Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 28 First meeting

After shopping in a jewelry store, a clothing store, and a glass product store, Armand suddenly realized that if he didn't complete this trip quickly, he would have to hunt monsters to earn money for traveling home, so he immediately went to visit Frederick. .

"We admire Count Henry Wesson for his bravery, fearlessness and loyalty." Armand said to Frederick in proficient Rhineland. "We have been extremely indignant to hear about the unjust acts of King William of your country recently. We hereby declare Entrust me as a representative to help Count Wesson’s family get through this difficult time.”

Frederick had often heard recently that the Kingdom of Gaul was free and romantic, advocating all virtues.

In the past, what I heard was false and I didn't care. But now what I saw is true, and I was shocked.

On the coffee table between the two of them was a money bag made of purple silk, filled with gold coins.

Frederick did not look at the money bag in front of him and replied sincerely: "I would like to thank His Excellency Armand and all the Gallic friends for their concern. The Wesson Territory is indeed facing some difficulties at present, but I believe that everyone in the Territory will With hard work, we will overcome the difficulties successfully.”

Armand carefully observed Frederick's every move, trying to see through this child, who was not much older than himself.

There was a huge gap between the news he heard before coming to Wesson and what he saw and heard after arriving here. The people here did not panic and be turbulent because the lord was young and there were conspiracies outside. Instead, they lived and worked in peace and contentment, and were full of confidence in the future. Hopefully, there are even endless ways to get money out of your pocket.

As a pillar of the younger generation of the family and a favorite of the king, Armand received educational resources that were unmatched by ordinary people. A prosperous town was his classroom.

It was precisely because of his experience in governing a place that he could understand the difficulty of governing Wesen Territory after calming down.

He doesn't think that just a few songs can do it to calm people's hearts. There must be something behind it that he doesn't know.

However, for a moment he only saw that Frederick's clothes were... low-key and simple, but he looked quite energetic.

"Baron Wesson is not very old. This is his advantage. He has not been baptized by luxury life. He can withstand a simple life and save a lot of expenses."

Armand concluded the first one in his mind.

Meanwhile, Frederick was smiling and murmuring in his mind.

He couldn't understand what the Kingdom of Gaul was doing. His father's fans sent him hundreds of gold coins?

The reason for giving money is that he is being cheated by his own king?

What does this make other people think, what does this make the king think? Is it true that the Wesson family is collaborating with the enemy?

Meowing loudly, could it be a divorce plan?

He suddenly found that he really couldn't understand such creatures as "fans", no matter which world they were from.

However, this is almost two kilograms of gold coins. You can't let people take them back, all the way.

With the help of polite words, Frederick made a decision.

Anyway, the king has already broken up with him, so just accept the money.

As for other things, as long as the publicity is in place, even if they say it is a bribe or something, people will only think that they were forced by the situation to lie.

Moreover, Armand has not said his last name yet, and he did not say his last name when reporting his name as a "fan". He obviously regarded this as a personal behavior.

After the polite words between the two ended, Armand asked: "I have a question. I wonder if you can answer it for me?"

Frederick nodded slightly and replied: "Your Excellency, please speak."

Armand asked: "How did you unite the people in the Weisen Territory when it faced a huge crisis?"

Frederick was startled, not expecting this to be the question.

"It's simple," he replied, "give them what they want."

Armand said in surprise: "But human desires are endless. To satisfy everyone's needs is tantamount to filling up the sea."

Frederick did not refute, he just smiled and said "Yes" without further explanation. There was no explanation.

At present, psychology is only a branch of philosophy, and there are various theories. Since statistics is not introduced, many studies use individual examples as generalizations, so there is no mainstream thought.

You propose a humanism, and the opponents can bring a dozen or twenty negative examples in front of you to argue with you, and then ask you whether this is objective enough, and it is not enough to bring two carriages of people over.

It's very difficult to explain Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs to people here, let alone using psychology to guide territorial development.

At the same time, in order to absorb the incoming disaster victims, Frederick began to try to break the regional ethnic concept attached to the feudal system and build a more trendy thing like nationalism.

He is now relying on the recently emerging maltose and steel trade to back up the promise that the canal will satisfy everyone's money needs after its opening. On the other hand, he is relying on the external contradictions caused by King William's outrageous blind operations to unite the internal and all things that can be united with nationalism. These people have made the morale within the Weisen collar continue to rise.

Armand was thinking in his heart that these things were not something that a child like Frederick could think of, so he just made an excuse without knowing the details. After being exposed, he couldn't continue talking.

Among Weissburg, if the sword master Richard Nar had this political knowledge in his mind, he would have become a duke long ago, so there must be an expert behind Baron Weissen.

It’s just that we don’t know who this expert is. He is most likely one of the scholars from Constantbul.

There were many people who fled during the civil strife in Constantbul, including many well-known scholars and consultants unknown to outsiders. Each of these people were talented people, their words made sense, and they could be reused wherever they went.

Armand felt a little itchy for a moment, it would be great if he could invite such a person back.

In order to meet this master, he stayed here for three days. As a result, he saw no one else beside Frederick except a senior gang leader from the south of the Kingdom of Sardinia.

The day before Armand left, Frederick gave him a gift.

"What is this?" Armand looked at the things in front of him curiously.

It was a regular hexagonal wooden box made of expensive wood and beautifully decorated. There were glass flower patterns in six different colors on the lid.

Open the cover and you will find a glass checkers set. The board and pieces are made of colored glass, and the pieces of different colors correspond to different flowers.

With a formulaic smile on his face, Frederick said: "This is checkers, a small game that can be played by yourself or six people. Give it to Françoise."

Armand was well-informed, and Frederick asked him to talk about the outside world when he had free time these days.

As he talked, he talked about his sister Françoise, a little girl three years older than Frederick.

Frederick was ready to take the initiative to greet the victims, which required him to establish a good relationship with the local lords, for which he prepared many small and polite gifts.

Because two lords had children around the same age as themselves, the gift included two newly invented checkers.

It wasn't appropriate for Armand to come all the way and let him go back empty-handed, but Frederick didn't have many gifts to offer, so he gave this beautiful and interesting glass checkers to his sister to save face. The insides are decent.

Facts have proved that in this era of lack of money for entertainment, a little mental game like checkers is quite popular. After Armand learned the rules, he played with his left hand against his right hand all night long.

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