Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 260 Giving Gifts

The army set out, got up before dawn to make breakfast, packed up immediately after breakfast, and rushed on the road at dawn. They started setting up camp at noon, otherwise they would not be able to build a stable camp before dark.

Starting in the evening, Phocas and his men drank wine and meat while enjoying the belly dance.

Since Phocas became a member of the imperial family, his hobbies have become the object of imitation by others. Belly dancing from the south has become a new kind of music in the past two years.

A roasted whole lamb was brought in front of Phocas, and Galini saluted Phocas beside the roasted lamb.

Phocas had a proud smile on his face, but he complained: "Oh, Galini, you can just let the servants do this kind of thing, why do you have to do it yourself."

Galini is in his early forties and looks quite young. He has chestnut-colored hair and eyes, a high nose and deep eyes, which attracts women's attention.

He calmly said to Phocas: "Your Majesty, their craftsmanship is not good and they don't control the heat well."

Phocas smiled and asked him to sit aside. He personally cut the meat from the roasted whole lamb where the neck and trunk were connected, and asked the slave girl to bring it to Galini. This was his favorite part.

When the slave girl placed the roasted lamb in front of Galini, Galini stood up and thanked Phocas meticulously.

Phocas then cut two more portions of the meat, one for Hakan and the other for Arda, an officer of the Ghazi Imperial Guards who came to support.

The other nobles could only look at the three people with envy. Their roast mutton was cut by servants.

Phocas leaned back on the sturdy chair and groaned. Immediately, a slave girl placed a napkin on his chest, and another slave girl fed delicacies and fine wines into his mouth.

There were many people eating like this, with the exception of Galini. He could also do this, but he only asked the slave girl Phocas had given him to pour wine into the cup.

The belly dancers wearing 50% transparent tulle skirts and ultra-thin fabric vests danced more and more fiercely. The bells on their wrists and ankles made a crisp and sweet sound, and the atmosphere became more and more lively.

Amidst the sound of dancing bells and the aroma of wine and meat, the surrounding soldiers were pouring bean flour, minced bacon and all the messy things they could find that were theoretically edible into the pot to make a pot.

When everyone was in high spirits, someone came to inform him that Duke Wesson had sent a gift to His Majesty the Emperor.

"Oh?" Phocas was surprised, "Will that boy Wesson give me a gift?"

Immediately, someone stood up and raised his glass to flatter him: "This must be His Majesty personally leading an army of 100,000 people. Wesson feels like a slime facing a giant dragon. This is the beginning of his attempt to please His Majesty and beg for surrender."

Others who were a step slower also stood up and began to flatter him.

One person said obscenely: "Your Majesty, you can't take advantage of him. I heard that his fiancée is the most beautiful woman in the upper reaches of the Danube. Why don't you let him offer his fiancée? I also heard that he has many beautiful women there." Women, and it seems that there is also his teacher Psyche..."

Before he could finish speaking, a wine glass and a plate hit him hard on the head.

Galini and Hakan attacked at the same time, and they couldn't keep their heads.

Hakan breathed a sigh of relief. If he hadn't repeatedly confirmed that Grandma Psyche was staying in Wesson and not following him, he would have run away long ago.

Phocas made a gesture, and naturally someone understood.

He was just a minor nobleman. If he died, he would die. The body would be dragged away and thrown away. The army, property, and territory would all be taken back to the emperor. Naturally, someone would take care of these things.

Galini glared at the body being dragged away and remained silent for a long time.

The other nobles pretended not to see it, so what if they saw it, would they attack the two Dharma gods?

The scene became lively again, with people taking photos of flattery and belly dancing, as if nothing had happened just now.

"Okay, okay" Phocas stood up with a smile, "Let me see what good things Wesson has sent."

The gift was quickly carried up. It was a large box that was as tall as one person. It could accommodate several people standing inside.

The people who brought the gifts lowered their heads and did not dare to look up at Phocas.

"Is that you?" Phocas asked him in surprise, "Aren't you at the forward camp?"

The few people knelt down all of a sudden, and the leader said tremblingly: "Your Majesty... Your Majesty... the camp is lost!"

Phocas's face suddenly darkened, but he did not order the punishment of those people. He just said in a cold voice: "Tell me clearly what happened."

The defensive strength of that camp is not low, but if Richard Nall takes action himself, it will be no different from one made of straw.

Phocas has led the team for many years and knows that we should not be too demanding when it comes to failure caused by the gap in strength. We need to ask clearly before talking.

The leading officer lowered his head and said, "A woman came the day before yesterday. She had gray hair and held a flaming saber. She rode up directly and chopped down the camp gate, and led a dozen people in."

"After they came in, most of them fought against the wall. The woman led a few people and killed us from beginning to end. When they finally came in front of us, they were covered in the blood of our brothers."

After he finished speaking, someone immediately said: "Your Majesty, this woman should be Princess Mary of the Osmaga Empire."

Phocas just nodded without saying anything and asked someone to open the box.

There is a button on the wooden board of the box. When pressed, the wooden board falls in all directions like flowers blooming.

A black shadow suddenly shot out of the box, spun around in the air, and flew towards Phocas.

Galini stood up all of a sudden, raised his hand, and a flaming arm stretched out two meters and grabbed the black shadow.

"Elemental puppet?" Galini frowned.

It was a dark, rough-looking bird with a letter inside its body.

Phocas took the letter from Galini's hands and read it. His face, which was originally dark after seeing the gift, now became so angry that the fat on his cheeks trembled.

"Wesson!" Phocas roared angrily, slamming the letter on the table in front of him, "I must kill you!"

Galini also had a dark face and carefully picked up the letter, only to see Frederick writing on the letter: "You Phocas [expletive] Wesson! You actually dared to blackmail me back then! Now that I'm here, I want to Anyone who lives can wear this dress and belly dance in front of me for three days and three nights!"

Others present were speechless and did not dare to breathe after the box was opened.

What Frederick sent was a belly dancer's skirt, worn on a wooden man. The figure of this wooden man was exactly the same as that of His Majesty the Emperor.

Moreover, this skirt was made of rough linen and was only worn by dancers in the kind of shops where sailors and coachmen went.

Galini was also so angry that his eyes were on fire. He turned to Phocas and said, "Your Majesty, I will capture Wesson and let you punish him!"

After saying that, he left without caring whether Phocas agreed.

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