Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 262 Hidden March

"Is Frederick here?"

Richard Nall knocked on the wooden door of the cabin where Frederick lived.

At this time, Frederick was drinking medicine, and Mary replied: "He is here, I will open the door right away."

Richard Nall said with a wicked smile: "Don't worry, I'll wait for you to get dressed and come back."

Mary blushed slightly and immediately opened the door.

Richard Nall saw Frederick still sitting on the bed, sat on the chair beside the bed and asked him: "How is it, can you walk now?"

Frederick killed a magic god that day. Even with the "angel" given by Psyche to help block Galini's domain, the last blow of "a certain magic electromagnetic gun" would have overdrawn all the power. If he hadn't held on, Wanting to go back to the tent to show off and avoid all kinds of rumors that he would die together, he collapsed at that time.

The current rumor in the army is that the commander was very excited after killing a magic god, so he took Princess Mary back to the room to celebrate. Everyone knows the way to celebrate.

In fact, Frederick asked Mary to help him back to the cabin, and then he fell into a coma for two nights. He was still very weak after waking up for three days.

Young Franz had just come to report on the damage caused by Galini, believing that Mary was responsible for Frederick's weakness.

Frederick replied: "I still have no strength and can only walk a few steps."

Richard Nall looked at his complexion and said: "You are overdrafted and can only rest."

"Hakan from the opposite side sent someone to deliver a message to me. He thought Granny Psyche was coming, so he told me that he would give up and run away after a show."

"The army of Phocas has not moved in the past few days. It is still staying in place. The gate of the military camp has not been opened. Some people saw Hakan still in the military camp."

Frederick frowned and thought for a while, then asked seriously: "Master, do you think there is a problem with this?"

Richard Nall thought for a while and replied: "I'm not familiar with military operations, but I think they may judge that Galini and I will both lose and have an opportunity to take advantage."

Frederick nodded slightly.

Richard Nall said to him: "You should have a good rest. Since you have delegated power, you must trust them."

After Richard Nall left, Mary returned with a pot of potato stew, and little Franz followed.

While Mary was feeding Frederick, little Franz said: "Commander, Her Royal Highness, I speculate that the enemy's hiding behind closed doors is a lie, and is actually paralyzing us. I judge that Phocas will pretend to stand still, In fact, they have taken advantage of their familiarity with the geography to send some elite troops to bypass the main road and advance lightly to attack us."

"I would like to ask Her Royal Highness to conduct reconnaissance at night. I am worried that because we have aerial reconnaissance, the enemy will use the cover of the woods to rest during the day and march at night."

Mary was feeding Frederick meat with a spoon, and Frederick nodded to her.

Mary immediately agreed: "No problem, I'll go after dark."

Little Franz thanked Mary and left. Mary said to Frederick: "Your men are quite good and they have not been dazzled by victory."

Frederick just sighed slightly.

This time, the dozen or so fireballs that Galini smashed into the military camp caused huge losses. Those who encountered the flames had almost no hope of treatment. In the end, more than 300 people were killed, and more than 100 people were seriously injured and disabled, and more than 100 people were slightly injured. Dozens of people.

He regretted it very much at this time. If he could have predicted that Galini would come so quickly and evacuated in advance, the loss would not have been so great.

Mary understood what he was thinking, but didn't say anything. This is something that every army commander must experience, and he can only come out of it on his own.

At the same time, in a valley south of the Southern Front Army, Phocas had just emerged from his super-large sleeping bag.

The trees in the valley are very dense, and the trees are covered with shady plants. Many people woke up like Phocas.

The first thing they do when they wake up is to put on crowns made of green branches to avoid being discovered by winged unicorns or fire dragons in the sky.

Phocas's face was still gloomy, and the officer who came to report was very cautious.

Their 20,000 horsemen were divided into groups and marched secretly through long routes. Each team had arrived at their predetermined position last night. They only had to climb the mountain for half a night to appear on the main road about 20 kilometers south of Weisenro.

After listening to the report, Phocas said: "Send orders to all armies not to move tonight. We have traveled so much on the Tianshan Mountains to rest for two days."

Then he said in a cold voice: "Tell them that from tonight to the day after tomorrow, it is forbidden to light fires when climbing over the mountain. Anyone who makes a little light will be killed by me myself!"

The order was quickly passed on. Not only other armies in the surrounding mountains, but also the military camps with closed doors also received orders to postpone the operation for two days.

Although the sneak attack is about surprise, the army will be exhausted after walking in the mountains for several days. If they don't rest, they will have no fighting capacity.

Not long after, Arda from the Ghazi Imperial Guard came over and reported to Phocas: "Your Majesty the Emperor, can our artillery be transported forward in advance? This can save a lot of time."

Phocas thought for a long time and finally shook his head and refused.

He said to Arda: "We must be careful now, enemy scouts may appear at any time. We cannot take this risk."

"Whether your fans are damp or not, this battle is up to you."

Alda immediately replied: "Everything has been checked. Even if it starts to rain heavily now, there will be no problem."

Less than 10 seconds after the words were spoken, raindrops began to fall from the sky, and a few minutes later a heavy downpour came.

Phocas huddled under the tarp, a smile on his face.

Just let it rain. Although you will have trouble moving by yourself, the enemy's reconnaissance will also be affected. It is best to wait until you are under the enemy's nose before stopping the rain.

Alda huddled under a tarpaulin and listened to Phocas say: "Wesson has never suffered a big loss since he took power. This is his fatal flaw."

"Gallini is dead. I believe he must have seriously injured Dragaces and caused heavy casualties to the army."

"A newborn who has never experienced a big defeat will definitely panic, blame himself, and lose confidence when suddenly faced with such a loss."

"So I asked Hakan to write to Richard Nall and stay in the camp to keep them inattentive."

"We pretended to stay behind closed doors again, making Wesson think we were panicking."

Alda listened quietly. At first, she thought what Phocas said was very reasonable. Now she listens to it every day. I don’t know whether Duke Wesson is panicking or not. Anyway, I feel that he is actually a little panicked. This action is put all one's eggs in one basket.

At night, the rain subsided a little. Arda looked up at the sky and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

A black shadow passed through the air more than 300 meters above. At this time, only Weisenjun could fly in the air. Fortunately, everyone was sleeping at this moment, and there was no light at all, so he was not discovered.

In the middle of the night, Mary returned to the cabin.

She took off her wet clothes and hung them on the wall, boiled a basin of hot water and wiped her body. At the same time, she said to Frederick: "I just went to the headquarters to report. The place to the south where we can march is completely dark, without any light of fire. "

Frederick breathed a sigh of relief, pulled her into the bed after wiping her body, and said softly: "Thank you for your hard work on this rainy day."

Mary kissed him on the face and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter. This kind of thing is very common. Even if there is no news, it is still news."

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