Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 263 Test Attack

It rained heavily for two days. When Phocas's army crossed the mountains and came to the road, there was not a single cloud in the sky, and the rising sun made people feel a bit dazzling.

The 20,000-strong army set off, but lost more than a hundred people along the way. One artillery piece and 20% of the supplies rolled down the valley and could not be recovered.

Phocas was very satisfied with this and let everyone rest for a short half day, eat solid food, reorganize the queue, and then set off towards Wesson's defense line.

At the same time, the military camps in the rear were no longer closed, and 30,000 troops set off on horseback or in carriages, followed by soldiers with logistics supplies and recruited farmers.

When they were about to arrive at Wesson's defense line, Phocas once again said to Alda: "You are the protagonists in today's battle, and it is up to you to command it. It is best if you can break through the defense line. If not, weaken them and wait for the main force from the rear to come." breakthrough."

Arda glanced at the rising sun and said confidently: "Your Majesty, please rest assured, I will definitely let you drink the wine of victory today!"

Phocas laughed, patted the war horse he was riding and said, "Oh, my old friend is old and can't run fast anymore. Otherwise, I would definitely charge with you."

He didn't seem to realize at all that the reason the horse couldn't run fast was because he had gained more weight in the past few years.

The Weisen Army quickly received the news, and the headquarters immediately ordered all units to enter combat status.

At the headquarters, Franz Jr. issued the latest order: "Only the enemy's vanguard has arrived so far. The main force has not yet arrived. Don't fight too hard to scare the main force away!"

Frederick came to the hillside position by the lake, and observed the enemy's military formation with telescopes in the headquarters with Eugene.

"It's amazing!" Frederick sighed, "There are actually three thousand musketeers and 19 artillery pieces. Five of them are of large caliber. If used properly, they can determine the outcome of a big battle."

Eugene said to him a little nervously: "Commander, it looks like they are going to attack us first. You should go back to the main position."

Frederick shook his head and continued to observe the enemy's weapons.

Now the enemies have all entered the range of Wesson's artillery, but Franz Jr. did not give the order to shoot, but waited for the other party to make the first move.

At this time, Arda looked at the Wesson Army's position and was cursing her mother, for no other reason, because they had dug many trenches on the ground, and only one head was exposed.

He ordered five 120mm-caliber artillery to contain and attack Wesson's main position, and the remaining 14 90mm-caliber artillery to bombard the hills near the lake. First, try this small position that should protect the water supply line.

Eugene saw the enemy's artillery pointing this way and immediately ordered: "Everyone enter the anti-slope position!"

He joined the Wesen Army for a short time, but during this time he has been learning, from weapon performance, doctrine and regulations, to various combat examples in actual combat and exercises, and felt that he could barely keep up with the pace of this magical army.

But we still have to fight to find out what the real situation is.

Frederick saw some powder leaking out when the enemy was loading gunpowder and was blown away by the wind. He curled his lips and said, "It's actually powdered gunpowder. No wonder it's so close. If the range is 1,500 meters, it's considered a success."

A puff of white smoke soon erupted from the artillery position opposite, and a dozen black artillery shells flew toward the hills by the lake, stirring up patches of mud.

It rained a lot and the ground was a little soft. When the shell hit it, there was a crater, but no ricochet occurred.

Eugene sighed: "This is quite powerful."

Frederick nodded and said: "The way the army fights will change in the future."

The other side found that the artillery shells were not effective when hitting the dirt, so they started shooting at the barbed wire fence outside the position.

However, the destructive power of solid bullets against barbed wire fences is limited, and several rounds of blasts have little effect.

At this time, Eugene gave a new order: "Snipers, kill a few of the gunners and make them nervous."

Soon there was gunfire on the position, and several artillerymen fell down at once. Many were injured and a few were killed.

Arda immediately asked the heavy infantry to place their large shields in front of the artillery, trying to protect the precious artillery.

Eugene will no longer let the sniper fire, so everyone can rest in the back.

Little Franz's order is to hold off the enemy, so let's spend it slowly.

"Oh!" Frederick suddenly laughed, "It actually exploded!"

Eugene's tactic of increasing pressure on the enemy was successful. One of the cannons poured powdered gunpowder into the barrel without clearing it. As a result, it was ignited by the residual fire, and half of the gunpowder in the muzzle exploded in the gunner's hand.

Arda saw that there seemed to be few people on the other side, so he ordered the infantry to dispatch.

100 musketeers came out of the battle. They were at the front, followed by 300 spearmen and sword and shield soldiers.

At this time, little Franz called and asked if artillery support was needed. Eugene replied: "Not yet, let's save the artillery until the end."

Little Franz sent another order: "Princess Mary sent the latest enemy information. The enemy's reinforcements are on a forced march and are expected to arrive on the battlefield tonight. The firepower can be appropriately increased."

At this time, the enemy's artillery was bombarding the barbed wire fence with all its strength, and after the infantry approached, it began to bombard the positions on the hillside.

Eugene issued a new order: "The whole army concealedly entered the position, and the snipers asked the artillery to stop."

The sniper soon started shooting again, and this time achieved significant results. An enchanted bullet hit a bag of gunpowder powder, causing a pile of gunpowder to explode around it.

It's just that the explosive power of these gunpowders in waterproof bags is not as powerful as those in airtight containers, and the damage caused is not great.

But this was enough. Arda immediately ordered all artillery to be moved, and at the same time sent 300 musketeers and 1,000 cold weapon troops to run along the lake to attack the hills.

When the first batch of enemies approached the barbed wire fence under the hill, with Eugene's order, the soldiers squatting in the trenches stood up and started shooting.

The soldier holding a pea gun fired all 20 rounds of ammunition in the magazine at a place where the enemy was densely populated, and then squatted down to change the magazine.

The enemy's musketeers fired hurriedly, but the smoke from their guns was too great. When the people in front fired, the white smoke blocked the sight of those behind.

This is not a problem for Weisenjun. If you can't see it, just use cherry bullets to hit it.

On the position by the lake, Pea Gatling, who was originally used as a side firepower point, turned his gun and pointed it at the enemies rushing along the lake.

The handle was turned, bullets were fired at the enemy one after another, and the relatively neat queue fell into pieces in an instant.

Some people were frightened and immediately jumped into the lake. After a while, the lake water was dyed red.

Alda's face turned dark and he hurriedly ordered a retreat, but none of the 400 people sent out in the first batch came back, and only less than half of the 1,300 people in the second batch of lakeside came back.

Phocas' face turned dark in agreement, and he went over and said to Alda: "The guns on the other side are stronger than you, let the mages join the battle."

Arda nodded and began to adjust the deployment.

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