Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 30 Action Meeting (Part 2)

Among the knights of the Wesson family, Old Franz was the oldest and most experienced. When he was young, he followed Frederick's grandfather on expeditions and conquered the territory of the Wesson family.

Time is not forgiving, and a warrior can maintain peak strength for a long time, but his strength is not as strong as Richard Nare's. Once his body ages to a certain extent, his strength will quickly decline.

Franz had a son in middle age. Little Franz is in his twenties this year. He traveled to various places five years ago and just returned to Wessonland a few days ago.

Old Franz knew that he was ready to retreat, so he took advantage of the opportunity that he still had a say in the family to let his son show his face in front of Frederick.

Although little Franz was the strongest of the younger generation in the territory, Frederick had never seen him for most of his life. Old Franz felt that his son was almost like a stranger in front of the master.

When Frederick saw little Franz walking up to the map, he immediately said with a playful smile: "If you don't tell the story well, just go and dig out bird eggs from now on."

Old Franz breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that the master still remembered his son.

Little Franz took the thumbstick from Richard Nall's hand, smiled at Frederick and everyone, and began to talk about the plan to transport the victims: "From Lohr Town to Weisenburg. The journey is about 200 kilometers, and the first stop when entering Wesenland is the town of Hausen."

"I happened to walk through this section of the road when I came back. Camps can be set up approximately every 40 to 60 kilometers along the way. Except for the towns of Lohr and Hausen, three camps need to be set up along the way."

Then he clicked three places on the map and continued: "The roadside here is a fallow field. There is sufficient and clean water nearby, which is suitable for setting up a camp."

"It takes a morning or afternoon for a carriage to travel between camps. It can send people to the rear in the morning and supplies to the front in the afternoon."

Everyone in the conference room nodded approvingly, he was very thoughtful.

Building a camp does not just mean finding a flat place to build it. First of all, you must consider the water source, and secondly, you must also consider the ideas of the landowner.

By setting up the camp in a fallow field, firstly, the water source around the farmland can ensure the use of the camp, and secondly, the feces and urine of people and horses can fertilize the field. The landlord will not say anything, but hopes that you will pull more, and next year there will be a bumper harvest.

The distance between the camps is also reasonable. If the horse is traveling for half a day, it needs to rest. Otherwise, overdrafting the horse's power will damage the horse's body.

"Each camp is divided into five areas." Little Franz continued, "One is for whole families, one is for all men, one is for all women, one is for orphans, and the last one is for our people and horses."

"We may find some people from among women to take care of the orphans."

Seeing that he was thinking carefully, Frederick couldn't help but nodded.

After little Franz finished speaking, Frederick said: "Very good, you two father and son will be responsible for the external transportation. Old Franz will be stationed in Lohr, and little Franz will run around more and be responsible for the rear." of three camps.”

"Jurgen, Lothar, Andre," he named three more outstanding members of the younger generation, "each of you is responsible for a camp."

"Do you have any questions about my arrangement?"

Old Franz has a knighthood and is a member of a large noble family. It is much more convenient to deal with him in Lohr.

Jurgen and others are second-generation knights. As long as they do not commit suicide, they will be canonized soon. The neighbors know these things and will not embarrass them.

Naturally, everyone has no problem with this kind of arrangement.

Al looked a little surprised from the end of the conference table.

After being a mercenary leader for so many years, what kind of nobles have I not seen? There are people like Frederick who took the lead when the family was in trouble and took the lead when they were less than ten years old. However, these children always have a loyal minister or a serious thorn in their side. In fact, when it comes to holding great power, children are just decorations.

At first, he thought that Frederick was like this, but as the meeting continued, he found that he was wrong. Frederick gave orders like an adult, and others actually took it for granted.

Then Administrator Frick walked to the map. He was responsible for the work in the territory and would be based in Hausen Town.

Flick pointed on the map with a thumbstick at the small triangles scattered throughout the Wesen Territory and said: "These places are where new villages are located. The victims are currently resting in the camp in Hausen Town for three to five days before heading there on foot."

"The training of village chiefs in each village has been completed, and the villages have been allocated by lot. How the actual work will go depends on the future."

"Now is the slack time for farming. Four thousand people have been recruited to initially clear the land and dig water wells for the new village. After the new villagers arrive, they will live in tents first, and at the same time, they will cut down trees to build walled houses and build roads."

"We have suspended steel exports since last month, and now the blacksmith shop is making tools to catch up."

"We also hired carpenters who know how to build houses from carpenters' guilds in other places, and the first batch of people arrived yesterday."

"If nothing goes wrong, everyone can move into new houses before winter, and land reclamation can begin next spring."

The resettlement work is very complicated, and Frick singled out the basic necessities, food, housing and transportation to focus on in his report.

After hearing this, Frederick said: "If the house is not enough, then squeeze it in. How about winter clothes now?"

Frick nodded and continued to answer: "We have bought cotton cloth and cotton. Your Excellency BASF has provided a lot of soles and tarpaulins. Now we have gathered many people from Wesen collar who are good at needlework to sew clothes, cloth shoes and tents. .”

"In order to allow them to work better, many temporary kindergartens have been opened in cities and towns to help take care of children."

Frederick asked: "Is the salary enough?"

Frick replied: "Part of the wages are paid in grain, and some are paid in steam bread. There is no problem in paying the wages."

"Where's the food?" Frederick asked again.

Frick replied: "At present, our food supply is slightly richer than originally planned. In the long run, it will not be a problem."

"Right now, Nina's steamed bun workshop is working overtime to make steamed multigrain bread. Students from Weissenburg University are helping to make concentrated soup, which is packed in bags provided by BASF. Lord Manuel is leading his students to make steamed bread. and concentrated soup to kill bugs.”

"Your Excellency Manuel said that the bugs have been killed. As long as the bags are not opened, the steam bread and condensed soup will not go bad for at least two months. It is objectively estimated that they can be stored until next year."

"We currently have more than 1,800 horse-drawn carriages in the Wesson Territory, and we have currently recruited 500 modified horse-drawn carriages."

At this time, Frederick said: "These carriages are grouped by region, and they are organized into teams of ten with reference to the army. This makes management easier."

"Franz, you have to help Frick handle this matter."

There were two Franz, an old one and a young one. For a moment, the father and son didn't know who the master was talking about, and they didn't know who should answer.

Frederick smiled evilly and said to little Franz: "Why don't you be more conscious and let our administrator nod? Why do you still want to get a wife?"

The conference room was instantly filled with cheerful laughter.

Especially the younger generation, they all grew up playing together, little Franz is their boss, these guys laugh the most.

Little Franz blushed and accepted the task.

Frederick looked at Orr, who was sitting farthest away from him, and asked, "What do you think of the conditions I proposed?"

Al made a sad face and said in annoyance: "The conditions proposed by Baron Wesson caused a wave of blood to flow over there!"

His words shocked the people in the conference room. They were just trying to cooperate. Why did someone lose their lives and make such a big fuss?

Richard Nall knew what kind of virtue this guy had, so he looked angry and said: "To put it bluntly, the last time you talked about the huge wave of blood, your wife chased you around the village twice with an axe. "

Al shrank his neck amidst laughter and said seriously: "Baron Wesson asked me to hire two hundred veterans to serve as sheriffs. The conditions offered were too generous. At that time, there were five to six hundred people who wanted to sign up, and there were many Still an officer."

Frederick smiled. The conditions he offered were quite satisfactory in terms of salary and land. The problem was that as long as he had worked for five years, he could recommend a young person to study at the Weissenburg Affiliated School. Those who passed the test could go to Weissenburg University. study.

At the same time, he also revealed that Sword Master Richard Nall was the vice president of Weissenburg University and would teach students at the university.

This is a fatal temptation for mercenaries.

Al continued: "I kicked out those who cheated the grain, and there are five hundred more. I have brought them all for you to choose from."

Frederick thought for a while, and then said to old Franz: "You go and select enough sheriffs. If you want, you can keep the rest. The treatment of those who can be recommended will remain unchanged after five years. We will expand the army next year."

Weisen led everyone to not have any surprises about the military expansion. God knows what kind of trouble the king will make in a while.

After this matter was settled, Al started to say the next thing: "Suppressing the monsters in the forest is a business, no problem. I can take it, and all the profits will be mine as agreed."

Frederick nodded and replied: "Okay."

Land reclamation is a competition between humans and wild animals for living space. Only when they are full can they have the strength to protect the environment and wild animal resources.

The assembly force in Wesson's territory is extremely weak, so this job is just right for mercenaries.

"Ged, Heinz, Bernd, Matthias, Stefan, Oliver, Michael, Miloslav..." Frederick called the names of the younger generation, "Each of you is responsible for one area, lead the mercenaries and hunters to eliminate the monsters."

For young people, this is a rare opportunity to lead troops.

After the big things were discussed, everyone discussed the details again.

Before the meeting ended, Frederick solemnly promised: "I will bring a few more gold items to the Executive Yuan tomorrow. If the money is not enough, I will sell them."

"In a word, those who participated in this operation must be paid enough."

"It's not just theirs. In December this year, you and Wesson will receive an extra two months' salary for all employees."

"Next June, if the territory has been settled, I will give everyone three more months' salary."

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