Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 259 Planning a radical general

Rainy days were very unfavorable for the march of the army. Phocas's expeditionary army could only walk about 10 kilometers a day, only half of normal times.

However, the outpost battle of 5 to 10 people did not stop. The light cavalry of the Crusade Army relied on their familiarity with the terrain to constantly attack the Wesson Army's battlefield shielding circle, trying to open more maps.

When Frederick went to the headquarters to discuss with Dragaces whether he could launch some conspiracy against the enemy Dharma God, he saw Mary walking out of the headquarters wearing light armor, looking very happy.

When Mary saw Frederick, she hugged him and kissed him, and then left without looking back.

Not far away, there was a small team of about twenty people, all of whom were Mary's escorts and followers, as well as two Wesson Army communications soldiers with radios. Mary jumped on her horse and left with the team.

Frederick walked into the tent and saw little Franz studying the sand table with Dragaces.

Basically, little Franz was telling him what to do next, and Dragaces was studying hard.

Frederick watched from the side. The crusade actually built a secret camp in the mountains 20 kilometers away as a base for outpost warfare. It was easy to defend and difficult to attack. There were more than 200 people there, and Dragaces's light cavalry was eaten by them. A lot of losses were incurred.

Little Franz said to him: "The princess is going to destroy this camp. She has rich experience in mountain warfare. If we can let her join us..."

"Don't even think about it." Frederick shook his head, "She is a member of the royal family, not an ordinary noble. Don't worry, her family will not be worried. What if one day I find a son who says he was born to her and me?" What if Encheng wants my son to be the emperor? But I plan to form a mountain army. Let’s talk about it later. Let’s talk about something else now.”

He looked at Dragaces and asked: "I have an idea. Now Phocas has two Dharma gods, Hakan and Galini. Can we use any means to separate them so that we can defeat them one by one?"

Dragaces relied on the well-known Richard Nall to not be intimidated by the two Dharma gods facing him. Like many people, he felt that it would be okay for him to fight two against each other, but he also felt that it would be good if he could defeat each one.

"I have someone beside Phocas," Dragaces said in a low voice, "but this matter needs to be studied carefully and cannot be acted upon rashly."

Frederick nodded and said: "I have some ideas, such as unintentionally stimulating them and letting them compete for credit, and one of them will rush in. Or sow discord and let them break up and not cooperate."

Dragaces frowned and paced around the tent, and after a moment he said: "Gallini was trained by Phocas and was very loyal to him. Hakan has always been very arrogant and often looked down on Phocas. The two of them This has long caused a lot of conflicts, but I don’t know if it was intentional.”

"If you want them to act separately, you can only find a way to anger one of them."

At this time, little Franz said: "It's okay to provoke them all. Phocas doesn't dare to let both of them come, so we can go ahead and do it."

Frederick and Dragaces thought it made sense. Phocas had seen with his own eyes how fast and accurate Richard Naer could be within seven steps, and they would definitely not dare to let the two Dharma Gods leave their side.

Dragaces stood in front of the sand table and thought for a while, then whispered to the two of them: "Phocas had a very unpleasant history before, and many people involved in this matter were killed."

"He is very sensitive. Once other people mention related topics, he will think that these people are sarcastic about him. Those who can be killed on the spot will be killed easily, and those who cannot be killed will be killed by other methods."

"It just so happens that I know what this is about, and we can take advantage of that."

Frederick was very curious about the black history of the false emperor and couldn't wait to ask: "Tell me what's going on."

After Dragaces said this, little Franz showed a shocked expression, as did the surrounding staff officers, while Frederick frowned.

When Phocas was thirteen years old, his family was plotted and the entire family was captured. If his enemies fed him a bloodthirsty mushroom decoction and asked him to kill the male members of the family with his own hands, it was cruel, then it would be cruel to feed him and all his female relatives with charm. Throwing the mushroom decoction into a cage and watching it for fun has greatly exceeded the bottom line of human morality.

Frederick had heard of the bloodthirsty mushroom decoction. After drinking it, he wanted to drink blood. It was not cold enough and was more terrifying than a drug addict.

He also tried the Charming Mushroom Decoction in Wayne City. After drinking it, his whole body subconsciously carried out the great harmonious movement of life, just like breathing subconsciously, without any other thoughts, and he remembered everything clearly after the effect of the medicine wore off.

What's more important is that when the drug takes effect, he doesn't care who the other person is. If the maid of a certain lady's house hadn't thrown the pet dog that ran into the room out of the window in time, his reputation would have been over.

This incident naturally angered Phocas, but it also pushed the moral envelope too far.

"Forget it." Frederick finally shook his head, "His enemies forced him to do such things that were contrary to human ethics and justice. People and gods are outraged. If we continue to use this matter for profit, it is equivalent to us being as ignorant as those people. Integrity.”

Then he said to the other people in the headquarters tent with great solemnity: "Just pretend that you have never heard of this matter. This method cannot be used."

"Even butchers have a bottom line. If we cannot stick to our bottom line as Wessonites with ideals, ethics, culture, and discipline, the powerful force we are proud of will only turn us into two-legged people. of vampires and corpse-eating dogs.”

Dragaces looked at Frederick with some surprise, not knowing what he was thinking.

Throughout the ages, weapons have been used on the battlefield, and it is rare to hear of such a thing not being used because it exceeds the moral bottom line.

However, Dragaces soon felt relieved. I am afraid that it was precisely because of this that the angel of the God of Light possessed him.

Frederick had his own ideas. The battlefield was a place where people's minds could easily be distorted. He didn't want a bunch of psychopaths to emerge from his men and run into society, so he kept talking about the bottom line and not letting soldiers kill and kill people. Abuse of prisoners, etc.

After he finished speaking, Metzger continued: "Yes, yes, when I killed pigs in the past, I always gave the pigs a happy life with one knife. I would not poke them for fun."

Only then did other people in the tent remember that this guy used to be a pig butcher.

Frederick asked Dragaces about some of their taboos and allusions, and soon had a new idea.

Dragaces thought for a long time after hearing this, and finally said: "This method can really anger him, and it is very simple. Simple means that it will not go wrong. It will be better if you can attach a personal letter from you."

Frederick thought for a while and agreed, and began to make arrangements.

Some drowsiness, I don’t know if it’s a side effect of the medicine

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