Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 271 Bragging before the game

"It's so hot, sir. Do you have air conditioners in every house there? I heard that when you turn them on at noon, the whole house cools down."

Olive put away the tableware on the table and asked questions like usual.

Frederick replied casually: "An air conditioner is not cheap, it costs several gold coins."

"It's not cheap!" Olive shouted loudly, "I heard that the city lord bought many of them, and one costs thirty gold coins!"

"I heard that in Wesson State, you can get four or five gold coins for a year of pedicure and massage. If you eat less and save for a few years, you can buy one."

Frederick just smiled, stood up and said, "Okay, let's go to the warrior competition."

Therma also stood up and said, "I'm going to wash the dishes and let Olive go with you."

Frederick nodded. Therma's father had been stationed here before and had many acquaintances. Now his status is different from the past. He shows up as little as possible.

Today's competition was very lively outside, from dignitaries riding in luxurious carriages to ordinary citizens wearing homespun clothes, who came here to watch the competition regardless of the scorching sun.

There was also a gambling game held by the city lord in conjunction with the major nobles and chambers of commerce. In principle, contestants were prohibited from participating in the gambling, but Frederick let him buy the olives and he had no problem winning.

The organizer divided the players into different levels when registering for the test. There were 256 final participants in this competition. The contestants with the highest voices calling for the championship were the highest six-star contestants, and they were likely to enter the top four. It is five stars, the top 8 are four stars, the top 16 are three stars, the top 32 are two stars, the top 64 are one star, and the rest are symbolically given half a star.

Frederick's current odds of winning the championship are 1:10, the odds of winning the first game are 1:1.15, and the odds of stopping in the top 16 and top 32 are both 1:2, which shows that the bookmaker believes that his strength level is at two stars. to three stars.

He would not let go of this money. Last night, Hushuo Suosuo took out 20 gold coins from his underwear, and asked Olive to buy them today to win.

10 times the profit is enough for him to use "a certain magic railgun".

This is a samurai competition, not a magician competition. Contestants are prohibited from using magic wands, as well as the use of magic weapons and armor. If he really wants to use this magic without a wand, no one can stop him.

Each player can bring a servant to serve tea, water and things. Frederick brought olives into the player waiting room.

The structure of this competition arena is similar to that of the ancient Roman Colosseum. The diameter of the circular arena inside is almost ninety meters, which is enough for magicians to fight against each other.

The so-called player waiting room is actually a small room surrounded by wooden boards in the space under the stands. It is just a space for a double bed. It has chairs, a kettle and a water cup. To drink water, you have to go to the water room to get water.

When Olive went to fetch water, a staff member came over to confirm the person, who happened to be the instructor that day.


"Charles Smith."



"Do you still want to take off your pants so I can confirm your gender?"


The instructor smiled and said to him: "The first round of the eight games will be played at the same time, and the time will be 10 minutes. The bell will be struck every 1 minute for the first 5 minutes, and twice for the next 5 minutes."

"You can bring your own weapons, but you have to let me check whether they are magic weapons. The armor can wait until you go to the weapons library to select it."

"The winner will be judged by falling to the ground or admitting defeat. If it is not decided, it will be judged by the referee. You can kill people, but it is best not to kill people. Is that okay?"

After hearing this, Frederick replied: "No problem, I already know this."

After speaking, he handed over his sword and said to the instructor: "The scabbard is also a weapon and can be used for defense."

After taking it, the instructor was surprised and said: "Oh, it's so heavy! The scabbard is also made of steel, no wonder. However, during the competition, you cannot wrap the scabbard with cloth, you have to take it off."

Frederick agreed. The instructor untied the sackcloth, pulled out the sword, and took a breath of cold air.

This sword is a single-edged sword with a jet black blade, one meter and three meters long, the end is as wide as a palm, and narrows slightly toward the tip. The back of the sword is straight and one finger thick, and the tip is in the shape of a "◥", a bit like the other way around. Utility knife.

The scabbard is dark red in color, and the end is open to reveal the back of the sword at the guard position. This position can be used as a handle to hold like a sword.

"Hiss...it's all elemental steel!" The instructor knows his stuff.

Frederick nodded. The sword's blade was made of strong spring steel. It had undergone a series of heat treatments to take into account properties such as low magic resistance, corrosion resistance, hardness and toughness. The scabbard has enhanced hardness, high temperature resistance and high magic resistance, and can even deflect rough magic attacks.

"If there is no magic circle, it is not considered a magic weapon." The instructor's face twitched. There was not even half a magic circle on it. Even if it was made of elemental steel, it was still an ordinary weapon.

He asked Frederick: "How much does this sword cost? I'll ask someone to go to Wesson to buy one too."

Frederick smiled and replied: "This is the standard sword of the Wesson Army. Only those who have served in the army have it. The ones with numbers on it are all fakes sold in the market."

"Furthermore, if the user's warrior level is different, the quality and performance of the swords distributed are also different."

"If you want to be able to join the Weisen Army and the Armed Police, or if you have made outstanding contributions such as bravery and bravery, you can apply to buy one."

The instructor was dumbfounded, shook his head and said, "Oh... I just came back because I have a little one at home and I don't want to fight. It seems there is nothing I can do."

"By the way, what do you mean by warrior level?"

Frederick replied: "You are talking about this, it is the professional and technical level here. There are levels from carpenters and blacksmiths to warriors and magicians. They depend on the level of skills."

"For example, Master Sword Master Richard Nar, his warrior level is legendary, and His Excellency the magician Becher of the Rhine Alliance Royal Mage Group's magician level is also legendary. This is the domain of sword masters and magic gods."

"Those warriors who are proficient in fists and kicks and can beat three or five ordinary strong men and those who can only release magic of the same level as boiling water and fireballs are rough-level warriors who can defeat ten rough-level warriors and those who can use some magic to break through brick walls. It is the ordinary level. Samurai and magicians who can kill ordinary monsters alone without taking any damage can be rated as excellent level. The requirements for an elite level like mine are even higher. The lower limit is equivalent to killing an ordinary professional infantry team of 100 people on the battlefield alone. The requirement is If you want to become a higher epic level, you need to see the threshold of legendary level.”

While he was talking, many players from the surrounding area gathered around to watch the fun, and they started talking after listening to it.

A man with a short beard asked Frederick: "What's the use of commenting on these things?"

Frederick smiled and replied: "You use it when you are working. If you work as a bodyguard for others, the boss will see that you are an excellent warrior and the salary he will pay you will definitely be higher than that of an ordinary warrior."

"Some bosses clearly state what level they want when recruiting guards, so that they can avoid wasting time with those stinky, salty fish and rotten cucumbers."

"Also, in the army, if you want to be an officer, you must have a high rank."

Some people think this approach is good, just like participating in a samurai competition, and the effect of ranking is the same as this level.

"Huh?" Someone discovered a new problem, "Just now did you call Lord Sword Master Richard Nare your teacher?"

The onlookers immediately remembered that this was indeed the case, and their eyes on Frederick instantly became complicated.

The level of most people's martial arts teachers is only equivalent to the ordinary level, and the advantages and disadvantages are all handed over to the students. The final step depends on talent and opportunity.

If you have a good teacher, you can avoid many mistakes and even avoid dying so early.

Frederick said with some pride: "Teacher Richard Nall is the chief instructor of the Wesen Army. Of course, not everyone can get his guidance. It is usually his students who teach. Only talented people can get personal guidance."

"Of course, none of us can compare to Duke Wesson. He is a direct disciple of Master Richard Nar. Not long ago, he single-handedly killed a magic god under the pseudo-emperor Phocas. He was extremely powerful."

"Teacher Richard Nall is even more powerful. You should have heard about Hakan. He didn't dare to fight against the teacher at all and ran away in the end."

The onlookers were amazed when they heard this. They had heard about Duke Wesson's single-handed killing of the Dharma God, and many people thought it was a boast. Now that Richard Nar can scare away Lord Hakan, then what happened about his apprentice should be true.

The game was about to begin, everyone dispersed, and many people began to pray to the God of Fire not to let themselves touch this "250".

The instructor immediately reported the matter, and Frederick's player level was immediately raised to six stars. The odds of winning the championship were changed to 1:1.8, and the odds of winning the first game were changed to 1:1.02.

After hearing this, Frederick just smiled. It was normal for the odds to change. Anyway, he bought it at the odds before the change, and the money would be calculated according to the odds on the order.

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