Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 269 Slaves in similar circumstances

There is an ancient competition ground in Wanjing City, which was left behind by the Pulan Empire and is still in use today.


"Charles Smith."


"Let's figure it out."

"Then take off your pants."


The person who registered Frederick was an instructor at the tournament. He was usually responsible for teaching the warriors. Some of these warriors competed in the tournament to make money, and some learned martial arts and found a job.

Today, the instructor has a dark circle on his left eye, which was caused by the beating he just received when he was testing whether Frederick was eligible to register.

"This is for you." The instructor threw a bronze medal to Frederick with the number "250" on it.

"You have the ability," the instructor said to him. "Just like that, getting into 32nd place is not a problem. If someone asks you to match-fix before that, you have to see if the money they give is enough."

The samurai competition here is held every two years. Some people do it for the bonus, while others do it to get a ranking. When employed, the salary can be higher.

The first place in this year's competition will receive 200 gold coins, the second place will receive 150 gold coins, the top 4 will receive 100 gold coins, the top 8 will receive 80 gold coins, the top 16 will receive 60 gold coins, the top 32 will receive 30 gold coins, the top 64 will receive 10 gold coins, and there will be no gold coins after that. The registration fee is one silver coin.

Some people are looking for money. If he has the strength of the top 32 but not the top 16, it is not a problem to give him 50 gold coins and let him play match-fixing.

Frederick thanked him with a black line for reminding him. He had no intention of fixing the match. After all, there was no money-making shop in this village.

He can't go to the Kingdom of Kush and say to Mrs. Sophie, I have your daughter Susan, please give her some money to spend.

"Mrs. Sophie" was the name of Frederick, a pagan foreigner. In the Kingdom of Kush, others called her the Queen Mother. If she behaved like this, she would be stoned and thrown into the river.

When Frederick left the arena, he saw Olive waiting for him outside the gate, so he went over and asked, "Have you found the house?"

Olive nodded and replied: "We've already found it. It's a bit far from here. We can live in it now."

It doesn't matter whether it's far or not, as long as I have a place to stay for a while.

He just saw a few people who came to sign up. They all have special skills and have hidden their strength. They should be able to have a lot of fun this time.

Olive led him towards the house, passing a slave market on the way.

Due to cultural, religious and other reasons, there are not many slaves in the north. The sources are basically prisoners of war and people who cannot repay their debts. There are very few scenes of large-scale slave trading like this.

Frederick decided to take a look here and found that there were men, women and children for sale, mostly prisoners of war, but also some bankrupt businessmen and family members. The eyes of these people were like salted fish.

He walked and came to the largest stall in the middle of the market. There was a shelf here with a wooden cage hanging. The cage contained a girl who was only symbolically wrapped in tulle. She was sixteen or seventeen years old, with dark blond hair. Dry.

The boss here saw that Frederick's appearance and imposing manner were mainly foreigners, so he personally came to receive him.

"What do you want to buy?" The boss looked very kind. "We have everything here. Not long ago, even the Wesson Chamber of Commerce bought something that can be written and calculated."

After hearing this, Frederick was noncommittal. Since it was Lilu who did it, he would support it unconditionally. She knew more about business than he did.

He chatted nonsense with the boss, pointed at the girl in the wooden cage and asked, "Who is she?"

The boss saw Frederick's purpose early on and immediately replied: "She is Therma, the only daughter of Alda, the scumbag of the Guards. Because her father's reputation is too bad, no one is willing to buy her."

Frederick felt something in his heart. He looked up and saw that the girl's eyes were full of anger as she looked over. He wanted to burn the boss to ashes.

The boss continued to say angrily: "If it weren't for that scum in Arda who is greedy for life and afraid of death, how could our tens of thousands of elite and invincible guards be completely annihilated!"

"Shut up!" Frederick shouted coldly and angrily, startling the boss.

Then he asked expressionlessly: "How much?"

The boss didn't know why he was angry, but the business still had to be done, so he stretched out his right hand and spread all his fingers: "If you really want to buy it, I'll just charge you 600 gold coins."

Frederick counted it twice and found that this guy's right hand actually had six fingers.

He didn't have that many gold coins on him, but the total number of gems used as reserve funds was enough, which he had just appraised when exchanging money at the bank opened by the Abelardo family.

"Is this enough?" Frederick took out a few big shiny gems, worth a little more than 600 gold coins.

"That's enough, that's enough!" The boss, Ge Ge, immediately asked someone to put down the wooden cage and bring him a slave contract and a white robe.

It was a product display just now, but now that it is sold, it needs to be packaged.

Therma was a little weak from the sun, and Frederick asked Olive to support her.

Before leaving, Frederick said to the boss very solemnly: "General Alda is an outstanding general. He almost forced Duke Wesson's army into a dilemma. In the end, he refused to surrender and shouted to the emperor after shouting "Long live the emperor". The city of Lusa committed suicide."

Then he took out his ID card and showed the golden double-headed eagle coat of arms on a red background to his boss, and said: "I am the clerk of Duke Wesson, and I was present at the time."

After Frederick finished speaking, he took Olive and Therma and left the slave market, leaving the boss and a few onlookers standing there.

The three of them walked for about ten minutes to the house that Olive had found. The landlord had been waiting here for a long time. Frederick settled here after negotiating the rent with the landlord and paying a month's deposit.

This house covers an area of ​​more than thirty square meters. The first floor is a hall and dining room with a kitchen. The second floor is the bedroom, bathroom, bathroom, and even a single bathtub. The third floor is a terrace. In addition to the awning, there is also a water tank. There is a hand pump that can pump the water in the water downstairs up and then downstairs through the water pipe. There is a small garden in front of the building where a carriage can be placed.

There were only simple furniture and kitchen utensils in the house. Frederick gave Olive money and asked her to buy food, bedding and some daily necessities, and then buy some cloth and rope to surround the terrace where he needed to exercise.

Frederick was quite satisfied with this house. The key was that there was a steam bakery diagonally opposite the door. There was a radio antenna on the roof. Needless to say, it must be the stronghold of the steam bakery bureau.

When he came back from shopping, he saw Therma sitting on a chair at the dining table on the first floor.

After seeing him, Therma asked cautiously: "Master...Master, is what you just said true?"

Frederick sat down next to her, nodded, and said, "It's absolutely true, this matter is not a secret in the Wesson Army."

They interrogated the prisoners after the battle and learned of the tactics Arda had proposed to Phocas shortly before flooding the army.

The staff deduced that if Phocas and the others really were guarding several hills at that time, Wesson's army would have to bring in Kirov airships to attack them if they wanted to annihilate them.

Coupled with Arda's previous on-the-spot tactical adjustments, Frederick really wanted to recruit, but in the end he would rather die than surrender.

What the slave boss said just now reminded Frederick of his father, who was also blamed for the blame, so he became angry all of a sudden.

At this time, Selma threw herself in Frederick's arms and howled loudly. She never believed that her father was a person who was greedy for life and afraid of death, but there was always someone from above who was responsible for the annihilation of the 10,000-strong Praetorian Guards. She was unable to respond. sky.

Now that someone could prove that her father was not a coward and a scum, the sadness in her heart suddenly vented.

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