Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 281 Magnet

It was very lively under the moonlight, with countless insects performing the symphony of the night.

On the other side of the river, a fire broke out due to a lightning strike during the hottest period of last summer. The strong winds fueled the fire. Only a few tree trunks that were burned to charcoal were left standing or lying in the dense forest. Now there are only dense shrubs and trees half as tall as a man. Floor-high saplings.

A well-trodden road passed through it, and new horse hoof prints and ruts could be distinguished.

Frederick flew under the night, concentrating all his energy on observing the goings-on around him.

This place was too suitable for an ambush. It was impossible for the people of the Ghazi Empire not to set up an ambush here to intercept the pursuers. He used all his strength to be just in case.

In the bushes, more than twenty crossbow arrows were pointed at the road. The arrowheads and other metal parts of the crossbow were all blackened and did not reflect any light under the moonlight. They could not be spotted even if they were several meters away.

Frederick suddenly heard the sound of bowstrings and the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, less than thirty meters away from him.

He just ducked down to avoid the arrow, then threw a Destruction Mushroom in the direction of the sound, and left the explosion site without looking back.

Those crossbows are installed on stands on the roadside, and are controlled and fired through pulleys, ropes, weights, and stands holding heavy objects. The operator does not know where to hide and pulls the rope to make the stand fall, which means that the pursuer stops. , delaying time.

Similar ambushes occurred several times along the way, and Frederick did not waste time, just make these mechanisms unable to be reused.

The other party's arrangement made him more determined to rescue Prince Amir. If there wasn't a big conspiracy, he wouldn't have made such a big effort.

Perhaps it was the explosion of the Destruction Mushroom that alerted the front, and soon five cavalrymen appeared in front of Frederick.

They were arranged in two rows, three in front and two in back. Each of them was equipped with a spear, a sword, a buckler, and a bow and arrow. The three in the front held a spear, and the two at the back held a buckler and a sword for close combat.

When these cavalrymen saw that Frederick was alone, they immediately spread out. Those holding spears pressed forward, while those holding swords and shields changed to bows and arrows and outflanked him from both sides.

Frederick did not give them a chance to fully expand, and rushed forward. He suddenly drew the flying knife from his waist and threw it at their unarmored thighs and other places.

The heads of these flying knives have a hollow inlaid with a sponge-like hollow metal the size of a match head, which is filled with poison.

The five cavalrymen did not expect that Frederick could throw the flying knives from such a distance, and they were all hit by them without paying attention.

They felt a stinging pain and then lost all feeling, and symptoms of respiratory paralysis appeared after two breaths.

Frederick retracted his throwing knife and at the same time gave them a shot, picked a horse, gathered his bow and arrows and hung them on the horse, and rode after them.

At the same time, dozens of kilometers to the east, 20,000 troops and 50,000 civilians were stationed in the newly built military camp under darkness.

These troops were originally scattered in dozens of military camps in the rear. After receiving the order, they quickly rushed to the designated location and arrived at their destination almost at the same time.

In the largest tent in the center of the military camp, a man who had met Frederick several times was respectfully reporting on the current situation.

Wael reported to Fatih, Emperor of the Ghazi Empire, who was eating Happy Water Chicken Wings: "Your Majesty, a signal has been sent from the front. We have taken Prince Amir out of the port of Birse, and the people to respond have already set off."

After hearing this, Fatih put the chicken wing bones on the gold plate and said calmly: "It's up to you whether you can attract the main force of the Kingdom of Kush here this time and provide an opportunity for the southern attack."

"If this operation is done well, you Guardsmen will be able to wash away the shame of being defeated by Duke Wesson!"

Vael and the other generals of the Guards in the tent immediately knelt down on one knee. Vael said loudly: "The Guards will live up to His Majesty's trust this time!"

Fatih just nodded, picked up another Happy Water chicken wing and ate it. While eating, he said: "The success of this battle depends on how long you can hold the enemy's main force here and how long you can fight for the Southern Army. time."

"Negotiate, defend, attack, whatever you choose, I only want the result."

Then he said to a man standing behind him: "Hakan, help the Janissaries here."

Hakan, who had been to Constantbul to monitor Phocas for several years, immediately bowed to Fatih and accepted the order, knowing in his heart the reason why the emperor kept him here.

Previously, the Imperial Guards were completely wiped out in the flood. He was present at the time, so he was jointly and severally liable. However, he was the God of Dharma, and no one dared to say anything to him.

But Fatih is different. He is the emperor and has more than one strategic deterrent under his command. He can make Hakan uncomfortable within the rules.

This time the Praetorian Guards wanted to wash away their shame, and Hakan also took the opportunity to gain some extra points in the internal competition.

"By the way!" Fatih suddenly remembered something, "Have you found a wet nurse?"

Vael immediately replied: "Reporting to Your Majesty, we have arranged for several female slaves to take care of Amir and ensure that he survives until this war operation."

Fatih realized that he did not understand what he meant and asked angrily: "Do they have milk?"

Vael and the generals of the Imperial Guard looked at me and I looked at you, and they all fell silent.

Fatih pointed angrily at these guys with a chicken bone and said: "I said you guys, you guys have several children, how can you forget such a thing?!"

"Oh, do you want a one-year-old child to drink and eat meat like you?"

"If Amir starves to death and the Kingdom of Kush has no worries, I wonder how long you can survive if that woman Sophie goes crazy!"

At this time, a general immediately stepped forward and reported to the emperor: "Your Majesty, I brought a lot of condensed milk this time, which can be used to feed Amir."

Fatih asked him: "What is that?"

The general immediately replied: "That was sold to me by a smuggler. He said that the milk is dehydrated and added with some sugar. It is as viscous as honey. It can be added to tea, spread on bread and dipped in fruits. It can be mixed with water when dissolved. Drink it like milk."

"I heard that the businessman said that it was one of the rations for the Weisen State Army. He finally got a batch and sold it to me."

Fatih said to him: "Give me some when I leave tomorrow."

Vael immediately said: "There are milk-producing sheep in the sheepfold, and we can collect the milk."

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and when Vael sees someone taking the limelight, he cannot let himself fall behind.

Fatih no longer cared about such trivial matters. After wiping his hands clean with a cotton handkerchief, he stood up and said: "This battle is related to whether we can seize the Sun River estuary area, and whether you can control the Kingdom of Kush like a magnet." Attracting the main force here is the key to this battle!"

"I promise you that after victory, the Guards will have the right to choose the land first!"

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