Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 277 Chatting at Sea

Nowadays, the south wind is blowing on the sea. After leaving Wanjing City, the sailboat needs to take a "Z" route to the southwest, and the overall speed is a bit slow.

Everyone is not bored at all on the sea. Businessmen who travel all over the country gather under the cloth to block the sun and brag. Passing time is secondary. The key is to get news from various places.

The main character on the boat these days is a young businessman in his early twenties. He has just traveled to the Beihai area and has a newly grown mustache, so everyone calls him "Mustache."

Everyone met by chance, and the whereabouts of some people must be kept secret. Basically, they are not called by name, but are nicknamed. Several businessmen on the ship had watched Frederick's game, and Frederick liked to mention the nickname "250".

As soon as Mustache Hu finished talking about the Dawn Chamber of Commerce's "Every Ten Days Business News" which can be bought as long as there is a port in the Beihai area, which recorded the prices of commodities in many places, the big bald man asked Frederick: "Hey, two hundred and fifty, he said Is it true?"

Frederick smiled and replied: "Of course it is true. I heard that some people even brought it to the Inland Sea to sell it. Although it is not timely, it can be used as a reference."

The merchants sitting together on the deck were all envious. They could control the prices of commodities in various places and it was difficult to lose money.

The bald man sighed: "It would be great if there was one on the Inland Sea side."

Frederick sighed and said: "It's a bit difficult. Duke Wesson asked people from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to negotiate in various places last year, but only the Kingdom of Kush and the southern Kingdom of Sardinia are willing to build remote radio towers along the coast."

Then he explained to the businessmen the role of the radio and how to collect and transmit commodity prices from various places through the radio.

He spoke in an easy-to-understand manner, and everyone understood it as soon as they heard it.

"Ah?" A scar-faced man asked him in surprise, "If it's so good, why aren't other countries willing to build it?"

Frederick shrugged and said helplessly: "It's not the Governor of Venice and the others. They are afraid that if everyone understands the prices in various places, they will not be able to rely on other people's uninformed information to rip off customers, so they are spreading rumors everywhere."

The bald man said seriously: "There is such a thing. I heard a Venetian businessman say that after the tower was built, people in that city could only have daughters."

"I thought it was true at first, but it turned out they were afraid that we could make money."

For businessmen, anyone who prevents them from making money is a bad person, and nothing they say is true.

A bearded man said angrily: "So that's it, the Doge of Venice should be hanged!"

Everyone began to denounce the Doge of Venice.

Frederick just smiled helplessly.

Similar things have happened in the North Sea region, but that is the area where Wesson State has focused its investment. The large number of popular science books quickly made the rumor's survival space disappear quickly among those with real power.

Everyone chatted for a while, and soon noon arrived.

Today is the Sunday of the Flame Church. In addition to the crew who are steering the ship, including Olive, who is helping to mend clothes horizontally in the room, all come out to pray on the deck.

Frederick was a pagan, so he went back to his room to hide from the sun.

In the afternoon, everyone gathered together to chat again.

This time, a stove appeared in the middle, with tea boiling in it, and a lot of maltose and fruit. It tasted pretty good.

Now the recipe for maltose has been made public, but soon the sweeter "white crystal sugar" appeared in Wesson, and "Wesson sugar" also became the name of white sugar.

Nowadays, maltose is a relatively cheap sugar, while white sugar is a luxury product. The most expensive cargo on the ship this time is the small half-ship of white sugar that Mustache transported all the way back from Weisen.

While drinking tea, the bearded man asked Frederick tentatively: "Two hundred and fifty, how are those crystal-like Wesson candies made?"

Frederick took a sip of the tea, which was sour and sweet with a hint of bitterness, and said with a smile: "It's made by squeezing the juice from sweet radish."

Beet is grown everywhere and people are no strangers to it. The bearded man asked in surprise: "Is it really sweet radish?"

Frederick took another sip of tea. It was hot and he sweated a lot, so he needed to drink more water. Then he said, "That's for sure. Everyone among us knows that."

The bearded man said thoughtfully: "Then I will try it too."

Frederick shook his head and said: "Don't blame me for not reminding you, the difference between sweet radish and sweet radish is bigger than that between human and slime."

"It's like killing pigs to make oil. Some pigs only have oil that is one finger thick, and some pigs are three fingers thick. We now have oil that is as thick as a palm. You know what I mean."

The bearded man understood immediately after hearing this, and his face looked a little ugly.

The big bald man next to him immediately laughed at him: "What are you thinking? Can you compare with Weisenzhou in terms of farming? What do you use to farm the land? They use iron oxen to farm the land."

The mustache also said: "That's right, the iron cow keeps the water and eats the magic crystal. It works very fast and well. It doesn't even have to rest when it's time to catch the farm. Can your cow do it?"

"Also, Weisen State provides food to the dealers. If you feed it too little, you won't grow fast enough. If you feed it too much, you will die immediately. Do you know how to feed it?"

The bearded man was so angry that he said angrily: "Huh, I don't understand anything. Can't I let my sons learn it? If they don't learn it, I'll break their legs!"

The big bald man continued to taunt: "You have a good idea. It's a secret. If you go there, you will be a heretic. Can they teach you? They are afraid that your legs will be broken as soon as you open your mouth."

After the guy finished taunting him, he asked Frederick: "Two hundred and fifty, don't you think so?"

Frederick smiled and said "No" and his bald head suddenly stopped fixing, and the people around him laughed.

Frederick drank tea and said: "Learning can be learned, and don't talk about pagans. Who doesn't teach it at Weisenberg University now? Don't preach and don't fight, and it will be fine."

"Planting is a university course. Outsiders have to take a unified examination to enter the university. If they don't get the score, even Duke Wesson will have trouble speaking."

"Also, Wesson State is in the north, and it teaches plants from the north, which is different from the plants in the south."

"It doesn't matter if you go there to study, the basic principles of plant growth are the same. If you come back and study local crops, you should be able to have a good harvest."

The bearded man immediately said to him: "Hey, you are really open-minded, unlike some people."

The group of people laughed again, and the bald man was speechless.

The bearded man asked curiously: "Is that Iron Bull really that good?"

Frederick thought for a moment, held his chin and said, "I remember that many tractors were sold to the Kingdom of Kush. You can go and find out."

At this time, Scarface rushed to say: "I know this. I bought a lot of them, but they are all used in the royal family's farm."

"I heard that His Majesty Yi Wen is going to reclaim the swamps in the Sun River Delta recently and plans to buy more iron cattle."

Now Frederick became interested. He had never heard of it, so he asked Scarface to explain it in detail.

Scarface's family has relatives who are in charge of water conservancy in the Kingdom of Kush. I heard that the king felt that Duke Wesson had reclaimed so many swamps in the lowlands that he could do it, so he planned to reclaim the swamps in the delta area where the Sun River flows into the inland sea. If successful, nearly 10,000 square kilometers of fertile land will be obtained.

Frederick nodded thoughtfully. After the gas explosion engine was mass-produced, there would be somewhere to sell those second-hand steam tractors.

Others also began to ask about Scarface. There were extremely high commercial interests behind large-scale land reclamation. If you couldn't afford it yourself, you could still sell favors to big businessmen.

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