Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 248 Send out those who come to seek refuge


The wooden-core steel-clad mace intersected with the long sword. There was no deafening impact, only the loud sound of the mace hitting the ground.

Frederick deflected the mace that hit Tianling Gai and wanted to step on it with his right foot, but an iron spear aimed at the position above his ankle and swept across. If he was unprepared with this force, he would be hit. There will definitely be broken bones.

Although there are nuns nearby who can help cure it in a few minutes, normally the pain during bone setting can be avoided.

However, Frederick did not dodge. He stepped on the mace and let the iron spear hit his leg.


Amidst the sound of metal colliding, Mary felt the shock from the iron spear in her hand was like hitting steel, and the spear head actually bent!

This blow had no effect on Frederick at all. After jumping up on the mace, he launched a flying knee kick towards the face in front of him that was very similar to Mary's.

Mary's sister Princess Anna immediately leaned back, and at the same time released the mace and stretched out her hands to grab Frederick's pelvis from the side, preparing to turn around and throw him to the ground.

However, Frederick threw back the long sword in his hand and forced Mary back. His free hands grabbed Anna's wrist, and they both fell to the ground together.

Wrestling is a required skill for Iron Can, and anyone who wants to go to the battlefield must learn it. Frederick and Anna immediately entered a fierce ground battle.

Anna got behind Frederick and attempted to end the fight with a naked choke.

But Frederick reacted quickly, and with his left hand protecting the side of his neck, Anna's naked choke failed to take shape.

Frederick stood up and backed away, trying to knock Anna against the wall.

Anna immediately jumped away and reached out to catch the iron spear thrown by Mary.

Frederick had his hands empty at this time, and behind him was the wall of the training ground. Anna's iron spears pierced out like raindrops.

On the other side, Mary came over with her mace in hand.

Frederick saw the right moment and punched away the iron spear from the side, and Anna's middle door suddenly opened wide.

Frederick seized the opportunity, walked up quickly, grabbed Anna's clothes after getting close, and threw her down. At the same time, he stumbled on his supporting foot and threw her to the ground.

Mary's mace swept over, but Frederick did not hide. Instead, he stepped on Anna's lower back to prevent her from standing up, and then struck the toothless part of the mace with both fists.


The huge force of the impact caused the mace to fly backwards, causing Mary to lose her balance. Then, Frederick almost knocked out her dinner with an uppercut.

In the bathroom of Mary's house, the purple-black potion in the bathtub was steaming, and three bruised guys soaked in it and groaned.

"Comfortable!" Anna placed the newly emptied draft beer cup on the edge of the bath, "I haven't felt so good in a long time!"

After saying that, she took out a towel from the bathtub and applied it to the dark circle on her left side.

Frederick, like her, had just drank a large glass of blue potion, and his whole body felt chilly from his stomach. Coupled with the hot water outside that could kill a pig and remove its hair, it was hard to describe the feeling.

Mary poked and poked at Frederick's body curiously. She had discovered something strange about him, and that other parts of him were as hard as steel.

Frederick ignored Mary and said to Anna: "I didn't expect Her Royal Highness to be so proficient in martial arts."

Anna waved her hand and said, "You don't have to be so polite now."

At this time, Mary smiled evilly and said, "You're welcome later."

Anna threw the towel covering her eyes at her sister, and then said to Frederick: "I came to you for two reasons today."

"As soon as we come, Mary will follow you to Constantbul. It's fine if you are going on a trip, but you are going to fight. I want to see if you can protect her."

Mary pursed her lips in displeasure at this.

Anna continued: "The second thing is that the nobles in the grasslands of the lower Danube River were originally from Theresia's side, but she was very unsatisfied, so the people on the grasslands planned to join me and my brother respectively. However, there is a group of people with new ideas. Idea, they want to surrender to you conditionally."

Frederick frowned and asked: "They are all your tributary countries over there. Do you agree that they will seek refuge with me?"

Anna replied: "The tribes on the grasslands there are changing too fast. Today's chiefs may have no heads tomorrow. We don't care about them, as long as we can provide soldiers."

"Everyone here in the empire knows that the farther away the lower Danube region is, the less we can control it."

"Their request is very simple. Didn't you transform the swamps into fertile farmland in the lowland areas? There are also many swamps near the mouth of the Danube River. As long as you help them transform the swamps into farmland, they will join you and provide you with hussar troops every year. .”

After hearing this, Frederick began to think.

The hussars of the Osmaga Empire were recruited from the middle and lower reaches of the Danube. In addition to their usual reconnaissance missions, these light cavalry also had the specialty of fast and concealed marches, and could appear unexpectedly around weak points in the enemy's defenses.

It's just that the area was too far away from Wesson, with more than 2,000 kilometers of waterways, and Frederick was unable to manage it effectively.

He thought about some more questions and had some concerns in his mind.

Frederick shook his head slightly and said: "Renovating swamps along the swamp is not that simple. The types of swamps in different places are different, and the transformation methods are different. Experts need to conduct on-site inspections to come up with a plan."

"Tell them that I will send people over to take a look first. If they can be transformed, they will be transformed. We will discuss the distribution of benefits later."

Anna looked at him a little surprised and said, "I thought you would take them in first, and then think of a way and pretend to think of a way."

Frederick shrugged and said: "Be honest. If they want me to go there and find a place to open a market to sell things to each other, I will be very happy."

Anna thought that he might be worried that the place was too far away and difficult to manage, so she said, "Okay, I'll tell them."

Frederick was thinking that the people over there were too far away from him, and there was the Osmaga Empire in between, but it was not that far from Constantbul and it was easy to get there by sea, so he might as well be a favor. To Prince Dragaces.

The problem in Constantbul today is not a problem for a city, but a problem for the living space of the entire Dongpulan Empire.

In Frederick's view, he lacked allies in the inland sea, which would not be his target for a long time. If he could support a strong ally, he could strengthen his trade radiation.

The timely help now will be provided to the end, so that there will be less secondary investment in the future.

At this time, Mary got up and walked out of the bath. Frederick was startled and got up too.

As a result, Mary held him down and said with a smile: "You have been sold to me."

Frederick blinked, what happened?

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