Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 280 No fish caught


"Coming for a trip."

"No wonder he is so rich, the fishing rod is made of steel."

"Haha, it's convenient to take with you."

"You're not in a good position."


Frederick chatted with the fishing guy beside him and started to set the hook.

He didn't bring much luggage. Apart from swords and weapons, he only had a 130-liter travel bag. In addition to clothes, the backpack also contained items such as tents and raincoats, first aid kits, kettles, mats, pots and pans.

Therefore, his fishing rod is connected with four hot-dip galvanized steel pipes through external joints. It is more than two meters long and will be used as water pipes in his hometown.

There is also a steel plate in his backpack, which can be used as a shield when necessary. Connect these four steel pipes to form a small table.

This set of fishing rods and shields are made of elemental steel. If necessary, you can also attach a spear head to serve as a spearman.

Fortunately, he is also an extraordinary martial artist now, so it is not too heavy to carry so many things.

The old man fishing not far from Frederick was a nearby small landowner. Not far behind him, a servant lit the stove and was cooking dinner.

His dinner consisted of a piece of scone and fish soup made from freshly caught fish.

"Have a bowl and try the fish we have here." The old man smiled and asked the servant to give Frederick a bowl of white fish soup. "It's not that I don't give you a big bite of meat. The main thing is the fineness of this fish." There are too many bones, so you have to break the fish into pieces when making the soup and filter out the bones when you drink it.”

Frederick thanked him and took a bite. It was sour, fragrant and delicious, quite good.

At this time, the float on the river moved slightly. He drank the soup quietly without lifting the pole.

The old man next to me nodded and thought that this person is knowledgeable. At this time, the fish was testing the bait and had not eaten it yet. If he lifted the pole at this time, the fish would run away.


A carriage passed by on the stone bridge not far away from Frederick. Suddenly someone in the carriage threw some unknown garbage into the water, which scared the fish away.

The old man said to him: "I just said that position is not good."

Frederick shook his head helplessly, changed the bait and set the hook again.

It's just that this time the float didn't move for a long time.

The old man next to him hung up two fish, asked the servants to roast them, and gave one to Frederick.

This time the fish looks a bit like a big pancake. The scales are not removed and it is quite crispy when grilled.

At this time, the servant lit the insect repellent cigarette again, and Frederick and his brother started chatting.

The old man pointed to the other side of the river a hundred meters away and said: "In recent days, there have been many more people fishing by the bridge on the other side than in the past, but they are all novices. The fish lifted the rod when testing, and there was nothing. "

Frederick said: "You will know it after you fish a few times."

Then he was very depressed because no fish bit the hook and he changed the bait several times to no avail.

This time he used the most active earthworm as bait. As soon as he set the hook, there was a sound of horse hooves behind him.

Frederick ignored what was happening behind him. The float moved slightly under the moonlight, and some fish began to test the bait.

A carriage pulled by two horses ran up the stone bridge and made a noise. Fortunately, nothing was thrown and the fish did not stop testing the bait.


A violent explosion suddenly occurred on the section of the stone bridge on the other side of the river, with flames shooting into the sky. A moment later, countless stones fell like raindrops, creating a splash of water on the river.

A stone the size of a fist fell next to Frederick's float, and there was no movement for the next moment.

Frederick stared at the float in stunned silence, and then looked at the other side of the river, smelling the smell of gunpowder smoke in the air.

One of the piers of the stone bridge was blown up and the bridge deck fell into the water, making it impassable for a long time.

At this time, a group of people ran from upstream, holding weapons in their hands and wrapping their heads in turbans so that only their eyes were exposed. They were obviously not good people.

The leader saw Frederick and the fishing guy, pointed at them and shouted something, and immediately several people rushed over with machetes.

"[Local expletive]!" The old fishing guy jumped up when he heard the other party's voice, "It's the Ghazi dog!"

He picked up the saber beside him and rushed towards the opponent.

The landowners here also need to fight with the lord. Not to mention that the old man entangled those people all at once, and his servants can also help beat the sap on the side.

Frederick frowned. The Ghazi Empire and the Kingdom of Kush were now in a period of gathering strength before the next war. The bridge bombing must have been done by people from the Ghazi Empire. I am afraid there is some conspiracy behind it.

Naturally, he would not sit idly by when something happened to his allies, and immediately joined the battle group.

Frederick went to relieve his brother first, let him cover him, and then rushed into the crowd.

These people sent by the Ghazi Empire were very skilled, and there were also a few magicians. The fireballs and ground thorns they threw blocked Frederick.

The brother behind him roared, walked around, and rushed in front of the magicians regardless of the fact that he was instantly cut with a few bloody wounds.

Upon seeing this, the magician quickly retreated and opened a distance to let his companions defend themselves, but the old man rushed over.

Several people rushed over with swords in hand, preparing to attack from behind, but the servant rushed forward and bought some time for his master with his body.

The old man was still one step away from the magicians. He suddenly took out a revolver from his arms and fired almost against the enemy's head.

Frederick was entangled. Several of his opponents were proficient in combined attacks, and their offense and defense cooperated well with each other. He was caught off guard and could only retreat and defend, failing to take any advantage.

He thought to himself that these people might have come to ambush in the reed field at the end of the bridge. If the people from the Kingdom of Kush were attracted by the broken bridge when they came here, and they took the opportunity to rush out, they would most likely achieve great results.

At this time, the group of people had surrounded him and were about to attack from behind, when there was a flash of lightning and a halo of lightning swept around him.

The people of the Ghazi Empire did not expect that he could use magic, and were caught off guard and were electrocuted to the point of paralysis.

Frederick did not miss this opportunity and first killed those who were attacking.

At this time, there was another rapid sound of horse hooves. In addition to the cavalry from the army in Port Port, there were also the royal unicorn cavalry guarding Queen Simi.

Brother shouted a few times when he saw this, and they quickly joined the battle group and quickly resolved the battle.

Frederick thought to himself that there must be something important on the carriage that passed by just before the explosion. The other party judged that there would be pursuers, so they sent this group of people to ambush.

Some of the cavalrymen in the Port of Bothay recognized Frederick and told him what had happened in the city not long ago.

"What?" Frederick was startled, "The prince was stolen?"

The Ghazi Empire sent people to steal the prince of the Kingdom of Kush. There may be some big conspiracy behind this.

Not to mention the relationship between the two regimes, as far as personal relations are concerned, Mrs. Sophie put her daughter Susan next to Frederick many years ago. Everyone can understand the meaning of this operation. This relative is Can't escape.

Now that his nephew was arrested, Frederick could not remain indifferent.

The pursuers here are looking for wood to repair the broken bridge, and many people are crowded on the bridge.

Frederick glanced at another magician in the crowd who had heard him brag before, and immediately shook his head.

This guy claims to be proficient in earth magic, but I haven't seen him consciously use magic to create a passage out of the broken bridge, so that a few scouts can get through.

Frederick went to the waterside to pack his luggage, put a spear on the fishing rod, took out a set of silver scale breastplates from the luggage and put it on, took all the weapons including the shield, a kettle and a first aid kit. Leave the remaining luggage to the fishing brother for safekeeping.

"You want to catch up?" The old man jumped. He was bandaging the wound, and it started to bleed again.

Frederick nodded and said, "Yes, if it's too late and they clean up the traces, it will be hard to find. Please keep my luggage for me."

After he finished speaking, he came to the river. A lily pad with a diameter of three meters appeared in the river. After jumping on it, a clover appeared behind him.

As the clover turns, the water lily heads toward the other side of the river.

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