Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 254 Take a walk in the city

The war did not cause much damage to Majiapu City, and it was Dragaces's Nationalist Army who entered the city to appease the people, so the citizens in the city quickly settled down.

Frederick also specially arranged for some handsome and well-spoken Wesson soldiers, some of whom were students in Constantbul before joining the army, and gave them some money to spend in the city.

Soon, everyone in Majiapu City knew that Weisenjun was a talented person. He was good-looking, well-spoken, and could speak Pulan with a very authentic Constantbulian accent.

Frederick encouraged the soldiers to learn foreign languages. This time they were going to fight together with Dragaces and the others, so they started by learning Plan language.

In the afternoon, more and more people started to walk on the streets. Places selling bread and other food posted notices stating that prices must remain the same as yesterday within ten days, otherwise a stone would be tied to the ground and sunk into the sea, and two stones would be tied to those who did not sell the goods.

Frederick and Tony were walking on the street, and they were relieved to see that the market was relatively stable and there seemed to be no need for a security war.

In the first battle today, Frederick would be lying if he said he was not nervous. He was still a little scared, so he chatted with Tony to relax: "By the way, I heard that you held a wedding a few days before departure? Why not? Tell me earlier?"

Tony's face turned red instantly and he hesitated to make excuses.

Frederick understood at a glance that he must have got on the bus first and then paid the ticket.

He sighed: "You were not beaten to death by your father-in-law and mother-in-law."

Although the act of making children is open to the public these days, giving birth to a child is a very sacred thing and should not be messed with.

Although Frederick was having a lot of fun in the city of Wien, not a single child was left behind.

"Almost." Tony said embarrassedly, "Lina's master is Professor Manuel, and he is very aggressive."

Frederick's heart of gossip was burning brightly. Manuel's children had also arrived in Wesson. He knew it, but when did this guy show up with a female apprentice?

"Tell me!" he asked curiously, "How did you hook up with Manuel's apprentice?"

Tony said even more embarrassedly: "I have known Lina a long time ago. At that time, I came to join the commander. When I walked to Ansbach, I ran out of money and had nothing to eat. At that time, Lina worked in a tavern. Waiter, she secretly brought me some leftovers, so I didn’t starve to death. At that time, she was the one who suggested that I participate in the knight competition. As long as I can sign up and pass the preliminary election, I will have a place to live and food to eat. "

"At that time, Lina owed the gang three florins. I took the championship bonus and wanted to help her pay back the money. Who knew that she offended the gang a few nights ago and ran away."

"Two years later, Master Tempsec asked me to go to the dairy to buy milk for her. I happened to see Lina at the dairy, and we got in touch."

"I heard her say that the night before the knights' meeting that year, the gangster asked her to help poison him. She refused, so she hid her sister in the carriage and ran away."

"That day the carriage stopped at the milk factory in Hausen City. When she came out, she happened to meet Professor Manuel's wife. After hearing their story, the wife took them in to work at the milk factory."

"Not long after, Professor Manuel and Master Psyche went to the dairy factory in Hausen City to study disinfection magic. Master Psyche discovered that Lina and her sister had a talent for necromancy, so he asked them to learn from Professor Manuel. "

"Later, Professor Manuel discovered that they were indeed very talented and hard-working, so he accepted them as his apprentices."

As Frederick walked and listened, he felt that Psyche appeared too frequently in this matter.

But he didn't delve into it. The old man could just do whatever he wanted.

The two of them soon reached the business district. At this time, someone came from the opposite direction and faced Frederick again. Tony immediately stepped forward, and several guards behind him protected the rear and sides.

The visitor was a businessman who went to Weissenburg City to purchase small hardware and sell it everywhere. Frederick had spoken to him a few words before when he inspected the hardware market.

He said to Frederick through Tony: "Your Majesty, it's so good to see you!"

Frederick saw that he looked a little anxious, so he said: "I remember you. I talked to you at the hardware market last year and it was even published in the newspaper."

The businessman said excitedly: "Thank you, Lord Duke, for remembering me!"

Frederick asked him: "What can I do for you?"

The businessman replied: "That's right. Now that the port is closed, our ships can't go out to sea. I don't ask you when the seal will be lifted. I just want to know if you will ask us... for some sponsorship?"

He put it very tactfully. If a large army occupies a place, it will definitely have to scrape the land. Foreign businessmen like them are naturally the fattest sheep.

Frederick said disdainfully: "You only have a little money, but you still get your goods from me. Am I a fool if I try to rob them back? If I have the time to do so, I would just adjust a few shipments of goods at the ex-factory price and sell them over, which is no better than robbing you." convenient?"

Now the businessman breathed a sigh of relief. It was great that people looked down upon his little money.

Frederick continued: "His Royal Highness Prince Dragaces is responsible for the political affairs this time. He is a poor man, you know what I mean."

The businessman's face turned pale all of a sudden, and his forehead was covered with sweat. Just because Duke Wesson didn't rob him, it didn't mean that Duke Dragaces didn't rob him.

Frederick went over and gave this guy a kick in the butt, and said angrily: "What are you thinking about? I'm going to show you a clear path and if you don't follow it, why don't you go back and discuss it with the others!"

He was speechless. Political investment was the most profitable at any time. People in Constantbul had used vests to give Dragaces some funds before. These people would definitely make a lot of money when Dragaces was restored.

The timely help was missed, now is the time to put the icing on the cake, if you don't seize it, you will have no chance in the future.

Fortunately, some businessmen wanted to understand this and collected a large amount of money before the meal and sent it to the castle to be used as military supplies for Dragaces. Frederick also got a share.

There was no time for a banquet, so Dragaces had a military dinner with them.

Dinner is very simple, a bottle of happy water for each person, a portion of instant noodles with red tomato and beef, a bowl of vegetable soup with concentrated soup stock, a can of braised pork, and a braised egg in the can.

Although the food was simple, the merchants felt honored when they saw that the prince was eating the same food as themselves.

This was Dragaces's stage, and Frederick did not join in the fun. He took Mary to the best seafood restaurant in the city to enjoy a sumptuous salted fish dinner.

The restaurant owner said to Frederick as if he was dead: "No fishing boats can go out to sea this morning. There are only salted fish in the city."

There was nothing Frederick could do, so just take it as a salty fish.

"You can go to sea the day after tomorrow." Frederick said to the boss, "Go and tell the fishermen to stay away from the fleet."

The war still has an impact on the city. If we don't want to fight a security war, we have to minimize the negative impact.

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