"Guest, this is your points card."

Armand takes what he later calls "the biggest trap in the world" from the hotel owner.

The hotel's points card is a wooden sign with the store name and address on the front and a 10×5 grid on the back. Four of the 10 grids in the first row are stamped with hot stamps.

If you come to this store with a points card, you can enjoy a 10% discount. Every time you spend 1 Kreuz silver coin, you will mark a grid. After accumulating a row of grids, you can get an additional 10% off on the basis of the original 10% discount.

This is not a problem. The problem is that the unit price of the various dishes, snacks and drinks on the menu is combined. When it only costs two to three Kreutz, the fraction is always more than 50 copper coins. It is difficult to resist adding dozens more. If you collect enough coins to get 1 Kreuz, you will get one point.

Armand didn't care at first. He used to spend money whenever he wanted and never considered these things.

He also didn't notice that an invisible devil kept whispering in his ear, "Accumulate 1 more point and you'll be closer to the discount." He took the menu and unknowingly changed the price of tonight's dinner. Adjusted to 4 Kreuz and 20 copper plates.

Before leaving, the hotel owner also gave him a points card from a nearby jewelry store.

The boss can confirm with many years of experience that this young man must come from a rich and noble family, and that store that specializes in young ladies' jewelry is the most suitable place for him to go.

When we walked out of the hotel, it was already dark.

Armand and his two entourages were staying in the hotel opposite the hotel, and they didn't want to go back to sleep yet.

When he saw a tavern not far away, he planned to go in and sit there. It was a good place to inquire about news, so he let his entourage move around freely.

There were many people in the tavern at this time, so he found a seat to sit down and ordered the most expensive set menu based on the drink list.

Not long after, he looked at the plate of appetizers in front of him in bewilderment. A few half-palm-sized bow-shaped buns were understandable, and there weren't many in fact. But the bacon slices, sausage slices and pork rind jelly made him feel... This should be dinner.

The beer here was good and he liked it after two sips.

Armand leaned back in his chair, pretending to be bored, and listened carefully to the conversations of the drinkers at several tables around him.

Two pieces of news caught his attention. One was that the sale of steel in Wesson would begin to be restricted starting tomorrow. He already knew this in the afternoon. The other was that Baron Wesson began to recruit carriages and personnel. The purpose was not stated, but the pay was not low. , and it sounded like he was going on a long trip.

Before he could listen any more, a burst of cheers suddenly sounded in the tavern, and a singer carrying a six-string instrument walked to the corner and sat on a special high stool.

This troubadour seemed to be very famous, and all the gentlemen in the tavern fell silent.

There was a sound of piano, Armand nodded slightly, picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

He knows music, and his skills are really good.

First, there were a few traditional local folk songs that described the battles of soldiers. The sound of pianos and songs vividly expressed the fierceness of the battle, which reminded Armand of the first time he went to the battlefield and rode his horse towards the army of Lissenburg.

The audience were all old men, and the atmosphere immediately became lively.

Then the music suddenly changed, and the style was completely different from the tradition. Armand was a little uncomfortable with it, but the atmosphere in the tavern instantly became heated.

"Get up and sing!

We will win!

Our flag is marching forward,

Please follow along and move forward!

You will see the songs loud and the flags flying,

The dawn of victory,

Announcing the arrival of a new era. "

All the drinkers stood up, raised their glasses, stamped their feet together, and sang "The People of the Rhine Will Never Be Defeated" loudly.

Armand was stunned for a moment and did not stand up immediately. He found several eyes looking at him coldly.

Not long after he had to stand up, he was unknowingly infected by the atmosphere. After a cycle, he and the Rhine people raised their glasses and stomped their feet and started singing.

The originally cold eyes became warmer, and some bearded men were not hostile to him because of his Gallic accent. They came over with wine glasses, touched one with him and drank it down in one gulp.

After Armand finished a glass of beer, he felt a little strange in his heart, because this song was praising Count Wesson, the eleven knights and more than two hundred soldiers who died on the battlefield together, and he was from the enemy country.

But there was an even stranger feeling in his heart. Perhaps because he admired Count Henry von Wesson for his bravery, fearlessness, and loyalty, he actually felt a sense of intimacy with these Rhinelanders whom he had never met before.

"Sing a war song! One wave after another!

Without new battles, where will the future come from?

But only by uniting can we defeat our enemies,

Let's fight side by side, we will be the winners tomorrow. "

"The united Rhine will never be defeated" was sung next in the tavern.

Armand was not very adaptable to the new music form at first, but young people have strong receptive abilities. At this time, he gradually adapted to it. Soon he felt that it was quite good and started singing together.

He somewhat understood the meaning of this song. The last war failed, and the Rhine people needed a new war and victory to regain their glory.

However, after that war, the Rhine League and the Kingdom of Gaul signed a twenty-year peace agreement after the war. The next war may be fought elsewhere.

"Just because he is also a human being,

So he also needs to eat,

But he was driven out of his home,

Wesenling, welcome him,

Brothers, come here quickly,

Welcome to join the Wesenling family,

Because you are human too,

Just because you are also a human being,

You also need shoes and clothing,

But you met William,

Weisenling, welcome,

Sisters, come here quickly;

Welcome to join the Wesenling family! "

The singing in the tavern suddenly became heavy, and Armand felt like he was in a church, and what was singing was the best choir in Gaul...or even the world.

This feeling has nothing to do with any singing skills, but comes from the singer's heart.

At this moment, Armand's heart was greatly shocked.

He knew very well that this song was related to the tens of thousands of disaster victims who were about to be driven to Wesenland, and he came here because of it.

In his opinion and that of many others, the Weisen Territory must be on standby, sealing off all borders, and rejecting and expelling the victims as much as possible.

However, he found that all outsiders were wrong. From Baron Wesson to the common people, they did not regard these victims as savage beasts, but regarded them as their suffering brothers and sisters and extended a helping hand.

What kind of spirit is this?

What kind of mind is this?

What kind of land is Wesenland that blooms with such beautiful flowers of kindness?

Armand couldn't help Sister Li.

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