Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 275 The third round of competition


Two warhammers as big as microwave ovens hit the scabbard on the hammer head, and Frederick flew back more than ten meters.

Starting from the third round, all players cannot be treated lightly. Those players who hid their strength from the beginning have now shown their true abilities.

After Frederick stood still, he looked at his opponent carefully. Before the competition started, she was a legal lolita about 1.4 meters tall. The moment she took action, she instantly transformed into a giant lolita with a height of 3 meters.

The thick spear in her hand became a one-handed hammer, the hammer head was made of hard magic rock, and the originally loose spider silk robe on her body became a somewhat revealing tights.

This wasn't over yet. A set of rock armor appeared on her body. Although it wasn't like an iron can, it still protected her body's vital points.

Frederick got serious. This kind of enemy with strengthened body and strong defense was difficult to deal with. His error tolerance rate was very low. If he didn't pay attention, he would be in trouble.

The sword was unsheathed and then emitted a blue light.

In the luxurious and comfortable stands, a young man asked Vael next to him: "Who is that woman?"

Vael immediately replied: "Your Majesty, her name is Caris, she comes from the Linhai area, and there is news that she is a member of the Witch Sisters."

At this time, there was a series of deafening sounds on the battlefield.

Frederick swung his sword forward, and the opponent counterattacked with a heavy hammer. The wind element and earth element that collided where the sword and hammer hit each other exploded violently.

Although Caris is huge, she is very flexible. Frederick's several slashes were intercepted by her with counterattacks.

The inertia generated when a heavy weapon is swung with force makes it easy for people to follow the weapon, and larger flaws will appear after the opponent avoids it.

Frederick noticed this and moved around the ring, tempting his opponent to use large swings, and taking advantage of the moment when it was difficult to control the weapon after hitting the air, to counterattack.

He exploited a flaw on the edge of the opponent's attack and smashed the giant hammer down on the head. He planned to retreat first and then counterattack at close range when the hammer hit the ground.

But Caris didn't use all her strength, and she was able to master the weapon with ease.

The giant hammer did not hit the ground after Frederick dodged. Instead, it suddenly lifted up when it was still palm-height from the ground, and stabbed Frederick who was about to take off like a sword.

Frederick's body shape was not conducive to blocking at this time, so he could only jump to the side to avoid the attack from the front.

But Caris changed her steps and body shape as quickly as possible, and the hammer in her hand swept quickly, and was about to hit Frederick's waist.


The sound of the giant hammer colliding with the scabbard was not loud. Caris' face was solemn. The blow just now did not feel like hitting the target at all. One word appeared in her mind: dead force.

Frederick had just used dead force to neutralize the force of the blow, but he almost flew out of the ring.

The competition for the top 32 starts today and is one group at a time. It lasts for one hour. If you are knocked away and leave the ring, you will be directly judged to have failed.

Frederick made tactical adjustments. The opponent's transformation and use of element-shaped armor and weapons consumed magic power, which forced her to speed up consumption.

He jumped up high, as high as three stories high. The sword and scabbard were entwined with lightning, and they both slashed towards the opponent's head.

Seeing this, Caris saw the right moment and swung the giant hammer towards Frederick's weapon.

At the moment when the weapons were about to hit each other, Frederick strangely changed his position in the air and landed on the ground after passing the giant hammer. The sword and scabbard struck at the opponent's defenseless armpits at the same time.

Karis hurriedly stepped back and used the rock armor on her back to catch the scabbard, and the handle of the giant hammer blocked the sword.

The handle of the hammer was wrapped with a layer of rock in time to block the current from the sword.

Her back was hit hard by the scabbard, and a large piece of the rock armor was shattered.

Frederick glanced at the broken rock armor and immediately became vigilant, because there were thin steel bars in the rock, which increased the overall defense.

Similar reinforced concrete wall magic is a kind of compound magic. People who can use compound magic have a high overall level. They need to be good at at least two types of magic. Being a good magician in Weisen State is not a problem.

The new situation made Frederick slightly adjust his tactics. The opponent could obviously use gold elements. If he replaced the rock armor and giant hammer with gold elements, it would be more difficult to deal with. She must have no time to switch and at least defeat her here. she.

The next moment, Frederick began a stormy attack, and the scabbard that was originally used as armor also became an offensive weapon.

Caris relied on her armor to defend herself and fought back, but Frederick only did a minimum of dodge, and several attacks missed him. The counterattacks on the unprotected parts forced him to block back, preventing him from attacking further.

There were enthusiastic cheers from the audience. What they wanted to watch was this kind of game that constantly beats the opponent and has thrilling scenes from time to time.

Many players stood at the entrance, carefully observing every detail on the field.

Vael sighed: "This game is enough to qualify for the semi-finals. I didn't expect that Caris has been conserving her strength and now she meets him."

The young man next to him whispered: "Charles Smith, Caris, no matter who wins or loses, you have to make friends with them. This operation needs talents like them."

Vael immediately took the order.

In the ring, Caris found that she began to fall downwind. Her opponent's continuous close attacks made her exhausted. The rock armor was constantly being broken and repaired, which consumed a lot of energy, so she had to change her tactics.

Frederick was extremely calm at the moment and showed the same spirit as when he was sparring with Richard Naer. He not only paid attention to every move of his opponent, but also paid attention to whether there were any changes in the empty ring around him.

Kalis found an opportunity, raised the giant hammer with both hands, caught Frederick's sword, and then smashed it down hard.

At the same time, dense steel spikes suddenly appeared on the surrounding arena floor, reflecting the cold light under the scorching sun.

The densely packed steel thorns on the back of a porcupine were all pointing at Frederick. If he dodged, he would hit them.

Frederick thought it was time to decide the outcome.

He didn't even need to run up, but suddenly made a sliding tackle, targeting the opponent's right leg.

Caris was not paying attention for a moment, and was shoveled so that she lost her balance, her figure was deformed, and the falling hammer hit the open space.

Frederick threw away the scabbard, hugged the opponent's right leg with his left hand, and threw her up with the help of his own strength.

Caris seemed to be overturned, but she jumped up with her left leg, and the left leg with the rock leg armor swept towards Frederick's head.

Frederick stretched out his right hand, and Caris kicked him hard on the arm with her left leg.


The referee nearby and other players at the entrance and exit heard the sound of broken bones.

"Admit defeat!"

At this point there is no difference between breaking a bone and being beaten until you lose.

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