Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 267 Retire after success

Manuel's private money was soon dug out. Frederick asked Tony to restore the garden, gave the old lady some Wesson specialties as gifts, and then left with Dragaces.

They returned to the palace and came to the drawing room, where they were alone, with a scribe recording the conversation.

Dragaces personally poured a glass of wine for Frederick and asked with a wicked smile: "Have you enjoyed your time?"

His Majesty the Emperor had heard of Frederick's affairs at Wien, and thought that he would do the same here.

Unexpectedly, Frederick took a sip of wine and shook his head: "During the time you left, I didn't go out at all, nor did I receive any guests."

Dragaces sat down on the sofa and said, "You don't have to be so careful. I still can't trust you."

"Who knows." Frederick smiled, "Being an emperor is not a matter of one person. Maybe one day I was sleeping, and suddenly a group of people asked me to wear an extra purple robe because they were afraid that I would catch a cold. Capture him from the palace and put him on the throne, and then I will be the emperor."

After hearing this, Dragaces could only smile bitterly. This kind of thing is not impossible to happen. There is always a shortage of people for political investment.

"You still have a long way to go." Frederick said after drinking some more wine. "You have not shown your strength and cannot make people believe that you are a good emperor. But I am already famous. Others It’s normal to choose me.”

"Yes." Dragaces nodded, "Actually, I was already prepared to be overtaken by you from the beginning."

Frederick rolled his eyes at him, and the clerk recorded it.

"I want to introduce some factories." Dragaces said to Frederick seriously. "I plan to learn from Wesson and carry out reforms, but it can't be done without money. Only by building factories can we make money."

Frederick nodded and said: "That's a good thing. You can ask someone to talk to Omet. The Ministry of Industry can take the lead. I also plan to build an industrial park in Galada District. We will be together at that time to avoid the construction company running away. Come and run.”

"Want a steam tractor? I can sell it to you at a cheaper price."

Dragaces had seen the efficiency of steam tractors, so naturally he wanted them. He also wanted other steam engines.

Frederick agreed without saying a word. Now Wesson is planning to carry out an industrial upgrade during the third five-year plan, replacing small-horsepower steam engines with light and efficient gas explosion engines. Those second-hand goods are just sold to Dragaces.

With the slow pace of this world, a few years have passed since the two sides started quarreling, choosing a site and building a factory here, and the time was just right.

At this time, Frederick the Capitalist's fangs were exposed: "Managing a factory is not easy. You also know that there have been many accidents in Wesson factories in recent years, so I suggest you send some trustworthy people before the factory is built. Come learn from us.”

"From the factory director, finance, and material management in the office to the technicians and skilled workers working beside the machines, these all take time to develop."

"You can recruit some of the second sons and daughters from your family who have no inheritance rights to study with me, starting from the technical school. I will charge the tuition fees according to the local standards, and the wages during the internship will be less. When the factory is built, As soon as they come back, they can start production normally."

Dragaces was deceived by him, especially the second sons and daughters who had no inheritance rights.

If these people are not dragged into marriage, they will usually get a manor and spend the rest of their lives casually marrying similar people, with very little income.

If they were allowed to manage factories, have a good income, and have a decent status as the emperor's subordinates, they would become a helping hand to the emperor.

After talking about this matter, the next thing happened made Dragaces become a little shy: "There is one thing, I will marry the queen at the end of the year."

"Oh?!" Frederick laughed, "Congratulations, which family are you from?"

Dragaces blushed and replied: "She is a girl from an ancient family in the city of Acropolis in the west."

Frederick nodded, on the other side of Athens. Although it was nominally the territory of the Dongpulan Empire, it was not very obedient. If the emperor married the family there, the relationship between the two parties could be strengthened.

He had already guessed that Dragaces was getting married, so he had prepared the gift and immediately sent someone back to get it.

Frederick handed a brochure to Dragaces and said with a wicked smile: "Your most important task now is actually to give birth to an heir with the queen as soon as possible. This can help you."

Dragaces took the book and asked curiously: "What is this?"

Frederick said "hehe" twice and said: "This is the secret technique that Mrs. Sophie from the Kingdom of Kush brought back when she sent a fleet to Taohua Stone two years ago. The author is from a manor called 'Baihuazhuang' Master, nicknamed 'Pig King', once made countless powerful female warriors over there surrender, I will translate it for you."

Dragaces flipped through a few pages, smiled like a man, and immediately took the book into his arms.

"That's it." He smiled and said to Frederick, "It turns out that you are so good in Wayne City because you learned this."

Frederick smiled and said nothing.

She originally wanted Psyche to translate this secret book, but she thought she had some evil thoughts about her and beat herself into a pig head.

"Okay." Frederick stood up, "You will be busy next time, and it's time for me to leave."

Dragaces was stunned and said hurriedly: "Why don't you stay for a few more days? I haven't had time to hold a banquet just for you."

Frederick shook his head and said: "No, Constantbul has returned to the embrace of the emperor. My reputation is big enough now, and the reputation of Weissensee has also begun to grow louder. The mission is completed, and it is time to leave. .”

"In a country, the most famous person is a powder keg that is ready to explode at any time if it is not the emperor."

At that time, Dragaces had promised to use the restoration funds collected in the Royal Library as reward. Now he was very busy and had no time to take them out, so Frederick had to run away immediately to avoid discovering that the gold and silver were gone. Very embarrassing.

Frederick left the next day, wearing ordinary clothes, carrying ordinary weapons and luggage, with a ring of gold coins and some small gems sewn into the waistband of his underwear, and without any rings. He said goodbye to Dawn and left the residence. Jumped on a sea ship heading to the Kingdom of Kush.

But he was unlucky. The ship encountered a storm halfway and was blown off course. The wind blew it to Wanjing City in the Ghazi Empire, hundreds of kilometers away from the Kingdom of Kush.

Frederick thought to himself that he was just traveling, so he could just go wherever he went, so he got off the boat here.

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