Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 279 Exaggerated rumors

Frederick didn't expect that he would be so famous in the Kingdom of Kush and become the "story king" during these days in Port Port.

At first, it was just the police officer he met that day who asked him to drink and brag. The next day when they went to work, they talked about the new stories they heard from others.

That night, several minor nobles in charge of public security in the city held a banquet to invite Frederick, for no other reason than to listen to stories.

Frederick could only continue to brag to them as "Charles Smith, a member of Duke Wesson's escort". First, he talked about how to capture Majiapu City and occupy the Mahe area by boat, and then Duke Wesson single-handedly killed the God of Law. , how the army was flooded in the end.

Then it couldn't stop. The Port of Birsay was such a big place. As soon as the news spread, invitations from other nobles and businessmen came one after another.

Fortunately, the queen came to visit her father and mother who were stationed here with her one-year-old prince, and the nobles in the city were busy welcoming them, allowing Frederick to take a breather.

Unexpectedly, the queen also wanted to hear his story after hearing about him.

That afternoon, she invited Frederick to have tea at the city lord's palace where she was staying.

Afternoon tea in the Kingdom of Kush is different from that in the north. They like to spread out gorgeous carpets under the cool shade of trees, sit or half-lie in the breeze, and drink tea and chat together.

Her Royal Highness Queen Simi of the Kingdom of Kush is the same age as Frederick. She got married early here. Her son Amir is one year old and is sitting on the carpet in front of her building blocks.

Many young men and women from the city's aristocracy were also invited together today. They were all sitting on both sides of the carpet, with fruits and snacks placed in the middle.

The servant was making tea in the downdraft, and before the tea was served, everyone on both sides chatted about their own affairs.

It was the first time for Frederick to attend such a tea party, and he asked about the rules with his old friend whom he had met a few days ago.

In fact, there are no rules. The tea party is not as formal as a banquet. It is just a group of people making noise and laughing together. However, usually the host will set a topic and the two parties will debate or sing to each other.

Frederick blinked when he heard the last part, thinking why Susan and the others hadn't played such a fun thing in Wesson?

It didn't take long for the tea to be brewed. It was tea, but it was better to say that it was mixed with tea and juice. There was a straw inserted in the one-pound cup. It was sour and sweet, and it was delicious.

Next came the highlight of the day. Simi made some opening remarks and then asked Frederick a question: "Does Duke Wesson never bathe, he only bathes in blood?"

Frederick was silent for a moment. At first he thought Simi was being funny, but when he saw that her black eyes under the veil were full of curiosity and seriousness, the same was true for the ladies next to him, and he wondered if they really thought so. Bar.

"It's not that exaggerated." Frederick smiled and shook his head, "Commander, he still takes regular baths in normal times, which is good for his health."

Simi pretended to be enlightened and said seriously: "So that's it, he only bathes in the enemy's blood when fighting!"

Frederick blinked and wanted to ask the young queen, what are you thinking?

Simi then curiously asked: "Does Duke Wesson put a pillow under the sword when he sleeps?"

Frederick once again didn't know what to say. He thought, wouldn't his head hurt if he slept like this?

However this is just the beginning.

In the following time, Simi and the ladies next to her asked many questions, including but not limited to:

"Did Duke Wesson once arm-wrestle with a saber-toothed elephant, using both of its front legs, and he won?"

"Did Duke Wesson never kill two birds with one stone? He shot one arrow and the whole flock of birds died?"

"Does Duke Wesson never cry? He doesn't even have tear ducts?"

Frederick's forehead was covered with sweat, and he thought about what he had been told to be like. The most outrageous thing among them was that his eyes could emit scorching light.

Even among men, there are certain sayings, such as "The fastest way to a man's heart is Duke Wesson's knife."

Frederick could only keep explaining, but some could only be "yes, yes, yes". For example, someone asked: "Can Duke Wesson drink soup with a fork?"

Too lazy to explain, tired.

Everyone heard a rumor that was completely correct, so they thought that the next person asked "Did Duke Wesson kill a whale in 10 seconds, of which the first 9 seconds were waiting for the whale to have the courage to charge at him?" It should be right too.

What else could Frederick say? "Yes, yes, yes" and that was it.

After answering the question, Frederick began to talk about the "Dong Pulan Empire Restoration War" again. It was only in the past two days that he knew what other people called this war.

However, Simi was not very interested in the war. He just listened casually and teased his son from time to time.

Frederick saw it and finished the matter in a few words.

Soon it was time for Simi to feed her baby, and today's tea party ended.

It's just that Frederick was a little depressed and didn't care about food.

But he was too lazy to complain. Anyway, he planned to leave in two days. He would walk upstream along the river. After reaching the mountains in the south, he would walk west for a while in the mountains, and then pass through the forest sea from south to north.

But before leaving, I had to buy some souvenirs to send back to everyone, mainly to ensure that I was safe.

It’s dark and late in the south, and there are still many shops open at this time.

Frederick inquired all the way and came to a shop selling local jewelry and found that there were many good things.

There are many bugs here, including many bright and beautiful beetles, which the locals use to make jewelry.

It's just that rich people don't like this kind of beetle jewelry and don't bother to wear it. Only people with a small fortune will buy it.

For outsiders like Frederick, gold, silver and jewelry were certainly precious, but these products with local characteristics were even more attractive.

He picked over and over again, this one was good, that one was pretty good, and he almost emptied his store.

When paying the money, Frederick suddenly saw a fishing rod behind the counter, so he asked the boss: "Is there a place for fishing near here?"

The boss was counting the money and immediately replied: "There are lakes and rivers a few kilometers east of the city, and there are many and fat fish there."

"It's hot now. When the sun comes out and it's almost noon, the fish will have no food. If you want to catch big fish, you have to go at night. But the city gate is closed at night. If you want to go out in the evening, you won't come back until dawn when the gate opens."

Frederick heard the same thing. It was a hot day and the fish had no mouth to eat at noon. He asked the boss what kind of bait the fish here eat. The boss said that just digging some earthworms on the surface of the water surface would be enough.

The boss was very happy to have done such a big deal today, and told him that there was a bridge on the east side of the river, and the locations on both sides of the bridge were the best.

Frederick made a note that he might not be able to make it in time today. He would have to go to the travel agency to check in the goods later and prepare dry food. He would rest during the day tomorrow before setting off in the evening.

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