Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 264 The enemy is also making progress

In the headquarters of the main position, little Franz carefully observed the enemy's formation changes through a telescope.

A trainee staff officer was observing the enemy's situation while reciting the text in a low voice: "For a long time, there were three axes on the battlefield, firepower, protection, and mobility. All weapons and tactics revolved around these three... "

Little Franz ignored him. Many people wanted to do something under tension, and he kept chewing fruit gummy candies.

On the opposite side, Phocas and Arda coordinated the formation of both armies. The main force launched an attack on the main position on the mountain side, and some troops launched a diversionary attack on the hills near the lake.

The diversionary troops stopped more than 200 meters away from the hill and fired at the hill from a long distance. Bullets fell on the position from time to time.

Eugene felt that it was very boring. The enemy could not show his ability without attacking, so he ordered the soldiers on the position to rest in the cat holes dug on the edge of the trench.

Little Franz looked at the time. There were still four hours until sunset. There was plenty of time to slowly kill the enemy.

Alda ordered all artillery to bombard the enemy's main position to cover the approach of the main force. In his opinion, Wesson's army was very afraid of death, and artillery could scare them away from taking the lead.

Little Franz looked at the enemy's artillery and just smiled.

Frederick had previously had the idea of ​​selling this kind of bronze muzzle-loading cannon, at least to sea ships to defend against pirates, so Springfield Arsenal made a few of them.

As a result, after the experiment, it was found that the performance and price of this artillery are not as good as those of jet mortars. The biggest disadvantage is the heat dissipation problem. If it is fired too much, it must stop and cool down.

But what others didn't know was that in a backup headquarters, Dragaces, his loyal ministers and those who came to seek refuge looked a little pale. The power of such a big iron ball falling from the sky is not small.

The enemy is approaching. The front row is the musketeers of the Ghazi Empire, the second row is the spearmen, and the third row is the magician group and archers. The magicians are holding up a shield to prevent long-range attacks from the opposite side.

Little Franz gave the order: "Mortars attack the enemy's magic shield and magicians. The peashooters on the first line of defense launch short bursts of fire after the shield is broken."

Not long after, black dots flew up from the position and headed straight towards the enemy.

The archers in the ground position suddenly drew their bows and fired arrows, as if to intercept the mortar shells.

It must be said that the archers of Phocas were indeed well-trained. When the mortar shells flew to the top, everyone had already filled their bows and then shot them into the air.

Wei Senjun was shocked by this operation, that he could still play like this.

As a result, two mortar shells were detonated and exploded in the air.

For Phocas, this was of no use.

Wesson's mortars fired three rapid shots at the enemy's magic shield, with the first two shots breaking the shield and the third shot killing.

The artillery shells exploded in the enemy's formation without the expected effect.

"Smart!" Little Franz couldn't help but praise his enemy.

The Wesen Army is developing, and others are studying them.

At the moment when the shells were about to land, the enemies all lay down or crouched down. Although the team was a bit confused, the casualties were minimized.

At this time Arda issued the latest order, and the whole army suddenly stood up and ran back, but there was no chaos.

Little Franz frowned, wondering what the enemy was doing. Was it just a test of firepower?

Arda could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that all the troops were running back.

He discussed with Pokas for a while, spent more than an hour adjusting the formation, and then launched another attack.

This time they were divided into many companies, each company consisting of 50 musketeers, 200 cold weapon warriors and one or two magicians.

The people in the company stood relatively loosely, and there was a large distance between the companies. Under the cover of the renewed artillery fire, they hunched forward and trotted forward to attack.

On the hillside by the lake, Frederick nodded and said: "Now the enemy has learned the lesson, which is a bit interesting."

Eugene said with some worry: "This will reduce our advantage."

"It's okay." Frederick smiled, "This will happen sooner or later. This also reminds us that we cannot rest on our laurels just because we have a small advantage. Others will also develop and catch up."

At this time, little Franz issued the latest order: hit hard!

The mortars started firing, and this time the enemy's magic shield provided an early warning function. As soon as they heard the explosion above their heads, everyone below immediately fell down, and waited for the remaining shells to explode before they got up and continued the attack.

However, the enemy is concerned about his head and not the front.

The overwhelming rain of bullets hit from the front, and the fastest enemy was quickly knocked to the ground.

The sniper started shooting at the enemy magician, and the magician who climbed down was the best target.

Phocas's cavalry moved. Instead of confronting the cavalry of Dragaces on the mountainside, they attacked the open slope between the lakeside hills and the main position, trying to attack the rear of the main position from there.

Young Franz immediately ordered the artillery to suppress the enemy's artillery, and the cavalry hedged behind the main position.

Arda was not far from his artillery position when he suddenly heard a strange sound coming from the sky.

Wesson's army was not idle while waiting for the enemy's arrival. The artillery compiled a shooting table and only needed to fire according to the data in different wind directions and areas on the table.

The six artillery pieces were divided into two groups and covered the place where the enemy's gunpowder was stored with artillery fire.

Alda only saw a flash of red light in front of her eyes. When she woke up, she found that she was in a tent and it was very noisy outside.

Soon after, Phocas' fat body squeezed into the tent. Alda wanted to get up, but was held down by Phocas.

"Get a good rest." Phocas had no anger, only calm comfort. "We were defeated in the afternoon. The infantry failed to attack the position. The cavalry was defeated by the enemy's cavalry. The powder was gone, so I ordered a retreat."

"But it doesn't matter. You did a good job. After suffering a loss at the beginning when attacking the hills by the lake, you immediately thought of a new way. In the end, our casualties were not large. Wesson's army did not pursue it, and we recovered a lot of weapons, including those bronze cannons. They were all dragged back."

"Now the reinforcements have arrived, and so has Hakan. Richard Nall did not show up today. He must have been injured. The advantage is on our side."

"Have a good rest, and then think of a solution after you have rested. I will let you command the next battle."

Alda was very moved. He was just a mercenary, but he had the complete trust of Phocas, and he couldn't help but want to die for his confidant.

Phocas said a few words and left. Soon after, wine and meat were brought to him, and several belly dancers came to serve him.

After Alda ate something, she lay down and rested quietly instead of fucking the dancers.

At this moment, he is brewing a new tactic, which should be feasible.

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