Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 278 Boarding the ship heading for a new life

The layout of the hotel rooms in Wesson is different from other places. There is a bathroom next to the door as soon as you enter, and a cabinet for luggage on the opposite side. After walking through a short hallway, you will find a room with beds, tables and chairs. Behind the bright window is a Thin and thick double curtains. There is also a schematic diagram of the fire escape route posted on the back of the room door, which was obtained at the cost of more than a hundred lives in Oak City.

Olive sat on the bed, pressed the mattress, and it bounced up. It felt quite fun.

This kind of mattress is a specialty of the Kingdom of Kush. The raw material is a kind of palm fiber produced in the hot southern region. It was originally used to make rough clothes and ropes. Making it into a mattress was the idea of ​​the guy who was reading a map in the room.

Frederick was studying the map he had just bought. This place was familiar yet unfamiliar to him.

The terrain of the southern continent of this world is very similar to that of his hometown in Africa, but the Sahara Desert is located in a tropical rain forest called the Sea of ​​Forest or Green Sea. Cities are located in the northern coastal area. To the south of the rain forest is a mountain range and plateau with a high altitude. .

The Port of Birsay where they are currently located is located in the northeastern corner of the area actually controlled by the Kingdom of Kush, equivalent to the northern end of the Suez Canal. The Luna Peninsula to the east is occupied by the Ghazi Empire. The two countries are now facing each other in a nearly two hundred kilometers long swamp area, and from time to time A skirmish occurred.

The territory of the Kingdom of Kush is roughly equivalent to his hometown of Egypt, but the big river called the Sun River is different from the Nile River. Its main stream comes from the mountains in the south, but there are countless rivers in the forest sea to the west and the hilly areas to the east. Tributaries flow into it.

There is no shortage of water, light and heat here, and it seems to be very suitable for farming, but the tropical rainforest here will also expand outwards. In a few days, the seeds brought by bird droppings can make the farmland grow taller than a tree of wheat or rice. small tree. It was even worse in the cotton field, and I couldn't tell the difference for a while.

What's more serious is the hot climate and the spread of human and animal diseases by bugs that breed in ponds, lakes, etc. Bugs and small reptiles basically carry toxins. The slimes here even eat too many poisonous bugs and bring them with them. Toxic.

After combining past and current intelligence, Frederick had some understanding of the country, and decided not to go to Mrs. Sophie yet, but to walk around on his own.

At this time, someone knocked hard on the door of the room. Frederick immediately became alert, picked up his weapon and walked towards the door.

He used the scabbard to open the curtain behind the peephole, and after a few seconds, he slowly went over to check.

The door kept ringing, and outside were several people wearing khaki police uniforms. If their clothes were changed to navy blue and their skin was white instead of the local brown skin, they would be the same as the Wesson police.

Frederick asked loudly in standard German with a Wesson accent: "Who is it?"

After hearing the knock on the door, someone answered in German with a local accent: "Security officer, checking the ward!"

Frederick asked again: "Is he really the Sheriff? Is he not a liar?"

The people outside responded politely: "No, we are real police officers. I graduated from the police academy in Weissenburg."

Frederick nodded slightly. Nowadays, various government departments in Weisen State are very short of professional talents under the professional reform of government employees he instituted. Many departments have opened their own professional training schools.

The police department has also opened a police school to provide half-year professional pre-job training and three months of advanced training. Like many similar schools, it recruits a group of veterans to brag and teach rookies about their experience while compiling teaching materials.

These schools are also open to allies, and the Kingdom of Kush also sends people to study. They are all children of noble families who support Mrs. Sophie and do not have the right to inherit the title. After returning, they serve in other places to enrich government departments and strengthen the royal family's control of the local area.

Frederick's heart was not yet at ease. This was a border area. There might be spies from the Ghazi Empire infiltrating and pretending to be government personnel to commit murders. If the peace officer of the Kingdom of Kush killed someone from Weisen State, this kind of thing would be easy to work out. can rise to the diplomatic level.

"[Standard Weisenburg Castle swearing]!" Frederick suddenly yelled, "Did you have a share when you group of blue rats came to our school to steal food last year?"

The police officer outside immediately yelled back: "[Unstandard Weisen State swear words]! It turns out to be a big-faced cat! If you don't open the door yet, let's see how I deal with you! You dare to be so arrogant on my land!"

The Wesson State Police Academy is located in the suburbs, not far from the recruit training base of the Black Cat Force. In line with the tradition of the military, Frederick has a vegetable patch in the base. Last year, a group of police academy students went to steal vegetables, and then Beaten badly.

Frederick opened the door and exchanged curses with the police officer outside for five minutes. Olive in the room hid in the corner and shivered. The security officer in the corridor was confused. Why did the chief just press and not do anything today?

After the two cursed each other, they began to exchange documents.

Frederick looked at the other party's Sheriff's Certificate and sneered: "I lay there for several days that time."

The person on the other side did not answer, but said: "The queen and the eldest prince will come back to visit their parents in a few days. If you see anyone suspicious, tell us immediately."

Frederick raised his eyebrows and said, if nothing else, in a few years we will all be considered relatives, so it’s okay to help them pay attention.

Then Frederick called Olive over and asked them to take a look, and the ward round was over.

"Are you free tomorrow night?" the sheriff asked, "I'm inviting a few classmates to have a drink together. We want to hear stories about the previous war."

Frederick smiled and said, "No problem, I'm here for a trip. If I'm not here, tell the front desk."

After the investigation here, the Sheriff took people to check the room opposite.

After knocking for a while, no one opened the door. Someone inside shouted "Get out", and the accent sounded like someone from the south of the Kingdom of Kush.

It only took 30 seconds to break down the door and arrest people. A fat man and a young woman were dragged out, tied up and sent back for interrogation.

After the scorching sun at noon passed, Frederick took the olives and went shopping on the street.

Frederick escaped from Wanjing City with olives. She had no luggage and needed to purchase them here.

In recent years, the trade exchanges between Weisen State and the Kingdom of Kush have intensified, and there are more merchants. From time to time, people talking in German are seen on the street.

Frederick inquired all the way to a street with many tailor shops. Here, there are local clothes made now, as well as ready-made clothes imported from Weissensee.

But no matter which one he chooses, there will always be a scarf to block the sun. Frederick is still wearing loose breathable clothes made by Wanjingcheng and a black plaid scarf with a white background.

Frederick asked Olive: “What kind of clothes should I buy?”

Olive replied matter-of-factly: "Of course it's Wesson's clothes."

Frederick took her to a women's clothing store, let her choose by herself, and then asked the boss: "Do you have cotton-padded clothes here? Let the girl see it. I'm afraid she will be reluctant to buy cotton-padded clothes in winter and freeze to death."

The boss was only two or three years older than Frederick. He came here from Weissensee and married a local landlady. Although he wanted to help, he still shook his head and replied: "It's so hot here, how can we prepare cotton clothes?"

"I heard that the travel agency next door has one. A few years ago, people there froze to death, and then they specially prepared it for people here to see."

Frederick heard a dark clue and thought that there was actually a travel agency.

After buying the clothes, he took Olive and went there and found that there were quite a lot of customers in this travel agency. They were all from the southern continent, and they were all rich or expensive based on their clothes.

As soon as he entered the door, the owner of the travel agency immediately greeted him personally: "Ah,..."

Frederick immediately glared and refused to let one of his father's former scribes identify him.

The boss understood immediately and welcomed Frederick into the VIP room.

Olive sat on the sofa and looked curiously at the glass fish tank on the wall. There were many beautiful fish in it.

Frederick asked the boss curiously: "You run this chamber of commerce? It seems like the business is pretty good?"

The boss was a little embarrassed. Back then, he was responsible for copying work in the castle. After Frederick's father died in the war, he felt that the Wesson family was about to end, so he ran away to the city of Nuremberg. As a result, a few years later, that place was also the territory of the Wesson family. .

Now that the printing industry has emerged, the work of scribes is over, so they come out to make a living.

The boss replied: "I first sold some tableware here, and then I heard that many people wanted to visit Weissensee, but the distance was too far and the toll was too expensive."

"Then I thought that the main reason for the high cost of travel was the high cost of taking a boat, so I found a captain I knew to cooperate and let tourists gather together to charter a boat. The travel cost was much cheaper and there were more people."

Frederick nodded after hearing this. These days, nobles have a tradition of traveling around. He is also traveling now. The expenses in this area are not small. Save as much as you can.

He pointed at the olive and said to the boss: "You can make this money because of your ability. I met this girl on the road. She wants to work and live in Weissenburg. Please arrange how to get there and get off the boat at Weissenburg City. Just don’t worry about it.”

The boss immediately replied: "We will have a boat back to Weissenburg in three days. We can take her with us. If she is willing to live with the waiter, she will not need to pay the travel expenses and just pay for the meal. If you have anything to take back, we also have it. Letter and gift delivery services.”

Although this is the richest moment in Olive's life, she doesn't spend money if she can, so she asked, "Can I get free of food if I help with the work?"

The boss breathed a sigh of relief. At first he thought that this girl was the Duke's mistress, and meeting her on the road and going to work were just excuses. But seeing the scars on her face and not being sure, he used this method to circumvent her.

If she was a mistress, the Duke would have said just now that she would be treated as an official guest. Now this girl is actively working to save money, which means she is no longer a mistress.

But even if they are not mistresses, they still know each other, and there is always friendship. If one day the Duke suddenly remembers to ask about her, he must also explain.

So the boss arranged a simple job for her: "If you can help wipe the tableware, you can provide working meals."

Olive immediately agreed.

Three days later, the skinny Olive said goodbye to Frederick on the dock, carrying a backpack almost as big as himself, and then happily ran onto the boat.

When the ship left the port, Frederick waved goodbye to her, but he didn't expect that the next time he saw her again, she would already be the mother of two children.

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