Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 266 The War is Over

On the day when the army arrived outside the city walls of Constantbul, the rain completely passed and the sky was extremely clear.

In the early morning of this morning, the ancient city resounded with thunderous singing. Amidst countless falling petals, Prince de la Garces and Duke Wesson, who were wearing purple robes, entered the city side by side. Behind them were the mighty and majestic troops, who arrived along the road all the way to the palace. .

The Pope of the Church of Light had already arrived in Constantbul on the Flying Tulip and presided over the enthronement ceremony for Dragaces immediately after he arrived at the palace.

The new emperor of the Dongpulan Empire sits on the throne, and the next step is to reward him based on his merits.

Duke Wesson undoubtedly took the lead, and His Majesty Dragaces named him the Prince of Galada. The fiefdom is the Galada region across the strait from Constantinople, covering an area of ​​more than 1,000 square kilometers.

Next came the loyal ministers around Dragaces. These people were divided into three groups. Those who followed the emperor before sending out troops were the first group. After dispatching the troops, those who took refuge with Phocas before his death were the second group. Phocas The one who comes back after death is the last one.

Finally, there are the meritorious people in Wesson's army. From Franz and Helmut at the headquarters to Alfred who destroyed the Ghazi Empire fleet and Metzger who killed Phocas, they all received huge bounties. and honorary titles.

After taking the throne, Dragaces spent half a month stabilizing the situation in Constantbul, and then set off with his newly recruited army to the west to ask the local landowners if they supported him.

The political game behind this has nothing to do with Frederick. Now that his position is aloof and sensitive, someone has secretly encouraged him to simply kill Dragaces and become emperor himself.

Frederick had no time to take care of these people, so he tied them up and sent them to Dragaces for trouble.

The most important thing for Frederick now was to spend more time with Mary.

"I'll leave the day after tomorrow," Mary said to Frederick. "Now that the wind is blowing, I'll take a boat back to my territory."

Frederick patted her gently on the back without saying anything to hold her back.

Mary is equivalent to a "military observer". Now that the war is over, it's time to go back.

Frederick said: "Next I will go to the Kingdom of Kush, then travel to Linhai, then go to the Kingdom of Sardinia, and maybe also visit the Helvetic Federation and the Kingdom of Gaul."

He has long wanted to walk around and take a look. Now that the second five-year plan in the territory has been arranged, the surrounding area will be peaceful for a while. It just so happens that he has traveled so far this time, so he will take the opportunity to travel around.

When he goes back, Weissensee will begin to expand outwards, and then he won't be able to run around.

Mary leaned her face against Frederick's chest and whispered: "I also want to go with you, but my father's health is getting worse..."

Frederick hugged her and said, "I can understand."

He no longer passed through the Osmaga Empire on his journey. Their status was too sensitive and it was difficult for them to meet again.

One fine morning, Mary kissed Frederick, boarded the ship and left without looking back.

Soon someone else was leaving.

Lilu said to Frederick: "I will go to sea in three days. I have discovered a golden route in the past few days. I want to make a fortune before others find it!"

Frederick was cutting her hair. After hearing this, he said: "His Majesty the Emperor gave me a large sum of money. I will give it to you as capital. The extra money will be placed in the treasury and you can take whatever you want."

After recapturing Constantinople, Dragaces ransacked the homes of many rebels and rewarded Frederick with all the money he gained.

Lilu asked him: "Don't you keep some for yourself for traveling?"

Frederick replied: "I have saved some, it is enough, I can still work on the way."

He decided to travel anonymously to avoid trouble, and he also brought some valuable gems with him in case of emergencies.

Frederick continued: "If necessary, you can bring the Lexington and Saratoga on board to carry more cargo. It can also be regarded as sea training."

Now he has a port of his own in the Galata District. In the future, the navy can only use this place as its base, so the two flat-top boats will not go back.

The navy these days is full of part-time pirates and merchants, so Lilu was temporarily used.

"Okay!" Lilu said, "Now I don't know how the Ghazi Empire will react. Hayredin has already formed an alliance with us. I can take this opportunity to set up my own chamber of commerce in the inland sea."

"Yes." Frederick helped her brush away the broken hair on her shoulders, "You have the final say on matters at sea. I have placed 1,000 people in the Galata District, and you can mobilize 300 people if necessary."

Lilu hesitated and asked, "Isn't this bad?"

She understands the sensitivity of military power. She is just a family businessman of the Wesson family, and mobilizing the army is against the rules, even if she has another identity.

"It's okay." Frederick said, "I will build an armed protection chamber of commerce to train manpower for maritime operations. When the time comes, we can take this path."

"Next, the shipyard will produce more armed ships, and I will give them to you first."

"Just go ahead and do things at sea. Money is not an issue, and force is not an issue. It's up to you to achieve great results."

Lilu nodded excitedly. Frederick had provided her with so much support, and it would be unreasonable if he couldn't do something great.

"Thank you," she whispered, "I thought you would keep me in a cage."

Frederick just smiled and pinched Lilu's nose. This thought had never occurred to him. In his opinion, it was normal for a woman to have a career of her own.

In addition to Lilu, he also planned to let Maria find something she likes to do, instead of just doing nothing like other ladies and ladies, wasting away her time at tea parties and dances.

By the time Dragaces came back with an armed march, Wesson's army had all evacuated back home except for a thousand people deployed in Galada District. Frederick was leading a few people to dig holes in other people's gardens.

This mansion was bought by a big businessman a few years ago. Now he is doing business overseas, and only his grandmother is at home.

When Dragaces came here out of curiosity, Frederick was chatting and laughing with the old lady.

The grandma is over ninety years old this year. Neighbors jokingly call her a storyteller. Today, Prince Wesson came as a guest. She showed all her skills and told stories that made His Royal Highness smile from ear to ear.

After Dragaces arrived, he asked Frederick: "What treasure are you digging for?"

Frederick smiled and replied: "This was originally Manuel's home. He hid his private money in the garden and didn't have time to take it away."

"This time he knew we were going to fight back, so he asked Tony to bring back the private money."

While talking, Tony led the people to dig out several fist-sized jars, each of which contained some gold coins.

Dragaces knew Manuel and couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

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