Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 273 They are already dead

On the rooftop of the restaurant, the atmosphere instantly became tense with the arrival of the uninvited guests.

"Make a price." Manniu looked at Therma with a very dirty look, "You must have had enough fun after playing for so many days. Now it's my turn to play."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... one of the most beautiful flowers in Wanjing City. I rolled my eyes just thinking about fucking her ten years ago."

Therma's face had turned pale, without a trace of blood. She clutched the hem of her skirt tightly with both hands, and looked at Frederick with nothing but prayer in her eyes.

Olive had long been frightened, hiding behind Frederick and shivering.

Man Niu continued: "If you are reluctant, you can fuck her here again, and I can teach you how to fuck her."

After saying this, he and his men burst into lewd laughter.

Frederick picked up a cup of orange boiled with happy water on the table and said calmly: "Leave before I put down the cup. I can pretend that nothing has happened."

After speaking, he took a sip of the sweet and sour drink.

Man Niu saw that he was not willing to sell Selma to him easily, so he stretched his hand back, and his subordinate immediately handed the hammer into his hand.

Frederick sneered, put down his cup, and stomped his feet slightly. A black magic circle formed inside the floor beneath Barbarian Niu and the others, and no one saw it.

At this time, a gust of wind suddenly blew, and another person appeared on the rooftop.

Vael, who had met Frederick in the morning, was holding a huge sword like a door panel in his hand, and the floor shook with every step he took.

"Young bull," Vael said in a deep voice, "Give me some face and leave quickly. If things get too big, it will be bad for everyone."

Frederick looked at Vael curiously, wondering who this man was and how he could be so honorable.

When Therma saw Wael, she lowered her head and covered her face, not daring to look at him.

Manniu squinted at Vael for a while, snorted coldly, and then left.

Vael breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Frederick, and said helplessly: "I originally wanted to ask you how to make happy water chicken wings, but I didn't expect to encounter such a thing."

"Don't worry about Man Niu, my face is still of some use."

Frederick picked up the drink and took a sip, and said with a smile: "I won't worry about those who are already dead."

Vael suddenly felt something in his heart and said hurriedly: "Please don't do anything excessive during this period. You can do whatever you want after the samurai competition is over."

Frederick was noncommittal and stopped mentioning the matter. Instead, he explained the recipe of Happy Water Chicken Wings in detail, and then bowed and left.

Vael watched them leave, and as Frederick was about to go downstairs, he whispered: "She is a good girl, please treat her well."

Frederick made no sign and left with Therma and Olives.

Back at his residence, Olive patted his chest and said, "Ah, you scared me to death just now!"

Frederick just smiled and patted her on the back of the head, and said softly: "Seeing that you are sweating so much, go prepare a bath and take a bath."

Olive blushed and agreed, immediately going upstairs.

Therma stood beside Frederick, lowered his head, and said hesitantly: "Master...today..."

Frederick reached out and pinched her face, and said nonchalantly: "Why don't you go wait for me to take a bath."

Therma's face suddenly turned red and she followed him upstairs.

Several times she wanted to say something, but Frederick gave her no chance and finally let her sleep early.

The next day, before the start of the second round, Frederick took Therma to the competition ground, worried about what would happen to her alone at home.

Today there are half as many players as yesterday, and the lounge is a little bigger.

Frederick was not very lucky. Today's game time was increased to 20 minutes. At the same time, there were four groups in each game. The overall time was longer. He was arranged to play at the hottest time.

Therma was fanning herself in the lounge, while Olive went to fetch water and came back, and Vael also followed.

"What happened to Man Niu and the others?" Vael's expression was extremely serious. "A few of them started to lose strength last night, and almost had blisters all over their bodies. This morning, the skin fell off, and the meat on their legs started to smell."

Frederick replied calmly: "I said yesterday they were dead."

Vael looked at him deeply and then left.

Frederick sneered, took the warm water from Olive and drank it.

Yesterday, he used a necromantic magic that is most common in Wesson, and is usually used for sterilization in food processing plants.

Part of the skin and superficial muscles of those people yesterday had been killed, and there was no way to treat them with the medical conditions they had access to.

In a box in the competition ground, Vael reported to a young man in his early twenties how he had just met with Frederick, without missing a single detail.

The young man just waved his hand and told him to leave without giving any further instructions.

The news spread quickly in the arena. In another box, the local justice looked gloomy. Someone said to him: "It is said that the soldiers in Wesson's army are devils from hell. Everyone says that Charles ·The same goes for Smith, but he hasn’t shown his true face yet.”

The justice asked: "What do the priests of the Church of Fire say?"

The subordinate hesitated for a moment and said: "The hell the pagans talk about is the quenching ground where warriors are trained in the fire to become divine weapons. Barbarian Niu and the others offended the divine weapons, so their skin seemed to have been burned by fire. blister."

The justice was speechless for a moment. According to the Church of Fire, heroic warriors who die in battle will be taken to the Tempering Plains by the servants of the Fire God to train in the fire, and will eventually become the divine soldiers of the Fire God.

Now that the priests say this, there is definitely no way to retaliate by attacking heretics.

The judge thought for a while and said to his subordinates: "You sent those two women as slaves, just to apologize, and let them find an opportunity to kill him in a few days."

Frederick didn't know how others evaluated him, but he bragged with other players until they were taken to the competition by the staff.

As the sun got higher and the temperature got hotter, Olive was talking about how to save money to buy an air conditioner and fan when she went to Wesson.

At this time, Frederick suddenly remembered that his hometown in his previous life had a fan driven by an external combustion engine around the 19th century, and wondered if he could try it.

Finally, the staff took Frederick away to play.

The player in this game is a middle-aged man who uses a spear. He is very strict in fighting, but lacks flexibility. He can at least draw against opponents of the same level.

Frederick was only thinking about the free ice-cold happy water after winning the fight, so he didn't dwell too much on it. He found a flaw and settled the fight with an uppercut.

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