed and lowered her head.

The eldest prince shook his head and said: "Oh, Theresia, if you insist on it then, there's nothing wrong with us helping you."

Theresia acted as if she hadn't heard anything and sipped the soup in small sips.

At this time, Mary said to Ferdinand: "Father, I will go on a trip in a few days."

Ferdinand and Mary's brothers and sisters immediately understood what was going on and looked at her with smiles.

The fifth princess was so surprised that she said exaggeratedly: "Is he really as powerful as the rumors say? Does it make you reluctant to let him go?"

Mary replied nonchalantly: "You will know if you try it."

"Get out!" the fifth princess laughed and scolded, "That bastard bought all my wool at a very low price. I can't wait to tie him up, coat him with salt and throw him into the sheep pen."

Ferdinand asked her calmly: "Are you going by yourself or with an army?"

Mary replied: "I'll go by myself. It would be best if you could agree to me taking the fire dragon with me."

She is herself, but the fire dragon belongs to the empire, Mary can tell the difference.

Ferdinand put down his spoon, tapped the table with his right hand, and thought seriously.

Everyone else also stopped eating, waiting for the results from their father.

Only Mary continued to eat and drink indifferently. She was not asking Ferdinand for advice, but just saying it.

Ferdinand understood after seeing her performance and asked seriously: "Did he ask for it or did you want to go on your own?"

Mary replied: "Frederick planned the Kingdom of Lisenberg's defeat of the Kingdom of Gaul last year. I want to see what his army looks like."

Ferdinand had just picked up the spoon, but when he heard these words, his hands trembled and the spoon fell on the table.

Except Theresia, the other princes and princesses looked at Mary in surprise.

"Are you kidding me?" The eldest prince frowned tightly, "There was no news before, and what good does this do to him?"

"Of course there are benefits." The second princess sitting opposite him looked a little gloomy. "It seems that the royal marriage between the Rhine Alliance and the Kingdom of Gaul has made the nobles within the Rhine very dissatisfied. I guess Duke Wesson is just a leader on the surface. , the nobles involved behind the scenes are probably only in the upper reaches."

The third child stroked his beard and sneered: "The Kingdom of Gaul is arrogant. Although Rudolf is not smart, it is still too naive to want to interfere in the affairs of the Rhine League with just a woman."

"It would have been okay for the Kingdom of Gaul to do this when the morale of the Rhine League dropped sharply just after the Lowland War. But after the Battle of the Elbe, the confidence of the Rhine League returned. It would be good if they did not cause trouble to the Kingdom of Gaul."

The fourth child narrowed his eyes slightly and said to Ferdinand: "Father, let me go to visit Gaul. If Rhine and Lisenberg attack Gaul from east to west, it will be very difficult for Gaul. England in the north of the strait will use their The tradition of finding trouble in Gaul when there is nothing to do will definitely join in. I heard that the crown prince of Gaul does not have a crown princess yet, and I think Jiu Mei is quite good."

After saying that, he raised his right hand and caught the flying knife between his two fingers.

Then he wiped his hands with a handkerchief depressedly, and at the same time said to Jiumei: "Throw the knife when you throw it. Can you not throw it full of jam before throwing it away?"

Mary said to her sister who had the same mother: "Sister, next time you put sesame sauce on it and throw it away."

Their brother glared at the two sisters and said, "That's too much. It's not good to waste food. Just burn it red."

The fourth child stared at the eighth child, wondering who was going too far.

The fifth princess, who had the same mother as the fourth, also said to Ferdinand: "Father, let me go with my brother. I will teach the Gallic princess. Her techniques are too rough and she doesn't know how to do it bit by bit." Come."

"No one wants to hold their wedding in the New Palace before they get married. It is even more luxurious than the Palace of Gaul. No wonder Duke Wesson and others want to stab the Kingdom of Gaul in the back. However, this year they changed their words and wanted their child to be born in the New Palace. ”

Ferdinand watched silently as his children showed off their talents in front of him. Only Mary, who was not involved in the succession to the throne, continued to eat her dinner unhurriedly, and Theresa, who bowed her head silently as usual.

After everyone finished speaking, Ferdinand asked Mary: "Mary, if there is a war between us and Duke Wesson in the future, what will you do?"

Mary replied decisively: "I will defeat him on the battlefield!"

The fifth princess teased Mary: "It seems that you haven't won these days. Theresa didn't help you?"

Mary glared at her and said, "Then come and help."

Ferdinand said to Mary after the children had finished making a fuss: "Go and be safe. Take your fire dragon with you too."

Mary immediately laughed, stood up and solemnly thanked her father.

After the family dinner, Ferdinand asked Theresia to take him back to his place of residence.

In the bedroom, candles exude soft light, the fireplace has already been lit, and the flames are licking a small iron pot, and the aroma of rice and medicinal herbs from the south wafts out of the pot.

Ferdinand sat on the edge of the bed and said solemnly to Theresia: "Wesson will stay in Wayne City for ten more days. This is your last chance. You know what I am talking about."

"Your uncles and I are watching you, but not just you. Don't forget that your third aunt's mother comes from your grandfather's cousin's family. Your uncles have turned to support third aunt's lineage. It’s not impossible.”

"I told you, you are not living alone. You should know that you have your mother's family and the entire grassland on your shoulders!"

"Even if you are not seeking the throne, you must seek benefits for your mother's family and the family that supports your mother on the grassland!"

"I don't know if you are really stupid or pretending to be stupid. If you fail to seize this opportunity in these ten days, even if you are pretending to be stupid, neither I nor your uncles will give you a chance. "

Thearesia kept her head lowered, as if studying her toes that were invisible when she stood up straight.

Ferdinand ignored her reaction and waved her away.

Soon a maid came over to change and wipe the emperor's body, and then put on a soft and comfortable nightgown.

Ferdinand sat down on the bedside, and someone sat on the chair beside the bed with a novel and began to read aloud with great emotion.

But the emperor's mind was not on this, but on Theresa's affairs.

He was never sure whether Thearesia was really stupid or pretending to be stupid.

After thinking for a while, Ferdinand felt that it didn't matter. As long as she didn't take the initiative to pursue the truth about her mother's murder, so that others could see her true performance, she would lose the qualification to compete for the throne, and would never have a chance to have the power of the empire.

Ferdinand thought for a while and felt that it was better to give her another chance. If she dared to follow Frederick like Mary, it meant that she had the courage. As long as she had the courage, she could still do a lot of things.

On the other side, Theresia had been uneasy. When she came to her senses, the carriage stopped at the gate of Ganquan Palace.

She took a deep breath and decided to discuss it with Frederick.

But the housekeeper here told her that Duke Wesson had just gone out for a visit.

Theresia thought that Frederick would be back tomorrow at the latest, so she waited here.

But she didn't expect that until Ganquan Palace was reduced to ruins under the iron heel, Frederick would not return here again.

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