Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 29 Action Meeting (Part 1)

August is hot, depressing, and the scorching sun scorches the earth, making people feel like they are living in an oven.

In the small garden of the castle, Psyche and Katie sat in a stone pavilion drinking tea and discussing the paper mill. Both of them were wearing white long-sleeved shirts and the only Bragi skirts in the world.

A good-looking person looks good in whatever she wears. Two days ago, when Katie wore a light green dress and a pink big-brimmed hat to check on the land leveling of the paper mill with Koehler, Koehler had a nosebleed because of the hot weather.

Now Romon's apprentices are very busy. The orders from the maids in the castle and the use of magic lamps make them work overtime all night long. In the past, lamps and candles were not allowed in the tailor shop for fire protection.

There was no way, as soon as August entered, the weather suddenly became hot, and the old people lamented that it had never been so hot in their lives. In the past, wearing luxurious skirts would make them sweat even if they stood still.

Men are not like camels, choosing between a sweaty outfit and cool clothes.

In the past, round-neck shirts were considered underwear and were only worn directly outside by farmers, coolies, shepherds, etc. when working.

It’s different now. The shirts designed by Baron Wesson have collars and pockets that are only found on coats. They are clearly thin coats, but not underwear. They wear round-neck pullover underwear underneath.

After putting on a new shirt, everyone found that the colorful tights with bulging bulges in the past were no longer appropriate.

At a glance, the straight-leg pants that Frederick was wearing were loose and leaky, so he changed into them.

But men can’t live without accessories, so everyone focused on the belt buckle.

Frederick was in a daze during the meeting that day. All the participants were wearing white shirts and dark trousers, and they only had a thermos cup in their hand.

Only Richard Nall had a depressed look on his face. Why did he go on a long journey to deliver a message? When he came back, everyone had changed their clothes, but he was still the same, sitting there out of place.

As a military fortress, the castle naturally has a place to command operations. However, for safety, this headquarters is located in the middle of the castle. It has only vents and no windows, and it is extremely hot.

It is not difficult to solve this problem. There is a group of magicians here, and several large ice cubes soon appeared in the corner.

Today is the last meeting before Wesson is about to take the initiative to pick up the victims. If there are no other changes, Frederick will officially visit the Principality of Mainz in three days.

Prior to this, Richard Nall served as a messenger to deliver Frederick's personal letter to the relevant territories, communicated with them about the Wesson family's caravan crossing the border, and also made a trip to the royal capital of Cologne.

There was a map drawn on cotton that was as tall as a person hanging on the wall. Richard Nall stood beside the map, holding a thumbstick and reporting the results of his visit.

"I first visited Earl Roth, Earl Fürth and Earl Ansbach." He pointed to the three counties in the northwest of Wesson Territory and said, "They agreed that we would use the road to transport the victims, set up transit camps, and We promise not to create any obstacles and are willing to sell grain at the current market price.”

Frederick sneered and asked: "They really don't know how to do anything?"

These families and the Wesson family are the nails planted here by King William. Among them, the Wesson Territory is to the west of the Ansbach Territory and to the north is the Roth Territory. Transporting victims needs to pass through these places.

When King William put the blame on Frederick's father, all of them had a hand in inflicting insults on Wesson, and several of their neighbors were the hardest hit.

Richard Nall also sneered and said: "They didn't dare. I slightly revealed that if something went wrong, we would throw the victims there and not leave. I was so scared that they almost wrote a note."

Frederick nodded. These victims were good medicine for him, but poisonous for other lords.

At the same time, he sent Richard Nall as a messenger, with the intention of letting this humanoid nuclear warhead deter the neighbors.

At this time Afu came in and whispered something in Frederick's ear. Everyone found that he was much thinner than before.

"Let him come in," said Frederick, "and keep the matter secret from him."

After a while, Ah Fu brought in a burly middle-aged man.

Before the man could salute, Richard Nall smiled and said, "Oh, it turns out it's you little lion."

"Lion" Orr is a well-known war contractor in the circle, also known as the mercenary leader.

In this pastoral era, the vast majority of the population was engaged in agricultural production, and few territories could form a standing army.

Only in those poor and remote places, people can no longer survive and can only do hard work.

For the lords, it was less cost-effective to hire these professionals than to spend a lot of money to form a standing army.

Wesson Territory also has business dealings with mercenaries. Earl Wesson hired Orr when he went on an expedition last year. They were putting out the fire when the supply camp was attacked, and they also brought back the bodies of everyone.

Because of this, Frederick wrote to Orr that he had a big deal to discuss.

After Orr came in, he first saluted Frederick, then greeted Richard Nall and called him his teacher.

Richard Nall just nodded, and Frederick pointed to the end of the conference table and said: "Sit down first, and we will talk about your business later."

Al sat down obediently, and Richard Nall pointed at the map and continued: "Now there is bad news."

"The victims were driven by the lords from various places to the areas along the Rhine and Main rivers, and were swimming upstream."

"It's just that they don't know where Wesenland is. Many people have never left home more than 10 kilometers in their lives. They thought it was very close at first, but long-term displacement and no future life make it possible to survive in Wesenland. Gradually no one believed the rumors."

"The victims are moving very slowly now. Basically, the local lords send people to give them some food to keep them from starving and then drive away."

"The current condition of the victims is very poor. They only have one piece of clothing left on them and many people are sick."

"It's okay in the summer now, but I'm afraid I won't survive the winter."

"But there is good news."

"This time I went to Cologne to find Archbishop Victor. After discussion, he agreed to send priests from the Rhine Archdiocese to help the victims. Churches along the way provided food and medicine to the victims. He also happily accepted the benefits of sending priests to Wesenland. Got off."

Frederick nodded slightly.

In the world of magic, the status of religion is constantly changing.

In an era when magic technology was low, they appeared because of people's sense of mystery about natural phenomena and magic.

But after the development of magic technology, they can no longer promote many miracles, otherwise Richard Nall and others can perform them live for you.

Many years ago here, the Church of Light, a group specializing in the medical field, stood out by relying on its professional knowledge. After growing at the bottom, it relied on the fear and despair of workers for the huge suffering caused by the exploitative system and the need of the exploiting class to use it as a way to anesthetize and control the masses. Spiritual means to thrive.

On this continent, the Earth God Cult in the far west, the Church of Nature in the far north, and the Church of Fire in the southern continent are following the same path.

Now Frederick and Archbishop Victor, who were at a disadvantage in the internal fighting, cooperated, which was a win-win situation.

Richard Nall continued: "I met Archduke Dahlberg in the city of Mainz. He was very grateful to Baron Wesson for taking the initiative to transport the victims, and agreed that we should set up a shelter camp in the Principality of Mainz. The place was chosen Lore.”

Frederick raised his eyebrows and said, "Lore? What a coincidence? The lord there, Baron Philip von Ertal, will be visiting tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

Richard Nall pointed at Lohr's location on the map with his thumbstick and said, "It's by the Main River, surrounded by mountains on all sides."

Frederick understood, but he just didn't know what Baron Eltar would think when he learned about it.

Richard Nall drew the thumb stick from Lohr to Wessonland and said: "There has been no heavy rain in the past month. Water transportation has been greatly affected. The part originally planned to be transported by water may not be possible. ”

Frederick nodded, and then asked the old knight Franz to come to the map to tell him the plan to transport the victims.

But Franz did not go up, but asked his son Franz Jr. to appear.

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