Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 258 Before the war

When the news came that the entire enemy force at sea had been annihilated, many people did not believe it, especially the local small landowners whom Prince Dragaces was wooing. They all believed that Duke Wesson's army was lying about the military situation.

Hayreddin didn't believe it at first, until he went out to sea himself and saw the charred wreckage on the beach.

Then Frederick encountered a big problem.

"What do you mean?" he asked Prince Dragaces. "What are these people doing here?"

Dragaces replied apologetically: "They're here to help."

Frederick looked at the group of "knights" and "soldiers" with dull eyes in the distance who were talking loudly. He shook his head and said, "They can only help me eat the military rations."

These people are small landowners who have lived in the local area for hundreds of years. They live an idyllic life and rely on paying money to go to war.

After confirming that the Wesson Army had destroyed more than a hundred ships of the Ghazi Empire, they felt that Prince Dragaces could succeed, so they suddenly became full of martial virtue, dug out the ancestral weapons at the bottom of the box, and brought the farmer with the pitchfork. help.

Dragaces said somewhat self-deprecatingly: "I asked them to bring their own rations and horse feed."

Frederick turned to look at little Franz, smiled and said to him: "You are the commander, you can make arrangements for these people."

Little Franz took the ball kicked by the leader with a black line. It seemed that only half of these people danced with guns and sticks on weekdays, and a few could throw a fireball that could ignite a straw pile or an ice pick that could kill a dog. , clods, beating bandits and thieves is okay, but there is no difference between fighting regular troops and sending them to death.

After thinking for a long time, he said: "It is better to let them guard the left side of the main position. Pretending to be the main force of the cavalry can also make the enemy confused about the reality."


There were some questions that little Franz couldn't tell, so Frederick asked them for him: "What if they don't obey the command?"

Dragaces was silent. He knew very well that the Wesson Army's military discipline was very strict, and those who disobeyed military orders and acted without permission would be punished as ordered.

"I will command them myself," Dragaces said. "Together with my light cavalry, let them chase the defeated troops at the end."

Dragaces deceived more than two hundred armed herdsmen with their own weapons at the mouth of the Danube River. These people were good light cavalry, and the hussars of the Osmaga Empire were selected from these people when recruiting troops.

Frederick and little Franz nodded, and those people were thrown aside as spectators.

However, it is not easy to keep these people in peace and order. They brought businessmen with the army and ate, drank, whored and gambled outside the military camp, creating a mess.

Frederick had no time to take care of them. The enemy's army had already moved out. Phocas personally led the army, claiming to have a hundred thousand troops. Eagles controlled by trainers began to appear in the sky for aerial reconnaissance.

During the past few days, Frederick and Mary took turns going up to the sky to chase away all the large birds in the sky, until the clouds gathered and it began to drizzle again.

But Phocas' side already knew the location of Wesson's defensive position, and the outpost battle began.

At Dragaces' request, Franz the Younger sent his light cavalry to conduct long-distance vigilance, reconnoiter the enemy's situation and intercept enemy spies.

These young people who were eager to perform in front of the new boss completed the task well and borrowed the heads of a few fellow villagers.

Frederick and Franz had nothing to say. Let Dragaces handle it by himself. This is his territory.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the place where Frederick and Richard Nall were fishing together changed several places in a row.

It's just that the rainwater, which is colder than the lake water, enters the lake. The water temperature drops a little, and the fish don't open their mouths much.

"Master." Frederick suddenly asked in a low voice, "Are you sure you can face the two magic gods on the opposite side?"

Richard Nall replied truthfully: "No."

"One of the Dharma gods under Phocas was Hakan from the Ghazi Empire. He failed in his political struggle and fled to Constantbul to earn a living."

"On the surface, Hakan is only good at wind magic, but I found out that he also learned an ancient transformation magic found on an island in the inner sea, which can make people as strong and powerful as bulls."

"Such an opponent is difficult to deal with. If I am distracted, I will be defeated."

"There is also a man named Galini who is proficient in fire magic. He invented the fire carpet that can float on the water. He seems to have fled to Constantbul many years ago. In the past two years, he has been in Phocas. A breakthrough was achieved with funding.”

"I estimate that when the time comes, Hakan will hold me back and Galini deal with you. If I distract you, we will be finished together."

Frederick frowned and nodded slightly. If this was the case, it would not be easy to handle. He asked again: "Master, what is the head-on confrontation between you like?"

Although the book records many duels at this level between them, Frederick felt it was a bit unbelievable. After all, it was written by an outsider and contained a lot of artistic processing and lack of details. These differences would be fatal in actual combat.

Richard Nall thought for a while and said: "Whoever makes a mistake first will die first. There is no testing of each other. We will take action as soon as we meet. We will never talk nonsense and we cannot relax for a moment."

"It may take a long time, and the moon will be full, and the cities and mountains will turn into powder. Maybe in an instant, in the blink of an eye, the legend of a generation has ended."

"However, the battle has already begun. The opponent's strength, character, and record must be collected and analyzed to identify the authenticity and countermeasures. You must also collect the rumors about yourself outside, make up for the flaws, and design traps."

Frederick felt that he understood clearly. This was a battle with extremely low error tolerance. Both sides must concentrate all their attention and not let themselves reveal any flaws or miss any of the enemy's flaws.

He touched a ring on his finger. It was not that he had no strength to fight for, but he only had one chance.

The rain stopped after a while, but the clouds were still there, just a little thinner, so it was probably still going to rain.

The wind is getting stronger and the air is getting fresher, making people's brains work faster.

Frederick suddenly asked: "Master, can we take the initiative to kill them, or find a way to separate them?"

Richard Nall turned to look at him and asked calmly: "Do you think I look like a fool?"

Frederick immediately replied: "It doesn't look like... Ouch!"

After hitting his head, Richard Nall said: "It is impossible to cheat, but everyone has their own weaknesses, and you can use these weaknesses to plan."

Frederick nodded, just like when King William wanted to transfer Richard Nare, attacking from the side can achieve the goal.

He just had a very rough idea, and he still needs everyone to discuss it together to see if it can work. If it works in theory, we can discuss the next details.

The fever finally subsided

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