Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 268 First Arrival at Wanjing City

Wanjing City is a large port city in the southernmost part of the Ghazi Empire's inland sea. It is located between the sea and the mountains. All the snowmelt water and rainfall on the mountains flow into the mainly sandy land. There are no rivers on the ground. The locals dig wells to get water. Lord.

As soon as Frederick got off the boat, he felt that the customs and customs here were different from those in Weissensee. The biggest feature was that the people here had darker skin colors, just like Mrs. Sophie and Susan.

The sun here is much stronger than in the north. People wear headscarves to protect themselves from the sun, and their clothes are mainly light-colored.

Everyone who left the port and entered the city had to pay taxes. Frederick had a few copper and silver coins from the Ghazi Empire in his wallet, and he rummaged through them for a while before he found them and paid the tax.

Because he knew from his skin color that he was not a local, an officer took him away for questioning.

Frederick was quite gifted in languages ​​throughout his life and mastered many foreign languages. When faced with the officer's inquiry, he answered with a very authentic local language with the accent of Broussa, the capital of the Ghazi Empire: "My name is Charles Smith, and I am a member of the Rhine League." Students from Wesenberg University in Wessenberg are now traveling around to see if there are any good jobs.”

This was his concealed identity, as well as the matching ID card and student ID card, which he showed to the officer.

There is no nationalism or nationalism these days, and it is common to go abroad to join other nobles. Eugene in Wesson's army also came from the Kingdom of Gaul. His family is still a big noble, so no one thinks anything is wrong.

The officer looked at Frederick's figure carefully and asked, "Have you ever been a soldier?"

Frederick knew that his figure could not be hidden from connoisseurs, so he replied: "I worked as a secretary to the principal."

The officer frowned and asked, "The secretary also wants to practice martial arts?"

"That's for sure." Frederick replied, "In the army, let alone us secretaries, even the cooks have to run 5 kilometers every day to exercise."

The officer looked as if he had suddenly realized it and sighed: "No wonder you are so powerful. Even the Imperial Guards cannot defeat you."

"Why don't you join the army? I heard your salary is very high."

"Stop talking." Frederick sighed and said, "Someone is better than me. I can't compete with him, so I came out to try my luck."

The officer suddenly asked cautiously: "Isn't that man a devil?"

Frederick immediately shook his head and said, "I say no. It's your business to believe it or not."

The officer shuddered, carefully checked that he was not a devil, and let him go.

Frederick entered the city, and as soon as he walked out of the city gate, a group of people immediately surrounded him, asking him to choose him.

He finally understood that these were local "tour guides" who could guide and introduce foreigners who came here to stay or buy things for only 10 copper coins a day.

The currency and prices here are different from those in Weisen State. 10 copper coins is only enough for a family of three to eat groceries. Tour guides can only make money through rebates from merchants.


Suddenly a hungry voice came from the crowd, and Frederick felt compassion and chose her.

The tour guide's name means "olive" in the local area. She is about the same age as Frederick, short, a little thin, and has a burn scar the size of two fingers on the left side of her face.

"Let's go eat first," Frederick said to Olive, "I'm hungry too."

Olive immediately made an invitation gesture and said in Pulan with an accent: "Sir, please come this way."

When you are a tour guide, you always need to know a little foreign language.

The area close to the port city gate is a commercial area with many restaurants. There are blackboards at the door with signature dishes and prices written in colored chalk.

Frederick curled his lips, not expecting that Weisen State's approach would spread here so quickly.

Olive saw that the boss was wearing Wesson cotton clothes, which were of good quality, so he introduced him to an above-average restaurant.

Frederick would not treat himself badly in terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation when traveling. After asking about the currency of the Kingdom of Kush, this store took the olives to the rooftop seating area.

Perhaps because the foundations are not strong, the buildings in the city are not high, with only two floors at the highest, and awnings are supported on the rooftop balconies.

The roof of this restaurant is surrounded by a circle of green flowers and plants. The sea breeze is quite noisy today, so it is very pleasant to eat here.

The boss presented the menu, which was made of Wesson paper with handwritten contents and "over-plasticized" with slime glue. It looked very high-end.

Frederick took the menu and asked the boss how these dishes were made, and finally ordered the most expensive ones. Both the boss and Olive had smiles on their faces.

The boss went downstairs, and Olive followed him, firstly to ask for a kickback, and secondly to ask for some food.

"Hey, why are you leaving?" Frederick stopped Olive and pointed to the chair opposite the table, "Sit down, I have something to ask you. Let's eat together later."

Olive immediately panicked and refused: "I dare not eat with you at the same table."

Frederick said seriously: "I am the master now and I have the final say. If you don't obey, I won't give you money, and I will ask the boss not to give you any kickbacks."

Olive hesitated and finally sat down at the table.

Frederick asked the waiter to pour her a cup of yogurt, and after she finished drinking, he asked: "What are the easy-to-make money businesses in the city recently?"

Olive answered cautiously: "The most profitable one recently is the Wesson Chamber of Commerce that opened not long ago. They shipped a batch of spices. If they can purchase the goods and sell them to the mainland, it will be very profitable."

Frederick nodded, this was Lilu's handiwork, but this business was not suitable for him.

Olive glanced at the long sword that Frederick put on the table and continued: "There will be a warrior competition in the city in five days. The first place will get 200 gold coins."

Frederick raised his eyebrows and asked, "Can I sign up?"

Olive replied: "You can register as long as you can pass the instructor of the competition field. The registration fee is 10 silver coins."

Frederick nodded and decided to give it a try.

The gold coins here are smaller than those in Weissensee. The gold content is 80% of the gold florin coins, about 2.8 grams of gold. 200 coins are a lot. A knight here only earns this amount a year, which is enough for him to be comfortable. I've been serving it for quite some time.

Moreover, Richard Nall also said that he should fight with warriors from all over the world to increase his knowledge.

He said to Olive: "After dinner, you take me to change money, then sign up and find a temporary place to live."

Olive said she had taken note of it, and then asked: "Do you want to live in a hotel or a house with an independent yard?"

After asking, Frederick understood that there were many maritime merchants who would stay here for a period of time. These people had many people and a lot of money, so there were houses in the city for them to stay temporarily for a few days to a few months.

He asked about the rent and said, "Let's rent a house to be quieter."

Hotels are a mixed bag of dragons and snakes, and accidents are easy to happen. Spend some money to rent a house for peace of mind. Anyway, you will definitely get bonuses from the samurai competition, so you don't have to worry about running out of money.

Olive asked him again: "Master, do you want to buy a female slave to take care of the food and daily life?"

Frederick shook his head and asked her: "Can I hire you to help me during this time?"

Olive lowered her head and thought for a moment, bit her lip and nodded in agreement.

At this time, the restaurant brought the food and filled the tables.

The main dish of this meal is freshly baked flatbread and hummus. The main dish is a mixed grilled meat, including chicken, lamb, beef and pork. The vegetable is pickled sweet radish root, not too sweet and very soft. The side dishes are cooked with vegetables and meat stuffing wrapped in grape leaves, and they taste pretty good. The drink was ouzo, which tasted pretty good.

Olive only dared to eat the cheapest hummus, and Frederick asked the waiter to put a small half of the roast in a basin for her.

During this period, Frederick found out about Olive's life experience. The girl's home was originally an olive oil workshop outside the city. A few years ago, the accumulation of several generations of olive oil was burned down due to a fire, and her face was also burned.

"I want to save some money for traveling to Wesson." Olive said while eating the last piece of barbecue. "I heard that there is gold everywhere, and you can make a lot of money even washing dishes."

Frederick frowned, wondering if the external publicity in recent years had gone too far.

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