Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 276 Refuse the Emperor’s Invitation and Sneak Away

"Ouch...it hurts so much!"

"Be patient for a while, it won't hurt anymore after you take the medicine."

"No, it hurts even if you take medicine!"

"What should we do?"

"It won't hurt if you kiss me!"

Frederick felt that he really had nothing to do. After the game, he visited Caris in the treatment room. Unexpectedly, he saw her showing affection to her husband. The doctor who was setting her bones tried not to look at the two of them.

The main reason is that Caris has now returned to her height of 1.4 meters, while her husband looks almost 50 years old, nearly 2.2 meters tall, and weighs about 160 kilograms. A layer of fat cannot hide his well-developed muscles, and he has a rather fierce appearance. Scary.

Seeing the loving look on their faces, Frederick hesitated to go in.

Although anything can happen in the ring, if your family members are unreasonable, you will get into a lot of trouble.

"Yeah, Mr. Smith is here to see you."

It turned out that Carice's husband discovered him first.

Frederick stood at the door and asked: "How is Ms. Kalis's injury?"

"It's okay!" Caris replied depressingly, "That damn old woman, even if she just gets married, she still spreads this magic around. I'm so angry!"

After hearing this, Frederick raised his eyebrows. He had just used Tony's "Iron Shirt" magic at the last moment to harden his hands, which allowed Caris to kick her legs as if they were kicked on a steel rod. Broken bones from kicking.

This magic was obtained and passed down by an ancestor of Tony's family after he married a female magician from the Witch Sisters. It sounds like Caris understands the inheritance relationship, so she must also be a member of the Witch Sisters.

Caris continued to say angrily: "I still have a backup plan, hum, I bought myself the championship, now the money is gone, how will I live in the future!"

After saying that, she howled and cried.

Her husband said to Frederick: "Don't worry, she just bought a gold coin, it's nothing."

"Isn't a gold coin money?" Caris suddenly glared at her husband fiercely.

Upon seeing this, Frederick smiled and said to them: "I'll treat you to dinner later."

He has some connections with the Witch Sisters. Psyche has a good relationship with this organization. Altasha in the organization is now working with him to dig up fire magic crystals on Cod Island. Generally speaking, the relationship between the two parties is considered friendly.

Caris looked at Frederick nervously and asked, "You are attracted to me, right? I already have a husband and two children!"

Frederick said dumbfounded: "How is that possible?"

Caris became even more nervous now and asked tremblingly: "Are you attracted to my husband?"

Frederick said angrily: "The one who summoned the fire element giant was captured by me and worked for a few years. You understand."

Caris understood immediately, turned to her husband and said, "Amphit, eat as much as you want tonight, he is a rich man!"

Her husband Amphit smiled helplessly at Frederick.

The doctor quickly helped Caris reconnect the broken leg bone, put a cast on it, and gave her a bottle of gray medicine to drink.

"You will be able to walk tomorrow morning." The doctor said. "The fractured area will feel like insects crawling around in the middle of the night. Don't worry about it. Just tolerate it."

"Drink more milk or goat's milk tonight, and eat more fish and shrimp from the sea."

Caris said to Frederick: "Did you hear that, milk and fish and shrimp!"

Frederick replied dumbfounded: "I heard it, I heard it."

Soon after, they arrived at a famous seafood restaurant in the city. Amphit hugged Caris along the way, and many aunts praised his daughter for being so beautiful.

Today we are inviting outsiders, so Olive takes her position consciously, serving food and pouring water in an orderly manner.

Frederick asked the store owner to prepare one for her in the lobby, and then chatted with Caris and the others.

Caris and Anfit's child just came of age not long ago, so they ran out to live as two people and travel around the day after the child's birthday.

Their route was exactly the opposite of Frederick's, and they were going to travel north.

Halfway through the meal, an unexpected guest showed up.

Vael came to the top floor with a smile and gave each of Frederick and Caris a bag of gold coins.

The money bag was made of silk and contained a hundred gold coins.

Caris put the money bag on the table and asked Vael expressionlessly: "What do you mean?"

Vael replied: "The performance of the two of you today is very exciting. My master is very happy. These are rewards for you."

Caris didn't take the money, but continued: "If it's just like this, I will do it. Just in time, the game is lost, and we will leave Wanjing City tomorrow morning."

Vael immediately said calmly: "This money is just a reward, nothing else."

"Actually, my master has a request from two of you. When the job is done, the reward will be several times the reward today."

Caris had an "As expected" expression on her face and asked with a sneer: "What's the matter? Don't tell me you want my husband to help you give birth to a child."

Frederick saw Vael's face twitch.

Frederick has been silent since Wael came in. This man is from the Ghazi Empire's Guards system, and his master is the new emperor of the Ghazi Empire, Fatih.

The Ghazi Empire can be said to be full of talents. Now the emperor wants to ask outsiders for help. Obviously, this kind of thing is not a good thing.

Vael said to Caris: "Bamo Island has been occupied by sea monsters for many years. My master is planning to organize people to defeat the sea monsters and explore the Apocalypse Labyrinth."

Caris frowned and asked him: "Isn't it just the two of us?"

Judging from her expression, that place might not be a safe place.

Vael replied: "No, the master will select a group of people from this competition to participate, as well as some of our own people."

Caris nodded thoughtfully, pointed to her injured leg and said, "Let's see if my leg can recover in time. If we participate, my husband and I will have to pay twice."

She did not explicitly agree or refuse, but found an irrefutable reason.

Vael glanced at Amphit, who was two heads taller than him, and saw that this person was quite strong, so he said to her, "It's no problem."

When Vael looked at Frederick, Frederick said to him: "I'll wait until the game is over before deciding. If I hurt someone today, maybe I will be hurt next time."

"But I can't trust you. You must promise not to let me make unnecessary sacrifices. To put it bluntly, don't use me as a bait for abandonment, otherwise the Wesson Army will come to seek justice for me even if I die."

When he finished speaking, his expression was calm and there was no threatening tone, but the confidence contained in it made others feel that what he said would come true.

Vael immediately said to him sincerely: "My master intends to recruit you and will never do such a thing."

Frederick asked in surprise: "Really?"

Vael replied: "If you are interested, you can go to the competition ground tomorrow to watch the battle with the master."

Frederick thought for a moment and said to him seriously: "I'll go visit him tomorrow when I wake up."

Vael felt that he had completed his task well today and no longer disturbed their meal.

After a while, Caris asked Frederick in a very strange language: "What do you think?"

She used the internal secret language of the Witch Sisters. Frederick had learned a little bit, so he said: "This man is an officer of the Praetorian Guard, and his master can only be the emperor."

The expressions of Caris and Amphit changed instantly and then changed back quickly.

"We'll leave early tomorrow morning." Caris whispered, "It's not a good thing to be associated with those jackals. I suggest you leave as soon as possible."

Frederick nodded.

The princes of the Ghazi Empire will be sent to various places when they reach adulthood. The first prince who rushes back to the palace after the death of the late emperor will inherit the throne. The other princes will go to remote and poor areas to support local construction.

There are many ways to do this, from bribing palace officials to block the news, to arranging manpower in advance to intercept other brothers halfway and to prevent being intercepted by other brothers, everyone will do anything for the throne.

The emperor's tactics cultivated in this environment are sufficient, and don't expect them to follow the bottom line.

The other party's solicitation looks good, but if you refuse, there is a high chance that you will be arrested and tortured to interrogate Wesson State's secrets.

Frederick did not dare to joke with his own life. When it was time to run away, he had to run decisively.

After everyone finished the meal as if nothing had happened, they went back to their homes. Frederick asked Caris and the others to help them report that they were safe if they passed by Wesson.

As he approached the house, Frederick noticed a man hiding outside the door.

He took out a copper plate and threw it at the man, unsheathed his sword and let Olive hide behind him.

"I mean no harm." A man in black robes walked out of the darkness, and his voice could not distinguish between male and female.

Frederick said coldly: "Do you think I will believe it?"

A bag appeared in the hand of the man in black robe, and he whispered: "This is 500 gold coins, which is 100 more than your bet and bonus after winning the championship. We just want to ask you to lose the next game."

Frederick sneered. It seemed that someone planned to take this opportunity to climb the emperor's high branch. He had an idea in his mind and said: "Pour the gold coins on the ground."

The man in black robe did as he was told.

Frederick said: "You can go, I will take care of things after receiving the money."

After the man in black robe left, Frederick took off his vest and took away the wallet on the ground.

After entering the house, Frederick asked Olive: "Do you know where there is a printing place in the city?"

Nobles were no strangers to fire seals. After the emergence of Wesson paper, woodblock printing inspired by fire seals also appeared in other places. The printing quality and efficiency were not as good as the professional printing houses in Wesson, but they printed some leaflets. no problem.

The next morning, Emperor Fatih of the Ghazi Empire looked gloomily at the leaflets in his hands, which had been scattered around the competition ground early this morning.

The flyer reads:

I received 400 gold coins today. I am withdrawing from the samurai competition in accordance with the agreement. Please do not hurt my friends.

——Not well-known

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