Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 274 Sold after changing hands

The competition for 128 to advance to the top 64 is over. For the players who are interested in competing for the top rankings, the real battle has just begun.

The second day of the competition is Sunday, and the players can have a day off.

A hearty meal is a must before taking a break.

"Wow! Is this an air conditioner?!"

The restaurant where Frederick and the others ate today had an air conditioner installed in the private room on the second floor. As soon as Olive entered the room, she stood in front of her and blew cold air.

Frederick went over and knocked her on the head and said: "Stop blowing, be careful of getting sick, just close the window and leave a gap."

Olive was very obedient now and immediately went over to close the window.

Frederick looked at the machine and adjusted the temperature to mid-range. He didn't like the wind to be too cold.

This shop specializes in barbecue. The owner and Olive are distant relatives. Olive used to work here as a waiter, but because of the burns on his face, he was disliked by customers and eventually fired.

Now that she has embraced the golden thigh, she naturally wants to come back and show off her power.

Frederick ignored her. When they had just finished ordering, someone sent a pair of sisters' flowers.

"What do you mean?" asked Frederick.

The man who looked like a butler said: "Yesterday, the bulls offended you, and the master sent them here to make amends."

After speaking, he presented two slave contracts to Frederick.

The barbarian cow died not long ago, and the meat on its body before death emitted a rotten smell like the meat on the market that had been left for a long time.

The justice was frightened after hearing the news. He was afraid that this terrible person would find him, so he could not stay.

Frederick glanced at the slave contract in his hand, then at the two girls in front of him who had the same appearance, wore gold and silver, and had graceful figures, and asked: "The meaning of giving it to me is that I can do anything to them." ?”

The housekeeper replied: "Yes, they are now your slaves and are at your disposal."

Frederick said calmly: "Okay, I will accept them."

After saying that, he ignored that the housekeeper was still there and asked the two girls to come over and put them on his lap, with his hands restless and a satisfied smile on his face.

There was a satisfied smile on the butler's face, it seemed because Frederick accepted his master's apology and liked the two gifts very much.

During the meal, Frederick kept letting the two girls sit on his lap to feed him, and couldn't stop using his hands.

Therma seemed not to have seen it, and she ate when Frederick asked her to eat.

Olive seemed a little unhappy, but didn't show it.

The two girls were very enthusiastic and tried their best to make Frederick laugh from time to time.

After eating and drinking, it was time to go back. Frederick hugged the two people on the left and right, as if he couldn't bear to let go for a moment.

He turned around halfway and came to the slave market.

He found the boss who originally sold Therma. The boss thought he was here to buy new goods and immediately greeted him warmly.

Frederick pushed the two girls he had just bought forward: "I'll sell these two to you."

After saying that, he took out the slave contract from his pocket and threw it over.

The two girls couldn't react for a moment and looked at Frederick in surprise.

"Master, are you kidding?"

"Master, what did we do wrong?"

They never expected that they would be sold just one afternoon after arriving at the target.

The slave owner glanced at the two products with sharp eyes, understood what was going on, and made a gesture. Immediately, a group of strong men gathered around with sticks with thick wrists, and a few held strong fishing nets.

"It's hard to handle." The boss looked very embarrassed, "The goods are good, but they still need to be trained. I think they cost twenty gold coins each."

Frederick burst out laughing after hearing this, shook his head and said, "They are all killers who have been trained since childhood. You will know just by touching the muscles on their bodies."

"Look at their rings and earrings. Which ones don't contain poisonous needles? Those alone cost more than 20 gold coins."

"This is not the first time I do business with you. Please give me a fair price."

The two young assassins could not understand that their identities had been exposed and immediately wanted to run away.

Climbing over walls is a basic skill for assassins. They can jump one or two stories high on the spot, and they can jump out of an encirclement without any problem.

But the slave traders were well prepared, and the fishing nets were already out when the two were about to take off.

When they were pulled to the ground by the fishing net, a group of strong men immediately rushed up to serve them with sticks.

When Frederick saw this, he immediately shouted: "Hey! I don't recognize it if you break it and lower the price!"

The slave boss said: "Don't worry, we are professionals."

"One hundred gold coins, do you want to sell it?"

Frederick agreed without thinking: "A hundred is a hundred, it's an advantage for you."

Those who are capable of selling Selma must have a strong background. These two assassins are from the local justice. Ordinary slave merchants dare not accept them. They may not be able to sell them if they change places.

Frederick took the money bag, weighed it, took out a few extra gold coins and threw them back to the slave boss, and left with Therma and Olive.

When night fell, Frederick sat on the bed and counted the gold coins in piles of ten.

Olive asked curiously: "Master, how did you know that these two are assassins?"

Frederick counted the money and replied: "It's just what I said in the afternoon, it was touched out."

"The muscles of people who have exercised are different from those who have not exercised. You can feel it right away."

"They're not like you, they feel like bones."

Olive's face turned red all of a sudden. She was very thin because she was poor and often didn't have enough to eat. She didn't have much meat on her body. Her hands and feet looked very slender, and the parts that should be raised or curved were almost flat. Frederick could feel it. Sometimes I could feel my bones hitting his hand.

She asked like a mosquito buzzing: "Then...what kind of things does the master like to touch?"

Frederick smiled and replied: "I like them all."

After finishing speaking, he placed two piles of 30 gold coins in front of Olive and Therma respectively, and said to them: "These are for you."

Therma was okay, he had never seen dozens of gold coins, but Olive was dumbfounded. Not to mention the gold coins, he had never seen 30 silver coins put together.

"Old... Master..." Olive said awkwardly, "You... really... want... to give it to me?"

At first, she thought that the big boss would give her three to five gold coins in the end. When she took the ship to Wesson, if she helped the sailors sew and cook on the ship, she could only use one gold coin. The remaining money should be there after she got there. Enough to support myself until I find a job.

Frederick touched her head and said: "There are many places to spend money when going out. Eating in Wesson is cheap, but renting a house is a bit expensive. It is safer to rent a better house alone."

"I suggest that when you go there, you first sign up to study at a language school, and then go to the technical school run by the guild to learn a craft. With the craft, you will not be hungry anywhere."

"If you don't want to go to a technical school, you can go to a garment factory to work on sewing machines. There are cheap staff dormitories and canteens there. You can save some money after a year."

Olive kept nodding her head, her eyes filled with tears.

Therma bit her lip and looked down at the gold coins in front of her. She finally made up her mind, hugged Frederick's waist and whispered, "I want to go back to my hometown as soon as possible."

Frederick patted her back and said softly: "No problem."

Therma returned to her hometown to settle accounts with the enemies who framed her father. Frederick naturally supported her and there was no reason to obstruct her.

The next day, Olive went to the market to help Selma buy things and weapons for travel, as well as a lot of dry food for the road.

Selma has a long way to go back home and needs to travel with the caravan.

Olive also helped her contact a caravan that was passing by, and helped her purchase a batch of sewing needles imported from Wesson and other small-sized and high-priced goods to hide her identity.

And from the moment Therma decided to leave, she and Frederick were engaged in the final madness.

On the morning of the start of the round of 64, Frederick took the olives to the competition ground, and Therma embarked on the way home.

Frederick looked back at Therma's leaving figure. None of them expected that when the two met again, Therma asked Frederick: "Do you regret not killing me then?"

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