Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 253 You will have to be on your own from now on

At the darkest hour of the day, streaks of sparks flew into the night sky, and a moment later a dozen dazzling balls of light illuminated the military camp in Majiapu City.

The people in the military camp couldn't figure out what was going on. No one thought it would be an enemy attack. On the contrary, some people thought who had offended the magician and asked someone to take revenge like this.

Those who were awakened covered their heads with quilts and continued to sleep.

The people standing guard outside and those going to the toilet raised their heads and saw the sky was completely white. Their eyes felt a little uncomfortable, so they cursed and covered their eyes with their hands.

"Target confirmed!"

"Close to target!"

"Bombardiers at their posts!"

"Bomb bay ready!"

Kirov No. 1 and No. 2 descended to an altitude of about 300 meters and flew over the military camp one on the left and one on the right.

There is a simple bomb sight in the pod, which is actually a graduated telescope that looks vertically toward the ground.

The deputy bombardier held a pocket watch and was counting down the seconds from 8, while the bombardier estimated the advance of bomb delivery and asked the driver to adjust the course from time to time.

As the bombardier pulled the bomb release switch, the 20kg aerial bombs left the bomb bay one after another and hit the barracks on the ground after free fall for 8.1 seconds.

Violent explosions sounded one after another, just like the thunder of the God of Light falling to the world to punish sinners.

After dropping the bomb, the airship rose a lot. After reporting to Frederick, it turned around and returned, leaving behind two broken walls full of flames.

The bombing of the military camp was like a signal, and other places began to take action.

Some of the senior officers of the city defense army in the city were resting at home, some were fooling around with their lovers, and some had just fallen asleep in the bathhouse.

The black cat troops of the Wesson Army had already grasped their whereabouts and began a beheading operation.

The side door of a mansion was blown open, and a group of men in black rushed in as quickly as possible.

Bobo followed the captain and rushed through the garden. In addition to ordinary weapons, he also had a thick shield.

When they arrived at the building, they did not go through the door. Instead, they took a ladder and entered the master bedroom on the second floor from the balcony.

Their target is the current commander of the city defense army. They try not to harm his family members because the target's wife comes from a big local family.

Bobo, who was born as a stonemason, is much stronger than before after receiving many years of training. He can still easily jump up to the balcony with a shield on his back.

When his teammates opened the balcony door, Bobo rushed in with a shield in hand, and at the same time, the front of the shield emitted a dazzling light.

The target was already prepared, holding weapons and preparing to fight off the robbers, but he did not expect to be dazzled by the sudden light.

Bobo seized this momentary opportunity and fired all the bullets in his revolver at him.

As soon as the gunfire stopped, the other two comrades had already entered the bedroom and immediately went to refill their guns.

After confirming that the target was eliminated, they left the mansion as quickly as possible and disappeared into the city. The target's wife was still hiding under the quilt and shivering.

In less than half an hour, more than half of the remaining defenders in Majiapu City were wiped out. All the high-level officials were wiped out, leaving only the military camps beside the city wall and the troops in the castle.

At dawn, five paddle steamers had arrived at the scheduled location and began to attack the city wall.

Although the undulations of the sea affected the shooting accuracy, it was not a big problem to deal with the large target of the city wall, and a section of the city wall was quickly destroyed.

Several ships quickly washed up on the beach. Dragaces was the first to jump off the ship, followed by two thousand Zionist troops wearing black military uniforms who belonged to him.

The Republic of China army rushed towards the gap in the city wall without encountering any resistance. The defenders had already fled when they saw the fleet on the sea before the bombardment.

Young Franz then landed with a regiment and took over the city walls and port. Dragaces was free and led the Zionist army straight to the castle.

At noon, Frederick and Mary landed in the open space in front of the castle, and immediately professionals came over to take Mingxiao and the fire dragon to eat.

Mary took off her helmet and saw the eagle flag and double-headed eagle flag already hanging on the castle, and sighed: "I didn't expect to capture this city so easily."

"How easy it is." Frederick smiled and shook his head. "If we hadn't diverted the enemy's main force, or if we hadn't almost caused a big mess in the last landing exercise, this battle would have been fought, and we might have died at the hands of our own people. of more.”

The traditional army of this era was gathered around its generals. The army's fighting will was equivalent to the general's will. Without the generals, the ordinary army would be a piece of loose sand if it lost morale and would disperse on its own.

This battle is aimed at this point. It completely disintegrates the enemy's morale by removing the enemy's leader and performing beheading operations. The fight is naturally as easy as cutting tofu with a steel knife.

Dragaces invited the original owners of the castle to the manor outside the city, which is now managed by a guard camp. When Frederick arrived here, his guard Tony also appeared.

Mary and Tony followed Tony to the castle's restaurant, which will be the next headquarters.

Helmut has already arrived here with his staff, and Franz Jr., Dragaces and Hayredin are studying the map at the dining table.

As soon as Frederick passed by, he said to little Franz: "You will be responsible for the command from now on. Call me when you need aerial reconnaissance."

"Huh?" Little Franz was stunned for a moment, obviously not responding.

Frederick said to him: "Ah, what, it's settled, you can fight however you want, just go ahead and do it. Under normal circumstances, I won't interfere."

Then he solemnly said to Franz Franz and Helmut: "I will need at least two or three commanders who can act alone in the future. You two, oh, and Eugene, are all talents I am optimistic about. At this time How can you wait until you gain experience while the enemy is weak?"

Franz Jr., Helmut, and Eugene, who were counting Wesson's casualties (2 people sprained their feet when disembarking, 33 people lost combat effectiveness due to severe seasickness), suddenly turned red with excitement.

Eugene put down his pen, stood up and said a little embarrassedly: "Commander, you really think highly of me. I have only caused you trouble once since I joined the army."

Frederick said to him seriously: "Don't belittle yourself. You have an advantage that none of us have now, that is, you have experienced a real big rout, and you can bring out your team almost completely during the big rout, and maintain it." With fighting power.”

"I have always believed that whether an army is strong or not depends not on how it wins, but on how it fails."

"We have won battles along the way. This is a good thing, but it is also a hidden danger. Once we suffer a setback, our self-confidence will probably completely collapse and our morale will be completely lost. At that time, we will become easier to catch than a pig."

The staff officers present felt that what the leader said made sense. If they felt that it did not make sense, then they must be wrong.

Dragaces looked at Frederick enviously.

People who are capable and trustworthy are too rare. Previously, the country was subverted because those who trusted were incapable of causing trouble, and then those who were capable but not very loyal seized the opportunity to seek power.

The three people Frederick mentioned just now, not to mention that little Franz grew up with him, Helmut joined halfway, and Eugene joined less than two months ago, he can actually trust them completely. They let them do whatever they want, and such people are either fools or geniuses.

After speaking, Frederick slipped away to feed Dawn.

He asked his guard Tony on the way: "Do you want to lead a team to fight by yourself?"

"No." Tony shook his head and refused, "I just want to protect the commander."

Frederick did not press for it, so he said: "The Ministry of Military Affairs thinks you can be made a knight, just after this battle."

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