Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 265 Flooded Army

In the main tent, Phocas sat with his men, their faces clouded.

"I know it's not good to camp here because the terrain is too low." Phocas said in a deep voice, "But it's right on the road, making it easy to retreat."

"The firepower of the Weisen Army is too strong. Some of you have never seen it, but I have seen it today. If they use all their firepower, they will not be able to charge forward."

"I have stabilized the people in the Ghazi Empire. Let them take the rear when the time comes."

Phocas has fought many battles, and today's battle gave him too much shock, especially the final cavalry charge. Under attack from two sides, his cavalry was destroyed without touching the enemy. It was better for the infantry to leave some battle merits. The cavalry stopped firing halfway.

Now he was afraid, and the idea of ​​returning to Constantbul and hiding behind the tall city walls arose in his mind.

Someone in the tent led the cavalry charge today and saved his life by relying on the well-equipped equipment. However, at this time, his body was covered with bandages, and a bullet was shot in his leg, which broke the calf bone. Now he is sitting on the ground with a splint. .

"Withdraw." The man sitting on the ground sighed, "You will not understand if you have not experienced the rain of bullets from the Weisen Army. At that time, there was no place to hide. I was wearing two layers of plate armor and one layer of chain armor. The armor was two fingers thick inside, and after the shooting, more than a dozen bullets poured out of it, and three of my ribs were broken."

Everyone, look at me and I look at you.

Everyone had been fighting together for many years. Even this general, who was always brave and fearless, and was favored by the emperor, said he couldn't beat him. Everyone else also wanted to quit.

At this time, someone asked Phocas: "Your Majesty, if we move the magic crystal cannon on the city wall..."

"Then we might as well go back." Phocas said immediately, "We can use the magic crystal cannon when they gather outside the wall."

Constantbul's magic crystal cannons are very powerful, but they are very heavy and difficult to dismantle and transport. No one has thought of dismantling them.

Now that the emperor had spoken, the others had the same thought, so they stopped talking.

Then the guard announced Arda's arrival.

As soon as Alda entered the tent, a smile appeared on Phocas's face, and he said to him with concern and a hint of complaint: "Why don't you have a good rest."

"Your Majesty," Arda said excitedly after saluting, "I have thought of a plan."

"I see that Wesson's army does not have many troops. It is one-tenth of our total strength. This is our opportunity!"

"I went out to take a look just now. There are many mountains around here. Tomorrow we will be stationed on the main road. His Majesty and the Dukes will find a few nearby hills where there is no shortage of water to station."

"My artillery and musketeers are very useful for defense. We can send some to the top of the hill. Delaying Wesson's attack is not a problem."

"Wesson has few soldiers and can only choose a place to attack. As long as this place entangles them, the rest of us can come out from our respective camps to surround them."

After hearing this, Phocas did not express his opinion immediately, but thought about it silently.

He had already decided to quit and planned to sell Alda, but Alda's tactic looked good and very feasible.

"Okay!" Phocas finally made up his mind and pointed to the five strongest dukes and said: "Now we are divided into seven armies. Alda and the levies are on one side, my own people are on the other side, and each of you five is on the other side. All the way. Arda will guard here tomorrow, and our other six groups will each occupy a hilltop."

"As Alda said, there are fewer Wesson soldiers, but we have more people. Whoever Wesson's army attacks, others will be sent out to surround them together. If anyone dares to delay and save his strength, I will tear him apart with my own hands!"

His men also thought this tactic was good, and immediately swore to the God of Light that they would definitely support no matter who was in trouble.

After dark, the strong military camp was finally built. The soldiers here had either experienced a big defeat or had run all day long, and they were all exhausted. The 70,000-strong army soon fell asleep.

Hakan was working the night shift tonight, sitting on the wooden wall, his sharp eyes scanning the dark forest to the north from time to time.

Weisen's army seemed to have no intention of attacking at night, and everything was fine until dawn.

"Boom boom boom~"

A huge explosion came from a kilometer away. Hakan wanted to get up, but was worried that the enemy would divert the tiger away from the mountain, so he finally asked someone to blow the horn.

There was chaos in the military camp, but fortunately there were officers in charge, and order was restored soon after.

But what they were waiting for was not Wesson's army, but a flood.

At the site of the explosion, Frederick looked at the ditch that had just been blasted in front with a sneer on his face, because the lake water that had risen due to heavy rain for days flowed into the three-meter-wide ditch and surged unstoppably to the lower ground.

The water is getting bigger and bigger, and the soft soil on the ditch wall continues to collapse and deepen. If it doesn't collapse, use cannonballs to help.

When Hakan arrived here, more than a dozen ditches on the lakeside had merged to form a gap nearly a hundred meters wide. The surging water roared out and finally formed a waterfall.

Richard Nall stood on the top of a big tree, holding a Pea Gatling in his hand, the field covered the place where Hakan was, and said to him with a smile: "You are here to surrender, right? "

Hakan noticed that Richard Nall did not look injured at all, and asked in surprise: "You are not injured? How is it possible? Is Grandma Psyche really here?"

Richard Nall replied with a smile: "My apprentice Friedrich von Wesson killed Galini alone. Of course, he was also a student of Sister Psyche, so he should get some help."

Hakan remained silent for a moment, then sighed and asked, "Are you still recruiting people there? What are the salary and benefits like?"

Richard Nall replied with a smile: "We don't dare to recruit spies from the Ghazi Empire."

Hakan's expression did not change at all, but he did not retort. He just stood quietly on the top of the tree, making no movement except to resist Richard Nall's domain.

He sighed one last time and left south without returning to the military camp.

On the other side, Phocas ordered the entire army to stand ready, but Wesson's army did not appear. Under the night sky, there were thousands of horses galloping and the sound of war drums shaking the ground.

The water poured in from all directions, and in the blink of an eye it reached everyone's calves. Seeing it rose to their knees, the whole army was immediately in chaos.

When the sun rose, the entire military camp was submerged under the water. The surrounding trees were full of people, and some people were holding on to floating things and floating in the water.

Drowned bodies can be seen everywhere on the water, and they have even become life-saving straws for others.

Wesson's army appeared on the surrounding highlands, and the first batch of prisoners who escaped ashore became their lackeys. They did not want to float in the water like losers. Anyone who came ashore would have their hands and feet tied up by the losers who took off their clothes and pants.

Some people had weapons in their hands, and Wesson's army fired bullets at them before they could land. Others were so frightened that they quickly threw away the weapons in their hands.

Soon after, Wesson's wooden raft appeared on the water, with several ropes and wooden blocks tied around it, allowing people without weapons to pull the rope.

Only a few of the Guardsmen of the Ghazi Empire were rescued. They were detained separately, and those with gunnery skills were separated separately. The rest were prepared to be handed over to Prince Dragaces.

On the road leading to Constantinople, a group of Wesson soldiers set up roadblocks. If those who escaped here did not obey, they would be shot.

The sun has risen and no one can run that far. The officers and soldiers are taking turns eating breakfast, drinking happy water and dry food.

Eugene received the task of stationing here, so he brought the brothers who had shoveled horse manure together on the ship.

"I think we can catch a big fish," Metzger said as he ate.

But Eugene shook his head and said: "I don't think so. I know those nobles better. They can be freed with a ransom, so they will surrender as soon as possible."

Metzger was noncommittal, and after thinking for a while, he said: "If anyone wants to avoid us, they will go around in front. I will take a few people there to lurk. If anyone wants to run, let us know."

Eugene thought it made sense, so he agreed.

Metzger set off with a few people. Within ten minutes, there was a burst of gunfire from the front, and a signal flare for medics was raised into the sky.

Eugene was shocked and immediately took people over.

"It's worth it."

"[Wesson swears]! Give me a painkiller first!"

Metzger lay on the ground grinning in pain, with blood dripping from his chest.

His injuries looked scary. There were two crisscross cuts on his chest. The silver scale breastplate that he took off on the side was damaged, but only the muscles were damaged and no bones were damaged.

The medic immediately used alcohol soaked with medicinal herbs to wash his wound. The pain made the butcher scream like the pigs he had killed before.

Eugene pressed his shoulder and asked in order to distract him: "What happened just now?"

Metzger replied: "Hiss... Not long after I got here, I saw a man fatter than a pig... Hiss... Such a fat man must be a big shot, so I went over to stop him."

"Take it easy! That fat man is at least a good warrior. Those two daggers [Weisenzhou's expletive] are magic weapons. The breastplate was torn in an instant. I was also injured when I used the iron cloth shirt. As a result, [Weisenzhou's expletive] State expletive] being abused by this kid!”

The medical soldier smiled and replied: "Who [Weisin State expletive] told me that the braised pork you gave me last time was all pig's teats!"

Metzger was speechless.

The wound was cleaned, sutured, and medicine was slowly applied. The medical soldier said to him: "This is an injury caused by a magic weapon. I don't know if there are other injuries. I won't give you any painkillers, in case you don't notice the injury." Abnormally delaying the condition."

Metzger was so angry that the newly stitched wound almost burst.

Eugene went over to examine the body. While being wounded, Metzger emptied his revolver of bullets. One shot hit the heart, killing him instantly.

There were three corpses nearby, beaten to death by the men Metzger brought.

"Your boy has caught a whale." Eugene said to Metzger enviously, "The one you killed should be Phocas. He still wore the emperor's ring on his hand."

Frederick released the water from the lake, and the 70,000-strong army was wiped out in half a day, with only 10,000 surviving. Phocas was killed in the wilderness. Constantinople surrendered after hearing this, and the name of Duke Wesson was famous throughout the world.

None of the 10,000 Janissaries of the Ghazi Empire who were equipped with the latest weapons for actual combat testing on the battlefield survived. Emperor Murad of Ghazi vomited blood and fainted after hearing this. He died a few days later shouting "Wesson gives us the Janissaries" three times. , the new emperor Fatih recorded Weisen's name on the bottom of his robe, and the children in the country became famous and stopped crying.

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