Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 251 Duke Wesson is coming

The thousand-year-old ancient capital occupies an important location, with tall gates and big houses, magnificent and majestic, bustling with traffic, thousands of miles of boats and boats, beautiful bells and graceful bells, and a gathering of luanans and flying phoenixes.

Thick clouds have been hanging over Constantbul for more than a month now. It rains continuously, and colorful mushrooms grow on the door panels and window frames of some houses.

In the palace, a fat man weighing more than 300 kilograms was pacing back and forth restlessly, causing a dent in the soft wool carpet.

The slave girl in charge of the incense burner lit the soothing spices, and the soft aroma filled every corner of the palace within a few moments.

But this did not seem to calm Phocas. Instead, he grabbed the slave girl and threw her out of the palace gate.

The slave girl rolled on the ground several times, and the incense burner flew forward and hit her on the forehead.

The female slave, whose face was covered with blood, got up. Regardless of the blood that had already crossed her white neck, she respectfully saluted in the direction of the palace, picked up the incense burner and left.

Before the cleaning slaves could sweep away the incense ashes on the floor, an iron can came to the palace and reported to the emperor: "Your Majesty, the Griffin Knights...are completely finished. All the griffins have been beheaded."

On the emperor's golden throne, Phocas's expression instantly turned ferocious.

He raised the slave girl who was using it to vent his anxiety and smashed it against the tin can.

Amidst the sound of skulls cracking, the tin can was knocked back continuously, and finally fell with a clang outside the palace gate, leaving the slave girl's body behind and taking the opportunity to escape.

The other female slaves in the palace lowered their heads, fearing that they would be next.

Soon after, six teams of cavalry rushed out of the palace, carrying flags carrying orders.

On the edge of the port, a group of dock workers were sitting boredly under the awning. Some were lying down to reduce consumption, and others were gathering together to play cards. For them, they couldn't understand the rules that were too complicated and could only play the simplest game of comparison.

In the past, the port at this time was full of cargo ships. Although they were tired, they still had a meager income to support their families.

It's just that the port these days is much emptier than before. Only a few ships have docked, and more and more ships are leaving. Some ships even have to sail even if they are empty, leaving workers without work.

"Alas..." A bald man sighed and said, "When will this day end?"

The scarred man next to him made a speech, and then sighed and said: "Now there is no work, beans have become more expensive, and there are old people and young people in the family, life is hard to live by."

The bearded man who came out next just sighed and said nothing.

Then he played a pair of ten and three triples and a pair of twos. One-eye said helplessly: "Don't talk about you, it's difficult for us. You have no money and I can't collect the money, but the boss above is still the same as before. Collect the same money.”

The bearded man suddenly said mysteriously: "Did you hear that the station of the Griffin Knights was destroyed?"

Some of the other three were surprised, while others looked calm.

Scarface shook his head as he played his cards: "So what, my family is not going to be hungry."

"You can go to the cathedral." The bearded man said to him. "Now they serve steam bread in the church. You can get it as long as you go there. My whole family has been getting it there for two days, and I heard it will continue for a long time."

The bald head also nodded and said, "Yes, I went there yesterday too. There were a lot of people there and the queues took a long time."

Then he stretched out his right hand to show Scarface and said: "Look, when you go to get it, you have to put a mark on your hand. You can take up to five days' worth at a time, and one person can take up to fifteen days' worth."

Scarface saw five blue dots printed on the back of his hand and asked him in surprise: "Which master is so kind?"

The bearded man and the bald man immediately stopped talking.

Instead, he looked around with one eye and whispered: "Who else could it be? It's His Royal Highness Prince Dragaces."

Scarface opened his mouth in shock, but quickly realized what he was doing, and said very worriedly: "Is there going to be a war? Whoever eats his food will help him fight."

"Are you worthy?" One Eye looked at him disdainfully, "Do you know who the prince asked for help?"

Scarface shook his head. He didn't even know there was food in the church, let alone such a thing.

One Eye smiled proudly, looked around again, and then whispered: "Have you heard about Duke Wesson of the Danube and the upper reaches of the Rhine? He is the apprentice of His Excellency Richard Nare. He is eight feet tall and eight feet tall. With just a foot, taking the head of an enemy general among thousands of troops is like taking something from a pocket. He led 800 people by the Elbe River to kill all 100,000 people, and then he was able to run dozens of kilometers outside Hanma City to chop them down. Kill a king. His neighboring countries have been at war for several years. He went over to call the two kings and asked if he could give me face, so those two countries would not dare to fight again!"

"You know, Duke Wesson's army is not simple either. They are devils who come out of hell. They usually look like humans, but when they arrive on the battlefield, they turn into big eyes, long faces, and black faces. Even a knife can’t cut into my skin!”

"Hey... play your cards quickly."

Scarface was so dumbfounded that he forgot to play the cards in his hand.

"That's the devil." He said incredulously, "Doesn't the church care?"

"Haha," One Eye smiled disdainfully, "It seems you don't know either. In fact, Duke Wesson is the messenger of the God of Light. There are angels attached to him, and those devils are all influenced by him!"

Scarface was stunned for a moment, and after being urged by others to play his cards, Scarface said: "So, His Royal Highness Prince Dragaces is coming back."

"Yes." One Eye nodded and said, "I heard that their fleet will disembark here. When the time comes, everyone should be smart and run home if you see something wrong."

Scarface thought for a while and said, "Forget it, I'd better go out of the city and stay at my wife's parents' house for a while, and then come back when I settle down."

After hearing this, the bearded man also said: "I think so too. I'll go to the cathedral later and ask if I can get some more steam bread to eat on the road. Hey, I win!"

Just as they were shuffling their cards, an accident suddenly occurred near the port.


A violent explosion suddenly occurred at a military camp near the port, and white smoke clouds could be seen far away.

A salted fish fell from the sky and gave the bald head a tail, which made his scalp turn red.

How dare they and other dock workers stay here? They ran away, not even asking for the poker cards.

The huge explosion plunged the whole of Constantbul into chaos instantly, and pedestrians on the road immediately ran home.

After a while, another military camp behind the west wall also exploded, and there was a barley rain all around.

Soon there were rumors in the city that the troops of Prince Dragaces and Duke Wesson had entered the city, all wearing black helmets and black armor: mourning the late emperor.

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