Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 270 Dispute Emerges

Olive bought the daily necessities and was decorating them with Therma.

Frederick looked at the newly bought things with some pride.

August is the hottest period in Wanjing City. The temperature at noon exceeds 30 Webster degrees and at night it is at least 22 Webster degrees. The bedding on the bed is only a sheet and a cloth blanket.

There are a lot of mosquitoes here, so the doors and windows of the house need to be hung with breathable gauze, and mosquito coils should be burned to incense mosquitoes before going to bed.

The bedding, gauze and bath towels bought by Olive are all produced by the Wesson Cotton Textile Printing and Dyeing Factory No. 2. The tableware is also made of slime glue and the tableware is exported from Wesson. The bucket and washbasin are no exception. , even the table knives and forks are stamped products there.

After they finished setting up, Therma took over the task of cooking dinner, and Frederick called Olives over to ask how these things were selling here.

Olive moved a chair over and sat down next to Frederick, leaning close to him as if she wanted to lean into his arms.

Frederick said helplessly: "You might as well sit on my lap."

Then Olive actually sat on his lap.

This girl is small, thin, and light.

"What?" Frederick raised his eyebrows, "Aren't you afraid that I'll kill you right now?"

Olive blushed and said, "As long as the master takes me to Wesson, I can do whatever I want."

Frederick laughed, pinched her face and said, "Hey, you really want to go to Wesson?"

Olive nodded desperately, put her arms around Frederick's neck and said, "You guys in Weissensee can earn two or three gold coins a year just by doing some work of handing out leaflets, and you can eat as much as you want with 10 copper coins." Isn’t it better to eat fried chicken than eating beans here?”

"Just take me there. I will do whatever you want me to do, okay?"

As she spoke, she rubbed her face against Frederick's chest.

Frederick was speechless and could only say to her: "I will go to the Kingdom of Kush next, and then the reward I will give you will be enough for you to take a boat there to Wesen."

When Olive heard that she could finally go to Wesson, she was so happy that she hugged Frederick and kissed him.

Soon after, Therma prepared dinner. The staple food was white rice, with stew made of minced meat, gourd, and sweet radish. Frederick praised her repeatedly.

After dinner, the three of them took a shower and helped Therma rub off half a kilogram of mud. The whole person felt much refreshed.

Fortunately, she was a high-end product before and there were no fleas on her head or body, otherwise she would have been in trouble again.

Frederick didn't know how to arrange Therma at this time, so while washing her hair, he asked her: "What are your plans for the future?"

Therma seemed to be stunned for a moment and asked Frederick in disbelief: "Master, you don't want me anymore?"

Frederick scratched her scalp and said, "I never thought about letting you be my slave. I bought you just to be angry at those people's blasphemy against heroes."

"So you are free to go wherever you want."

Therma was silent for a long time, until Frederick helped her rinse the ash from her hair with water and then said in a low voice: "I want to return to my hometown and avenge my father's reputation!"

Frederick was trembling a little when he saw that her fists were tightly grasped.

After she relaxed, Frederick asked Olive to fumigate mosquitoes in the bedroom. They were the only two in the small bathroom, and Frederick closed the door and locked it.

"Remember what I said." Frederick put his mouth close to Therma's ear and whispered, "The raw materials for the fire powder used by the Guards are charcoal, sulfur, and saltpeter. The ratio is...made into granules to increase the Power, the method is..."

The emergence and spread of gunpowder is the general trend, and it does not pose a great threat to Frederick, who is studying collodion, so he might as well speed up the spread and muddy the water.

Selma was frightened. In the Ghazi Empire, the method of making fire powder has always been a top secret. She once curiously asked her father, but she was locked in a room and starved for three days and three nights. When she came out, all the slaves around her were replaced. The new ones and the original ones were all hanged for espionage.

"You...how did you know?" Therma asked Frederick tremblingly, for fear that he would say that his father told him.

Frederick pinched her face gently, and while helping her dry her long hair, he replied with a smile: "What's so difficult about this? We have done it many years ago, but we have a better one." It’s not of much use, it’s all used as a toy.”

Therma had mixed feelings in her heart. Firstly, she was relieved because it was not her father who leaked the secret. Secondly, the things that her father regarded as extremely important were nothing to others. For a moment, she didn't know what to say.

"Thank you." She turned around and hugged Frederick.

The night passed, and the book did not go into details.

At dawn the next day, Frederick had already gotten up and was filling the water tank with a water pump on the roof.

The weather is so hot now that we consume a lot of water. I have to take a cold shower every morning and evening, and splash water on the roof and room at noon to cool down.

Not long after, Olive, who had overslept, hurriedly went out to buy vegetables. There was no refrigerator here, and the vegetables were okay. The fresh meats were not kept for a long time, and they were only slaughtered and sold in the early morning and afternoon.

Frederick also took advantage of the weather before it got hot to go out for a walk and visit the market here.

There is a market near my residence, which is not only for maritime merchants, but also for local residents.

The products sold here are all commodities used in daily life, from firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea, to cloth, needlework, tableware, stationery, paper, and there are also several tailor shops.

Frederick was wearing clothes from the north and was getting hot on the back of his neck from the sun, so he decided to buy a local coat.

He passed by a few and looked at one, and thought one was good, so he went in.

The boss was very enthusiastic. After agreeing on the style and price, he started taking measurements.

At this time, people were suddenly standing outside the tailor shop. There were men and women, old and young. They were all wearing shabby clothes, their faces were covered with dust, and everyone was holding one or two rolls of cloth in their arms, watching eagerly. boss.

Frederick asked the boss curiously: "Who are they?"

"The cloth sellers." The boss said disdainfully, "They all make homespun cloth at home, which is thick and sparse. It is not as light and fine as Wesson cloth, and it is cheaper."

"Seeing as you are from the north, Weisenbu should know it. I heard that it was a cloth woven with magic. Tsk tsk, that kind of cloth could only be used by the emperor in the past. I heard that there, beggars wore better clothes than Hello, Emperor."

"Nowadays, those who have some money in the city wear clothes made of Wesen cloth. Only those who farm and move things wear homespun clothes, which are durable."

After hearing this, Frederick just said softly, "So that's it." He thought that the dispute between "homespun cloth" and "foreign cloth" also appeared in the port city.

The dispute between homespun cloth and woven cloth is actually a microcosm of the dispute between agricultural society and industrial society. In the Ghazi Empire, homespun cloth still has a huge bottom market in a short period of time. In places far away from the port, the price of woven cloth is low due to transportation costs. Without an absolute advantage, coupled with the limited cloth production capacity of Wesson State, the cloth conflict could not shake the entire empire, but it was enough to cause some turmoil around the port.

This kind of conflict was more intense in areas near Weisen, where "cloth burning movements" had occurred in some places. Even within the Rhine League, some places levied high tariffs on imported Weisen cloth out of local protectionism.

But the wheel of history is ruthless, and advanced productive forces will always crush backward productive forces.

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