Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 250 Plan Change

"Wow! There are reeds all around!"

Lilu shouted in surprise from the watchtower.

Frederick was looking around with a telescope beside her. His eyes were full of green reeds, and from time to time he could see beautiful birds flying by.

At this time, Frederick was a little lucky that he didn't have the brains to agree to transform the swamp. This was not a swamp but a large wetland, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square kilometers, with countless tributaries branching off from the Danube River.

So Frederick gave the locals to Dragaces to fool, and it would be interesting to see how many people he could fool.

At this time, Dawn on the deck shouted twice, and Frederick waved to it.

Behind Ming Xiao, two guys were punished with shoveling feces. One of them was Eugene, who had just arrived, and the other was Metzger, who had made many military exploits.

When Eugene was in Buda City, he went shopping with Metzger, who was a trainee staff officer together. He saw several men chasing two disheveled women on the street with blood-stained daggers in their hands, so The two of them stepped forward to save the beauty without saying a word.

It turned out that the two groups were from local gangs, and the two women were killers who had just killed one of the other party's leaders through seduction.

The two gangs have recently gone into full-scale war due to a territorial dispute. When one party saw someone from the Wesson Army rescuing the person on the opposite side, they concluded that they were colluding with the Wesson Army.

Ever since, Wei Senjun was inexplicably involved in the gang war.

That afternoon, Frederick was wearing a military uniform and went to taste local delicacies with Lilu and Mary without any guards. As a result, he was surrounded by more than a dozen gang members.

The other Wesson Army soldiers who got off the boat were similar, and many people with weapons and malicious intentions gathered around them.

Afterwards...nothing happened afterwards.

The lord of this city is Mary's uncle, and those gangs are his dogs. It's not fun to challenge the royal authority. After figuring out the situation, all the middle and high-level members of the gang who were not killed on the spot by Wesson's army in the afternoon tied up stones and threw them into the Danube River overnight. .

After Frederick figured out the situation, he called Eugene and Metzger to scold him. Generally, when people use a knife to cut things, the blade is in the direction of the tiger's mouth. When they get a sharp weapon, they will subconsciously hold it this way. When holding a dagger, the blade is usually in the direction of the tiger's mouth. In the direction of the little finger, do you know that a woman holding a bloody dagger like this is a good woman?

So the job of cleaning up the horses and dawn excrement on the ship was undertaken by the two of them.

Frederick watched for a while on the observation deck. When the latest intelligence arrived, he returned to his room and began to study the intelligence sent by the staff.

Before the troops and horses were moved, intelligence went first. Frederick sent intelligence personnel to various key points early in the morning to establish radio stations. Through relay transmission, the latest intelligence on the future battlefield was transmitted to the command post on the Flying Tulip as quickly as possible.

The speed of news dissemination in this era was limited. Only the senior officials of the surrounding neighbors knew the destination of Frederick's expedition. Until the entire army boarded the ship and went down the river, many people thought they were going to the Kingdom of Kush in the south, which they had good relations with. Help Lady Sophie in return for her kindness in bringing oriental crops such as Elizabethan potatoes and pumpkins.

There are many similar fake news, and some people believe that the wife of Duke Wesson's master, His Excellency Richard Nall, was bullied, and Master Wesson took people to help his wife regain her dignity.

It was impossible to distinguish between true and false news. Frederick even sent diplomats to contact ports along the way to purchase supplies. It seemed that they were going all the way to the Kingdom of Kush.

As for Dragaces and his men, they are now publicly identified as a mercenary army.

When the Flying Tulip arrived at the mouth of the Danube River, there was no movement at the place that was about to become a battlefield three to four hundred kilometers away.

It's just that the current weather conditions are very bad. This year's rainy season in the war zone has been heavier than in previous years.

In previous years, the weather had cleared up at this time, and the weather was perfect when the army arrived two days later.

But this year is different. The rain shows no sign of stopping. Many bridges have been destroyed and the roads are muddy and difficult to pass.

Frederick prepared the map, turned on the radio on the table, and called Helmut in another cabin, as well as Dragaces and Little Franz on other ships.

After confirming that everyone had received the weather information, Frederick said: "I suggest activating option two, revealing to Phocas that we will land directly at the port of Constantbul to attack the city, and let him shrink his forces. Around the city.”

"The road is difficult now, and the same is true for the enemy, so let them make one more trip."

"I have an idea. If the waterway is open, after capturing the mouth of the river, part of the army will take boats upstream to capture key points along the river."

Their battle is not just to recapture Constantbule. There is no food growing in the city. If they cannot control the surrounding land and only occupy one city, they will starve to death sooner or later.

More than 200 kilometers northwest of Constantbul, there is a lowland in the Mahe Valley, nearly 200 kilometers long from east to west and about 100 kilometers wide from north to south. The Laoshan Mountains in the north separate it from the plains of the lower Danube River, and there is a mountainous area in the south. .

In the lowlands of the valley, numerous small rivers flowing from the north and south mountains merge into the Ma River, and the land is flat and fertile.

This is the only granary of the Dong Pulan Empire, and the land was entrusted to his closest confidants by Phocas.

The Ma River flows into the inland sea from west to east. There is a port city called Majiapu City next to the mouth of the sea, which is the first target of this battle.

According to the plan, Frederick and the others quickly divided their forces after occupying Majiapu City, and went upstream along both sides of the Majia River to eliminate Phocas's loyal confidants in the shortest time. The other part of the troops blocked the enemy reinforcements from the south, and finally moved eastward. Fight all the way to the city of Constantbul.

This battle not only has military accounts to settle, but also economic and political accounts to settle.

First, take the Mahe River Basin area. On the one hand, you can eliminate the followers of the pseudo-emperor Phocas one by one. On the other hand, you can take the summer harvest food into your own hands and create pressure on him. The third party is those who are still following Dra. Garces' loyal ministers, they also need land to reward.

According to the plan, occupying this granary is the primary goal. It doesn't matter if Constantbul is delayed by a year or two. It can gradually encroach on the surrounding land and turn this city into an isolated city.

Shortly after, Franz Jr. said on the radio: "The Ministry of Military Affairs asked Hayredin that small ships can go upstream, but if the river is too high, the ship's mast will hit the bridge."

Then Helmut also said: "The staff believes that it is necessary to send people to monitor the water level of the bridges on the river in real time, so as to adjust the personnel transportation plan."

Then it was Dragaces' turn: "As for Constantbulo, we have someone who can pass the information to the false emperor as a traitor, but this will take time."

After hearing this, Frederick thought for a moment and said: "In terms of intelligence, I can arrange for Richard Narr to move around Constantbul or even in the city, creating the illusion that he is attacking the city gates or the palace."

"Staff, arrange for Black Cat to stay near the main bridge. I will conduct aerial reconnaissance when the weather is good."

At this time, Dragaces said: "I suggest that Sir Richard Narr can sneak attack the Griffin Knights station east of Constantinople City, so as to make the enemy more confident that we will attack Constantinople."

"It takes time for the enemy to be fooled. We need to go ashore and wait."

Franz Jr. said after a moment: "The Ministry of Military Affairs agrees, and also suggests using the opportunity to wait at Haven No. 3 to organize a landing exercise."

Frederick immediately agreed: "I agree in principle with this suggestion of the Ministry of Military Affairs. The staff asked the local weather and calculated material losses."

Although the sea route is not long, the staff still selected several safe havens along the way. No one can tell what the weather will be like at sea.

Among them, Haven No. 3 is located not far to the north of Laoshan. If necessary, you can go south along the seaside through the Laoshan Mountains and reach the lowlands of the Mahe Valley. It is planned that the army will land here to rest for three to five days after long-distance shipping.

After some discussion, the four of them decided to conduct a landing exercise at Haven No. 3, and then set up camp, waiting for the enemy to be fooled or for the weather to improve.

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